Contemporary correspondence, trying to construct ritual.
The drugs known as Benzo's, such as valium,xanax,etc. create a distinct form of awareness.
Now the closest thing I came to was "Soma" which is obviously Binah and sedative.
I'm just curious what the best magical method would be to induce a state without using the drugs.
I know it has to do with 3 - Binah, the supernal mother. If I'm off and there are correspondences that have
been written recently alluding to those specific drugs and their effects on awareness on the level of perception.
I would love those correspondences to use in a ritua, (Use magickal correspondences and not any drugs)in an invocation of whatever core correspondence alludes to the sephira and formulae of choice for ritual.Thanks
@milkBoxx said
"I'm just curious what the best magical method would be to induce a state without using the drugs."
What state exactly? Describe the state and its purpose.
Also, is inducing the state the actual end desired? Or is it something you contemplate to be a means to other ends?
Frankly, it's difficult to describe exactly I guess the best way to say it is
someone who's been afraid to take a dive into performing the most complex rituals
suddenly finds himself pursuing them whole heartedly after ingesting the former substance I mentioned.
I mean, obviously this is an effect of the substance ingested, but my question remains as to whether this
substance would have a correspondence that conforms to the QBL. And if so, can it be invoked?I could be way off, part of me wondered if I suffer from a mild form of ADD because I can't seem to focus on one
thing at a time. I've felt an intertia, and it feels like it's been lifted. Perhaps, it's not the substance at all but
a mystical 'fire under my ass' to do the right thing. Sorry for the diatribe, I just don't want to look to a substance
to put me into this state and rather invoke a force that is at least mildly related to the effects of the drugs.
BTW the drugs seem to serve as a way to remove anxiety instantaneously. Almost as alcohol would except clear thinking
remain, and priority shifts to magickal works. It certainly is a means to an ends because I'm finally doing what i need to do
to move up a grade (which depression because of a family situation has been slowing me down due to the burdens they try
to lay on me although I'm a grown man) mind you I'm dealing with a sick and dying person so it's hard for me to say
"welp see ya later. In summation, the drugs mentioned provide an escape from others problems and allow me to focus on the
one's I neglected. Which is where my attention should be. -
Drugs aren't willpower. What your describing sounds like drugs inhibiting some personality based won't power.
Trying to use magick or mysticism to compensate for an unbalanced aspect of the personality seems the incorrect approach to me. Our job is to balance ourselves, so that magick and mysticism's amplifying effects are expressed in a balanced way.
I'm not saying that a ritual can't be part of our healing work, just that we should untangle personality knots instead of pulling harder on the strings.
@Avshalom Binyamin said
"Drugs aren't willpower. What your describing sounds like drugs inhibiting some personality based won't power.
Trying to use magick or mysticism to compensate for an unbalanced aspect of the personality seems the incorrect approach to me. Our job is to balance ourselves, so that magick and mysticism's amplifying effects are expressed in a balanced way.
I'm not saying that a ritual can't be part of our healing work, just that we should untangle personality knots instead of pulling harder on the strings."
I have to politely disagree. FOREWARNING: I'm not a drug addict by any means and I also believe these drugs have an effect on my personality with which
that heavy inertia I described was lifted. Part of healing work is self perfection and balance. As a wise man once said (to paraphrase)" Taking acid and experimenting in my younger days was great but it has to end, the real goal is to spend the rest of the time finding that form of awareness without them". I also never said drugs are will power, but their removal of anxiety (which is something I have a problem with) seemed to alleviate certain aspect in my magical work, . I'm asking if there is a way to enable an effect that's at least close to these results by the means of magick rather than a pill prescribed by a doctor. I don't plan on taking these, I just want some correspondences to drugs of a similar nature of awareness so that it can be invoked magically. For example, Binah corresponds to Soma which is not quite it but close. -
You said you'd like to use the drugs to alleviate your anxiety, why not just make a ritual to alleviate anxiety instead of trying to get temporary drug effects? Or go to therapy or do breathing practices or something?
I've never taken benzos but I've heard they're similar to alcohol and in 777 you've got the path of Resh and Tiphareth as correspondences for that. I don't know how you could make a ritual to get drug effects.... though if you do find a way please tell me lol.
Be careful man, I hear benzo withdrawal is awful.
Taking a peak at Wikipedia just to get a few starter points, I center on the following description:
"Benzodiazepines enhance the effect of [a certain neurotransmitter], resulting in sedative, hypnotic (sleep-inducing), anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), anticonvulsant, and muscle relaxant properties... These properties make benzodiazepines useful in treating anxiety, insomnia, agitation, seizures, muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal and as a premedication for medical or dental procedures...
In general, benzodiazepines are safe and effective in the short term, although cognitive impairments and paradoxical effects such as aggression or behavioral disinhibition occasionally occur. A minority react reverse and contrary to what would normally be expected. For example, a state of panic may worsen considerably following intake of a benzodiazepine..."
Based on this description, my first impression is that this class of drugs corresponds to the Path of Mem.
If I get it right you are trying to replace some anxiolytic drugs with rituals. Well, this sounds quite reasonable to me. Unhappily my experience is that the instantaneous effect usually felt with drugs are hard to mimic without extensive yoga/magick practice, on the other hand they can have a more lasting effect if properly done.
I think that you should not be aiming the ritual practice in “reducing the symptoms” but cutting the roots of the problem. Practices like middle pillar and (from my own experience) balanced invocation of the 4 elements can make it more manageable. Of course psychotherapy is extremely useful tool for this.
In my experience anxiety is more about inner short-circuit than not having energy. The idea is to slow things down a bit so you can manage to make the energy flow through the proper channels. Having this in mind, introjecting some healthy psychological (healthy group mind, some basic initiation ceremonies like Masons), patterns would be a good start.
Well, I hope that it was of some help
@ld330 said
"You said you'd like to use the drugs to alleviate your anxiety, why not just make a ritual to alleviate anxiety instead of trying to get temporary drug effects? Or go to therapy or do breathing practices or something?
I've never taken benzos but I've heard they're similar to alcohol and in 777 you've got the path of Resh and Tiphareth as correspondences for that. I don't know how you could make a ritual to get drug effects.... though if you do find a way please tell me lol.
Be careful man, I hear benzo withdrawal is awful."
That's my intention, I just need correspondences to those QBL correspondences in order to experiment with that form of awareness by magical means.
Thank you all, and thanks Jim for that very concise description.