Cycles of energy build ups
Last day i got overally discharged mentally. Most things just gone much lower. That has happened many times, however interval between charging and discharging greatly increased during past years. And the state i am now is not very comfortable i feel like being wondering meat. My explanation is that HGA is involved there.
Is this high low cycle perfectly normal considering that we practice such things? -
Do you feel that the HGA could be trying to lead you into taking more conscious control of your energy balance? Sometimes we can focus way too hard on building up energy without having an outlet for it. So then it will come back and hit our bodies too hard. Not sure of the official A.'.A.'. instructions for dealing with this, but it sounds like the best strategy might be to give yourself a little break, go into nature, be gentle on yourself and recover, like an energy hangover.
Then, once you feel it building up again, there are all kinds of visualizations you can do to let it out of you if it's too much. It feels like your system might be learning how to balance itself, and it can really be difficult.