Tree of Life- Averse Reflection
I found this picture in a book by Gareth Knight.... is it an accurate representation of the Qliphoth tree?
Where do the veils of Tohu (desoltion), Bohu (emptiness) and Chasek (darkness) be found in this representation? And the waters of chaos?
Any imput would be very much appreciated
It's a reasonable representation of the model. (I don't agree with the Malkuth attributions, but the general model is pretty well represented here).
One idea (embodied in some of the Golden Dawn derived initiation rites) is indeed that the Q'lippothic tree extends in an opposite direction from Malkuth, that one has two choices, and these have differing consequences.
There are other simultaneously valid models, also emerging from the same initiatic tradition. For example, the 11-headed serpent symbolizes many things, including shadow elements that ascend the Tree with us (our shadow content increasing with us as we increase in light, at least below the Abyss).
@Freya said
"isn't "the Bride" often associated with Malkuth? That would make more sense if its qliphothic counterpart is "the whore"...."
I wouldn't think of "whore" as qliphothic; but of course, I'm not prone to old aeonic judgment models of right and wrong. I'd consider the "prude" or the "barren woman" more counterpart to the Bride. Spinster?
The Bride is the kingdom of Earth, nature itself, which brings to mind the band Nirvana
We can have some more
Nature is a whore
Bruises on the fruit
Tender age in bloom -
I think the intension of "The Lord's Presence" is Shekhinah, which is one expression of The Bride. That's probably where he was going with that. The others aren't so bad, I just didn't want to seem to be endorsing every fine point of the diagrams.
@Takamba said
"I wouldn't think of "whore" as qliphothic; but of course, I'm not prone to old aeonic judgment models of right and wrong. I'd consider the "prude" or the "barren woman" more counterpart to the Bride. Spinster? "
Yes, as is characteristic of much of Knight's writings, there is a strong Christian theme running through the list. In most cases, this leads to valid conclusions, I think, but some of them are a little extreme.
All of his Q'lippothic items are simply translations (or paraphrases of translations) of the traditional Q'lippothic names. "Whore" is the complement of "Madonna" in his list, in a sense; in any case, it's his rendering of Lilith, the Q'lippothic queen of Malkhuth, his attempt to circumvent the name with some idea people will latch onto meaningfully. It would be more honest to say, "My own desire nature is out of control" than to say, "That woman is a whore!" <g> Nonetheless, I think that's the basic idea he's going for there.
@Faus said
"For a guy reputed to be “evil”, Crowley seems to have written very little on the qliphoth."
He catalogued them. But nowhere in any system he produced or taught is there any direct work with them required - with one exception: At least one key astral investigation of the Q'lippoth is included in every exam he ever issued for moving from Neophyte 1=10 to Zelator 2=9 in A.'.A.'.. It's long been recognized as one of the key elements of that final exam.
One of the holy books addresses them tangentially. You can find his confrontation of some of them throughout The Vision & the Voice. Other things here and there. He also taught methods and approaches to life that tend to release the living energy locked in old lifeless forms, which mostly makes the matter a moot point most of the time.
@Freya said
"did Abramelin talk about them?"
Not under that name, and it doesn't seem to me that the "Abramelin demons" (less judgmentally: spirits) are not the same as Q'lippoth.
Q'lippoth are residual lifeless forms that are still retained. They shouldn't be confused with "demons" in general.
@Jim said
" For example, the 11-headed serpent symbolizes many things, including shadow elements that ascend the Tree with us (our shadow content increasing with us as we increase in light, at least below the Abyss)."
Jim, I was thinking about your words and asked myself how is this possible? Is it because the more we know the more potential we have to do serious harm? By ascending the Tree do you mean walking the paths and spheres?
Increasing n "spirituality" does not, by itself, resolve negative patterns. It may alter our perspectives so that we, in turn, undertake to resolve old patterns, but this doesn't happen automatically.
So, as we grow, we just become expanded versions of the same critter that we were at the beginning. "Great people have great flaws: Everything about them is great." To change old patterns we have to actually place attention n changing old patterns, not just "increase in Light."
Thank you Jim, that makes a lot of sense. Regarding the Tree and its averse reflection, are there any Angel - Demons correspondences? i.e. seraphim, cherubim and their averse correspondences to the spheres?
I am trying to use the tree as a cosmic filing cabinet
@Freya said
"Thank you Jim, that makes a lot of sense. Regarding the Tree and its averse reflection, are there any Angel - Demons correspondences? i.e. seraphim, cherubim and their averse correspondences to the spheres?
I am trying to use the tree as a cosmic filing cabinet
The primary correspondences to the aversely reflected Tree are the Q'lippoth.
@Freya said
"That's very interesting, I would like to find out more about it... any books you can reccommend, please?
What attributions do you think are best for Malkuth?"Here is the picture: on the subject in a very interesting book: info at:
www.dragonrouge.neHope that helps.
The names are in 777 and 776 1/2.
There is a slightly obscure Golden Dawn paper from the Second Order called "The Unclean Spirits." It's probably the most relevantly detailed discussion of characteristics, but it takes some work. If sufficiently interested, you ought to be able to find a copy. (Going from memory, I think one of Zalewski's books reproduced it.)