Banishing Charged Objects.
For most of my magical career I have largely worked within a more psychological framework when it comes to magic- magic only affects the mind of the magician and therefore all the tools etc. are simply there as aids in focusing the mind. It seems as though now I take an approach which necessarily believes in subtle forces which whilst may interplay with the mind, can also exist outside of it.
My question is the following, everytime I practice the LBRP with objects which have previously been charged, am I banishing the charge from the objects?
For example, I have some powders and oils charged with certain energies which I utilise quite often at the minute, I leave them out because I use them most days in certain rituals which I have devised myself and which do not really run off the Golden Dawn framework. But on top of this I regularly practice the LBRP etc. I am wondering if my LBRP is discharging these objects?
I know once a talisman is charged it is to be wrapped in silk, some state this is for a psychological message to the subconscious- this item is sacred, others state that it preserves the charge and protects it during the LBRP. What I have noticed is that the instruction usually states "Newly charged talisman" does that imply that after a set amount of time the energies and links forged with the talisman cement and remain intact- unmoveable by a simple banishing ritual, or does it mean that if I am actively using a charged object but also want to perform my daily hygiene exercises, I am going to have to have an altar filled with objects wrapped in silk?
I know many people will say that not wrapping a talisman up in silk sends out the wrong message, but it doesn't for me- I don't see it as any more precious, it is already precious to me because I have crafted it and put time into it. My only qualm now is if there is a magical use for the silk, or if wrapping items in silk is purely for psychological reasons.
Any opinions/guidance would be much appreciated.
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I tend to think of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram to be misnamed. Don't think of it as "removing" or "shewing away" (which it necessarily has to do of course), but since Nature abhors a vacuum, it becomes the "invoking" of consecrated space. So....
No, you are not banishing your previous built-up works, you are consecrating them (and your space).
Thank you for your reply. I believe that makes sense and is similar to my own thoughts on the matter, I just wanted to make sure I was on the right track. I believe the LBRP has more of an equilibrating effect, it is more about balance and harmony than banishing negativity and invoking positivity- as some people like to put it.
I have always thought there is more of an invoking aspect to the ritual than a banishing one, comparing the LBRP with the Star Ruby further makes me feel this way. The ritual can be used to banish, but in daily practice, it feels more like setting aside space for the work rather than banishing all energies in the space, whatever is in the space is then consecrated to the work at hand, which in daily practice would be to carry out my Will.
If I was invoking Venus, I would naturally put away items consecrated to Mercury etc. It was more of an issue for daily work. As long as everything is consecrated in a manner which conforms to my Will all should be fine I suppose. I just wanted to make sure that all the previous work I had done was not a waste of time!
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