Formation of the Mind
Where does it come from ?
Experience, transmuted to matter
(becoming wrinkles in the brain)
that, eventually, having formed enough connections...
Wa la!
We have ourselves a "Mind."
Or would THAT be the Ego ?Better yet, one might say
"It is crafted by our Angels"
Though I would appreciate further commentaryMmm..
I see a distinct vision of an orb 'consciousness' wrapped about by a gossamer web -
The mind is formed by way of underlying tendency. Vasanas they are called in Sanskrit. The mind is like an ocean and thoughts are its body and the tendencies are the laws that create change and sway it. This is why concentration is vital to yoga practice whose aim is nirvikalpa samadhi. It silences the tendencies, though that takes discipline and perseverance. The nature of the magical circle is silence. I've said before that silence is the safeguard of all magical and mystical work. Choronzon functions by way of belief ("I am I"), its medium is the substratum of the Abyss (Da'at, knowledge). Silence bypasses all of that, for how can belief take form where there is no means to do so?
This is why all good mystics are aware (note the pun) that their own beliefs are ultimately false or counterfeit. They are but an inferior derivation of the divine intuition, who speaks not in words; the Neschama. Just don't mix the planes!