My name is Eric, I'm currently stationed in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba with the U.S. Navy. I kind of stumbled upon Thelema by accident one day when a friend posted a picture of the book "Living Thelema" and so I naturally asked "what the bleep is Thelema?". I was already deeply interested in the tarot, the concept of astral projection and other related topics so it was cool to read about something that was a synthesis of so many ideas and practices. So, I read a couple books by Lon Milo Duquette and others just out of curiosity --that was almost a year ago. I've felt time and time again that Thelema (or at least something related) is in fact my path or "will" yet it can be a very confusing maze for the beginner which I still am. So, I'm looking for, what I hope, will be some respectful and helpful discussion on Thelema and the path of AA.
A friend of mine was visiting Gitmo a couple of days last week.
Welcome aboard!
Howdy Eric! Glad to have you!