Circle weirdness
I was doing the LBRP in my head, so I wasn't actually turning to face the directions. I kept having a problem drawing the arc of the circle from west to north. I figured it was just something that I needed to practice, so I started focusing, drawling slowly and intently. It was still really hard. It wanted to bend inward toward me like there was some kind of bump there.
On a hunch, I tried it counterclockwise. It was easier. I could do it.
But it's like there was a presence there - a shadow guy standing there. Just standing there.
Maybe there was a shadow guy standing there
At a physical (neurological) level, there is an actual explanation: The hardest "continuing around" to do without physically turning is the arc after you have just passed the back of your head - Think of it inn terms of actually turning your head. You could only go so far without needing to come back around, face front, and then turn your head the opposite way.
I'm not ready to say this was entirely what was going on, but it's at least one factor.
I will try a technical explanation though it is very hard to describe in words...
These are a couple of metaphors which could help feel how to draw a full and continuous circle.
A circle can be broken down into straight lines. Look at the bagua. From far away it looks continuous. It depends on the perspective.
Also, the bagua has three layers. Though all of them exist in potential, not all are necessary active continuously.
When drawing a circle, you can visualise it as containing(in smaller scale) some kind of bagua inside. In other words, a simple line(or cirlce)can be broken down "invisibly" into a bagua.
Then, there is the momentum problem. To make the above work, one must keep a coninuous motion. This again is solved with the change of perspective, and also what could be called "smaller circles" or "elastic band principle". Look a circle as en eight, but that eight should have one circle big and the other very small(invisible).
Just like when you use your body. Actually, even though antagonist muscles do cease to contract in any given "right"movement, in another way, and while doing so, they also produce some other kind of force, which cannot be observed by scientific means. It is the natural counterpart, the potential, the physical equivalent of "the contradiction of any truth".
When you're aware of this, you can use this invisible force to make any thing continuous. A great way to train this is tai chi chuan practice. How to achieve such continuous and harmonious motion? You will find all the above principles at work.
An even easier(maybe) way to feel this well is using your hand or weapon to do qabalistic cross or draw physical circle. You should feel the prana in continuous motion while doing so. Now observe well what actually happens in your hand/weapon region there. What happens in terms of consciousness to make this possible your hand actually stays "activated"?
Now you may notice though you werent aware of such thing, you had no problem manifesting prana with your hands before. So from there you might see there is another problem in your bigger(or mental) circle drawing. But the difference now is you have the tools to mesure precisely what actually happens and you can "zoom in" at any given point of the process to analyse and correct further if needed.
Also i noticed the stronger electromagnetic principle in prana consciousness is, the easier the above is, to the point it will become automatic. So the ultimate answer, i'd say, is to build a powerful electromagnetic body. It is sure a powerful master isnt going to need to think about such things as the above, for his power is such great it already contains far more by its very existence, even in terms of precision and continuity. For it it was not so, such power could not exist. If one engages in the above, always the right kind of mastery should be in perspective while doing so. That is, to get the thing instant and automatic. So drill it to the point it can be forgotten again.
A bit more:
Now one have understood this, and "mastered" both the electromagnetic principle(in the above terms) and the continuity principle, so force and form applied to said problem, and have clear sight of a portion that needs to be drilled especially, that portion can be isolated. Again apply the full/empty principle, the eight which is made of one small and one big circle, but in such way: the isolated portion is big, all things else are small. Once such thing established in thy subtle vision, meditate onto The conitnuity of existence to the point is becomes balanced in your mind with the above(both the all and the portion to be drilled).
Adjust so the vision is true and stable. When good, in some way, reverse the circles. I mean, make the big small, and the small big. So the thing to be drilled gets fueled by the all, and under the supervision of The continuity of existence in an automatic way. You may notice, if you zoom in the small circle, the vibration is adjusted fast forward because of a tencency towards homeostasis. This, will enable one to master any thing if it is willed by The continuity of existence. At least(and first) it will gradually enable one(if ready) to maintain more and more meditative state in any given task and ordeal. Also it is a way of the Tao, for any thought, action, is filtered by both the all and the not in an automatic way. If you can focus verily on this while you're not yet a great master, you may notice you end up doing almost nothing, haha. For there is a long way to really master this. I guess only a real master can do it fully. Though it is possible to master it to some extent well before, and a great thing is it is very "legal" and "mistake-proof". It is a mystic way of magick, doing while doing not.
In truth, if applied on all numbers, and things, there is nothing else to do. It is the constant one pointed perfection of the great work seen as one which automatically encompasses all things. Thus all things are made perfect without even change. From a human perspective though, it is a big change, to say the least.
I've also been doing a lot of LBRPs in my mind and have run into a similar problem. What I started doing to get around the problem is "spin the space". I'd visualize myself tracing a pentagram in the east, imagine myself pointing to the center of the pentagram with my right hand and with my left hand I'd "grab" the mental image, "spin" it to a blank spot in my imagination, mentally declare to myself that I am facing south and then trace the pentagram again. I do this until I trace all 4 pentagrams and connect them. And then I return to the pentagram in the east and I don't stop until I feel a "click", which lets me know that the pentagrams are perfectly set in front of me, behind me, to my left and to my right.