Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
I’m a twenty-six year old shut-in with a mild case of autism (Asperger’s Syndrome to be precise) and a rather large will to study for the sake of study. When I study a thing, I study it not with all the will that I can muster, but with all the will that there is. I study until I’m an expert in whatever thing that I wish to study, then I move on to the next thing that I wish to learn about.
Five years ago I knew nothing of computers but how to play video-games and record music. But I quickly realized that unless I was to spend the little money I acquire on computer repair shops, I needed to learn how to fix my own computer. Now I can not only fix the computer, but I can build my own custom installation media as well (so I don’t have to check for updates to the Operating System or install a lot of programs that I already know that I want).
Another thing about myself is that I have been fascinated by Aleister Crowley since I was eight years old. That story is long (how does an eight-year-old even find out about Crowley); on the occasion of my first exposure to the world-wide-web (the internet) at the age of twelve, one of the first things I looked up was the writings of Aleister Crowley.
According to Crowley: “Magick is the science and art of causing change in conformity with the will.” What a thing for a child to learn! I already knew that I liked certain things, but to find out that if I were to apply myself in such a way as to master these things so that at the slightest whim it is possible to recreate these things that I enjoy over and over again…
After my exposure to that which is called occult in general, I was exposed to divination in particular. A friend of mine showed me the Tarot Cards, which were where I learned that I have a bit of talent for divination. I played about with rune casting in those days as well.
I do not like Ouija boards one bit; it’s not that they don’t work, I just have not seen through experience that they work very well. If you are drawn to Ouija boards, by all means prove me wrong!
I have studied the science and art of causing change in conformity with the will for eighteen years. That is long enough to lose interest for many people, but there is still more that I need to learn. Not that I’m not already an adequate Mage in many applications, but there are still applications of Magick that I have not yet mastered. Solvitur Ambulando!
My latest work was a study of Geomancy, and an attempt at answering the question of whether or not a computer may be used to aid the Magickian in the casting of the figures. I will not report in this post what the results are (and I ask that opinion be withheld from THIS post; I'll make a post JUST FOR THAT as soon as I'm done introducing myself, and you can fire away there) but it should hint in the right direction to say that I am exited! An e-book of my findings should be available from Amazon tomorrow, but I promise you that I'll give more "juicy" details here, and anyone who happens to procure a copy will only be doing me a great favor. The purpose of the e-book was to present general guidelines for the development of Geomancy software to the general public (and I kept the secret safe, I even said it was unnecessary! Let them prostitute the divining art NOW! HA! And I believe I found it, even though I'm not "in." The excellent book by Jim Eshelman told me where to look for information that I might not otherwise be privy to...)
Anyway, enough about that...
I'm Frater_Sonitus, and I'll be that until I reach my next milestone!
Love is the law, love under will.
(The Computer-Geomancy post may be found at: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=13821</a><!-- l --> )
Welcome Frater!
@Frater_Sonitus said
" I study until I’m an expert in whatever thing that I wish to study, then I move on to the next thing that I wish to learn about."
Have you mastered this subjects ?
Are you able to see your preferred methodology is that and nothing else ?Pardon me jumping directly to queries.
I have a number of friends who are autistic to various degrees.
Last night, I spent a good amount of time with one of them.
He says "this is how to sing," and thinks and believes as much,
When it should be "This is how I sing"
There in lies the secret to my mentioning -
Ja... I've been an diviner for years. Tarot is useful, and Yi-King has some possible benefits. But, when I need a simple answer to a simple question, it's best to use the tack-hammer and not the bulldozer. I've adapted Geomancy to the coin-toss method of Yi-King (for the sake of simplicity) and was successful there; automating the process then seemed like a logical next step.
I can't say that I like one diviner's tool over another, per se... But for every purpose under the sun there is probably a better tool than the one you're using (not you personally). Tarot is probably the most beneficial of the common methods, and Yi-King also offers some valuable insights... But I'm not about to use a Linux Live-CD (under normal circumstances) to repair the corrupt registry of a Windows box! Just like I'm not going to use Tarot to find whether the Oakland Raiders stand a better chance of winning in the next game than the New England Patriots... In THAT case, I think I should be better off employing a bookie!
I've studied these things for many years; mastery is relative... I've only recently (last three years) learned the method of Geomancy, but I've got it down and I get consistent results (mastery?). It's kind of a cumbersome method for simple questions (the only ones that it serves really well) so I automated the process. I learned that it IS possible to get spirits "in the box." When my GUI programming gets better, I'll post an executable...