mY APOLOGIES I did not sepecify that it is written about in the book of pleasure if any one cares to look
AOS magic -
AOS magicCan any one who is familiar with Austin Osman Spare's writings explain what he means by the exhaustion of desire?
Catholic saints and JesusHow would Liber Legis and the new aeon relate to the supposed miracles and experiences of catholic saints? For example, St. Francis and Pio's stigmatas. Who was Jesus according to Thelema and how does he differ from the way catholicism sees him? I was raised catholic but I am very attracted to Thelema because I think that Crowley's explication of "ethics" and cosmology just seem to correlate with the facts of life. In other words, its the least suppressive and insane; read his commentary on "The voice of the silence" and on the first part of Liber Legis for instance and many others I wont list. On the other hand, we have mandatory celibacy of catholic priests,the demonizing of sex and other natural instincts, and dogma that pretty much can't be reconciled with the facts of life and the human psyche. yet how can we prove that Liber Legis is a genuine revelation? That life isnt a great fall and trajedy as all of Christianity and the lives of most christian saints project it to be? I want to escape that awful paradigm and sometimes I feel as if Iam close but I hav not fully reconciled things?