Quantum entanglement really does mean magickal teleportation
Teleporting people through space, as is done in Star Trek, is impossible by the laws of physics. Teleporting information is another matter, however, thanks to the extraordinary world of quantum mechanics. Researchers at TU Delft's Kavli Institute of Nanoscience have succeeded in deterministically transferring the information contained in a quantum bit – the quantum analogue of a classical bit - to a different quantum bit 3 metres away, without the information having travelled through the intervening space: teleportation. The results will be published online in Science, on Thursday 29 May.
If you believe we are nothing more than a collection of atoms strung together in a particular way, then in principle it should be possible to teleport ourselves from one place to another," he told The Telegraph. "In practice it's extremely unlikely, but to say it can never work is very dangerous.
ps... why does this forum auto-correct "magick" to "magic"?
@Gnosomai Emauton said
"ps... why does this forum auto-correct "magick" to "magic"?"
Do you mean "magic.k.al" to "magical?" Because "magic.k.al" is not a word. Magick is, but things are magical.
Yeah, that's why. I got tired of us looking stupid for not knowing how to spell perfectly good English words, like the adjectivial form of magick.
I love that quote and the general discussion BTW. I was kinda blown away a few years ago by an article wherein Hawking revised some of his views about black holes. As part of the general topic, there was discussion of the quantum entanglement - the linking of two points in space-time with their actual distance irrelevant to the behavior - and that (for example) even when light could not pass from within the event horizon of a black hole to outside of it, information could pass because of the inherent connection of points (in some senses, they are a single point) on either side of the EH.
All good fun.
"mag·ick (măj'ĭk)
In Wicca and certain other belief systems, action or effort undertaken to effect personal transformation or external change.
[Variant of MAGIC.]
mag'ick·al adj.The American Heritage
Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright
2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved."
But... regardless... quantum entanglement? Frickin' Magick.
They have been doing this in China for years.