XV- The Devil Tarot Workings:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
I have been working with the Tarot deck for a little while and decided to mix the tarot cards with concepts from Chaos Magick. In CM, you create sigils and [censored]-off to the image in order to charge it, but there are many ways of course.
So, I decided that I wanted to understand the Devil card on a deeper level.
Now, the word Devil instantly hypnotizes people to think "bad, evil, burning flesh, etc" - The Devil is NOT Chorozon.
And, the devil does not manifest himself by killing, raping, molesting, etc.- The Devil card, in my experience is the True Scientist. One who is willing to die for his knowledge and is not afraid to go wherever he needs to go.Experiment: LBRP, Middle Pillar and [censored]-Off While Looking at the Card.
Results: profound increase in energy, more certain, driven, assured. The following week I clarified what specific purpose was for my career(exact job). One of the most liberating experiences ever!
I suggest everyone try this one out!
Results may vary, fun, excitement, energy, enthusiasm, NOT included: All rights reserved...lol
Love is the law, love under Will
Moving this out of the Tarot Project forum (which is reserved for a specific, structured approach), and to the general Qabbalah forum. (On second thought, given the content, make that the Magick forum.)
Thanks for sharing Seth!
The Devil's always in on the joke...until he's not...and when he's not, the joke's on him
What was the intent behind the operation if you don't mind me asking?
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law
Sorry about placing this in the wrong section. I just came across the section for unstructured ramblings. My apologies.
A few years ago, I did an almost year long Tarot exercise where I took each major arcana card and studied it for a week and then embodied it for a week by acting like the card. Very difficult. The exercise is from Christopher Hyatts book on Energized Meditation(Highly Recofuckingmendeed).
But, My original intention on the working was to figure out what the card(XV) did when projected into my psyche. I have been feeling strong in my astral body and wanted to sense/feel the energies of the card and get to know it on a deeper level. I feel like I got what I wanted from the working, but am always curious to see the after effects as taking account of all my workings and tracking the results is hard enough.
Do you have any experiences with the card?
Love is the Law, love under Will
Nothing extensive outside of this:
<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.heruraha.net/viewtopic.php?f=93&t=8554">viewtopic.php?f=93&t=8554</a><!-- l -->and this:
<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.heruraha.net/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=13425">viewtopic.php?f=89&t=13425</a><!-- l -->I've never used the tarot in the manner that you are using it but I like the sound of what you're doing!
I tried the Hyatt exercises once. Lasted about 3 weeks if I recall correctly. Of course, it was at a time when I had significantly more ambition than perseverance. I should give them a try again now that I've found a better rhythm to my work. They seemed like a really fundamental and psyche-altering way to integrate the 22 aspects of the Trumps.
@sethsethseth said
"A few years ago, I did an almost year long Tarot exercise where I took each major arcana card and studied it for a week and then embodied it for a week by acting like the card. Very difficult. The exercise is from Christopher Hyatts book on Energized Meditation(Highly Recofuckingmendeed)."
This sounds like a very interesting exercise.
I have done similar things through my poetry, writing pieces through the eyes of particular "characters.""The Devil is in the details" sums up my understanding of the ATU
With the mind set being aware of the details, but not controlled by them.
As a person can spend their entire lives collecting facts, knowledge.
Though that is not as important, in my opinion, as possessing the understanding and wisdom to use them effectively.