The only sin is restriction.
Jesus. Alot of us talk about Jesus, and when I say us. I mean alot of us in the spiritual sciences. I have had the Jesus discussion with the chaotes, the wiccans, pagans. I mean alot. It is interesting, and to hear some arguments they are quite compelling when you hear the other set of questions, you know the diffferent ones. The questions are fairly asked, and as we sit in group forums the story and credibility of Jesus dwindles. The very fact of his exsistence is questioned. Outside the Bible there is no proof. However even that has been argued. I have learned that Jesus had been.reported and recorded as to living in India, Japan, America (mormons)at different points along the scale. Just google jesus in india and you'll.get a story of him in india.
Others feel, if what has been recorded is true, that Jesus was a magician. I have been arguing this perspective myself. I have been and have come up with his last supper ritual to come back from the dead thing. High Priest Don Lewis, and blessings to Don, has stated that he feels that Jesus was a white witch.
Opinions vary, and because alot of us don't swallow by blind faith the opinions will keep.going on and on.
My experience is, I was once a pentecostal preacher and preached jesus for alot of years. But when I started waking up to.become what it is I am today. I have learned not to believe anything because someone tells you it is the truth, it's okay to question the value of anything people call a truth. Why is it true, where is the proof. I can only believe what I know according to my own experiences. I can't be overly concerned about believing something I cannot or must force myself to change what I am for.something I cannot prove to be.