Do you have evocation precautions?
I sometimes have Liber AL present, personally that is often more coincidental than intentional- I don't personally feel like I need it for evocation.
I like to be clean and calm. Meditation for a few minutes before the working seems to really boost effects on my concentration and on my ability to receive subtler impressions.
I personally do not use every attribution listed in 777, but if I happen to have the appropriate scent, candle colours etc. I will use them. I have not found any benefit in using them personally, because I attune to the spirit through the sigil. If the spirit is of a particular nature e.g. of Saturn, fire etc. I will perform the appropriate invocation rituals to attune the ritual space to the nature of the spirit.
Recently I have started utilising and invocation of the Angel before evocation, this seems to aid in the working. I believe it is more down to the shift in consciousness the particular ritual gives me and perhaps a boost in confidence: I believe that is key in this type of working.
The triangle and circle are things I do use. I have performed evocations without both. Without the triangle I feel like the focal point for 'manifestation' is effected. This may have been a one time thing, but it seemed to have an effect on my ability to concentrate, everything seemed to be topsy turvy and I couldn't get any real answers. Without the circle I felt 'exposed'. I feel like something which most texts do not tell you is that it helps to trace the perimeter of the circle astrally, or rather, visualise a bright light where you place the perimeter of the circle (I personally use rope, no writing).
Other than the above, I do not really do much else. I personally do not utilise the curses, the long Hebrew invocations, or command anything by the name of any God. I have never really had the need, especially when I invoke the Angel beforehand. This again, may be a personal result. I do write my own individual call for the spirit, but I don't rely on the power of any deity to cause it to manifest.
I have stripped down the traditional instructions to suit my own needs, I cannot afford most of what the grimoires ask for, and I personally move around quite a bit and therefore don't always have every tool I need at hand. Other people may disagree and some wouldn't approve of my methods, but oh well!