What is the point of magick?
My question specifically is, what is the point of performing magick to accomplish some goal other than elevating your consciousness?
I understand that magick is the art of conferring change in alignment with one's True Will. Lets say I am aligned to some degree with my true will. When one moves in the direction of their Will, they have the entire inertia of the universe to help them, as Crowley once said.
Wouldn't the very act of me pursuing that goal (whether it be starting that company or some other goal) which is in alignment with my Will merit the aid of the universe from the very start?
I've had some great experiences with high magick which has certainly given me insight to the nature of my being, which is invaluable. But my experience with low-magick in which I am trying to accomplish something seemingly external to me usually fails. And when it fails I just assume that it was not in alignment with my true will. Is this a bad assumption?
And my rituals that do work, I assume it was aligned somewhat with my true will, and I am inclined to restrict my magical goals to purposes with some relevance to what I perceived to be my true will (based on previous success).
So in short, it seems like my attempts at low magick that I journaled only serve to show me examples of various goals that were in alignment with my true will and what is not. Lets say a few years from now that I have a full understanding of my true will. Is there any reason to perform magick to facilitate that goal? I wouldn't think it would even be necessary.
What are your thoughts on this?
"What are your thoughts on this?"
Unfortunately, I have tons of thoughts on this,
As far as magick is concerned you are attempting to conform to the current growth and next initiation no matter what level you are at. If you aren't you will eventually learn (or not...) Any mental gymnastics you do is just using reason or wearing out the ego to remove lust of result in order to get yourself back on track.
"But my experience with low-magick in which I am trying to accomplish something seemingly external to me usually fails. "
I think, therefore I have ego. I feel, therefore I have lust for results. When I am on the astral plane, lucid dreaming, or in the physical my thoughts barely ever create what I want.
For that, I would need to strap a nuclear bomb to my chest and I guarantee my intentions wouldn't conform to my true will... Intentionally using extreme duality of word to experience conflict, results would vary just like every person experiences on a day to day basis.
" Lets say a few years from now that I have a full understanding of my true will. Is there any reason to perform magick to facilitate that goal?"
Life is ritual therapy. Will is a kaleidoscope of perspectives, keep narrowing down the possibilities until you are forced to conform to your "True Heart". Do what the universe wills, keep smothering it with love until it it's word becomes law.
I keep on taking it on the "chin" over here. My beard is a sign of maturity. I hope someday I can accept the universe as my kin.
I think Magick teaches one to flow with the path of least resistance.
Like a snake, or a river, or that which comes oh so rarely at the "thrust of a needle."
Crowley's words, not mine.
But when one flows on the path of least resistance, everything else must eventually flow to the will of that which only gains more energy/inertia, be it spiritual or physical.
The more one fidgets and struggles, the less power one has to cause change in accordance with Will.
Learning the language of the Universe, (alphabets, symbols, stars, etc.,) only helps one to balance one's self to flow in this way. Even a drunkard or a child can trace pentagrams, charge them, and gain some of their balance back. This of course flows with karma and one's true nature and energy.
The more one is balanced, the less one fidgets and loses their power.
Hail Eris!
All Hail Discordia!! -
Haha-aha! Sometimes it's right to be beautiful, be-you-too-full. Even if you all you are left with afterwards is sorrow, sewing-for-tomorrow.
Shake the tree for apples till they get lodged in your teeth. Then you are eternally full and bitterness can turn into sweetness.