Communication with the Subconscious "Atu XVI"
I'm making a new thread instead of raising my old dead thread "Naval Chakra" ( <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5085</a><!-- l -->) for similar reasons.
I did take your advice Jim but I slacked and only did one meditative session on the Tower back in 2012. The entry I made was "Wednesday, Aug 29th 2012 11:30pm through 11:56 (banishing first). The following entries I have showed that I went back to my elemental work routine and added chakra cleansing for a while(which helped some but a couple years later I realized I need some therapy because it hasn't ever really went away, but self therapy will have to suffice for now).
Now, in the past year or so this started but some pain spread to my sides (if you trace a line from your belly button to your back sides) and is causing some bad issues with meditation. The only thing that quells it is daily life in a peaceful manner and asana. Ritual's standing up (like LBRP/ MP, thought today was the first time in a while that I didn't feel pain standing up because I was able to stay calm and relaxed all the way through.) sets it off almost like a burning / inflamed feeling. Back in 2012 I did a Betonite clay cleanse for 2 months which didn't help much in regard's to that(before the naval anxiety pains spread to the sides). I've recently had a cat scan of the whole area a couple weeks ago which showed nothing. The pains are triggered by conflicting thoughts, impatience, somebody irritating me, depression and such trivial stupid things that normally wouldn't bother a sane man or woman (from what I've observed).
I don't want to keep running on here so I get to the point of the post. Two nights ago I started meditations on the Tower again, this time with Crowley's card instead of the Tarot of the Elves by Lo Scarabeo. Before I repeated it on the second day I came across my old entry with a similar image / scene I perceived in in the Elf card as well as Crowley's. In 2012 I perceived a monster type thing cut the Hero's arm off (not sure which, didn't record it) in the card and left him to bleed out dry. Also Note that the previous night's dreams were filled with lighting striking everywhere (except striking me
In Crowley's card There's one window above the door which is the only one that has bars besides the door bellow and whatever that is to the left. I focused more and imagined / saw myself as a butcher behind that window in a fiery room hammering a dudes left arm that was straightened on a table. I was also the guy on the table.
I didn't use a method in 2012 except gazing at the card and seeing what "pops" out, then running with the images a bit. Now that I gave it some thought, I"m not sure if I'm doing it correctly (Never done it before, and no instructor around). So I used the Major Arcana Tarot meditation on this forum and substituted the purpose and intention, and followed the instructions there. I have more fleshed out notes from the past two nights and tonight but that's too much to cram in this one post.
My question is, is the recent method I used good? Or is their a specific meditation on the card I missed that's designed more for the purpose of letting your subconscious communicate? I appreciate everyone's thoughts / advice / and opinions -
Intuitively i'd say High Priestess... for me, currently
What i'd suggest to find out for youself is just look at each arcana one after the other, in meditative state, focusing on each image as a whole. You should feel which is the right one.
As for the bodily thing, just an idea: maybe there is a physical reason as well, related to true will. Sometimes for one's life purpose it may require specific body "mutation" that only great "irradiation" can provide. One may be surprised sometimes, after years of thinking a bodypart is ill or weakening, to discover what was actually happening. For that bodypart may have become very strong in the process, without anyone noticing it.