neti neti indeed.
Thanks for the response .
neti neti indeed.
Thanks for the response .
I have been practicing Asana for quite some time now.
This along with a simple mindfulness of breath.
A few days ago an interesting phenomenon occurred about 20 minutes
into my practice. My breath seemed to fill my body with a strong energy
similar to invocation or some sort of bliss. This was mostly on my exhalations.
After I stopped due to a body break I felt a strong feeling of energy in my neck.
This energy feels like its radiating through my whole body and over the last few days
feels more centered around the middle of my back. It's actually making me feel quite
uneasy at times and definitely is having its peaks.
I guess I am looking to see how others have dealt with stuff like this. I am not claiming
a true kundalini awakening but its intensity has left me feeling unprepared.
At the very least I wanted to put my story out there incase I dont make it !
My curiosity has been to figure out how the yogi sees yesod vs how the magician sees yesod. What are the similarities and differences ( if any).
I then realized that it most likely has to do with a kundalini experience and the question is bogus.
How does one on the path of Raja Yoga deal with the astral plane.?
Thanks for the tips.
Maybe the whole angel thing just doesn't resonate with me. I have tried "meditating" and poems but I just can't find the passion for it.
Something like a god I could definitely muster up some flames for since I have a wealth of information to read about them.
I am only invoking for the experience of doing so. I wanted to start small with something like a choir.
How does one develop a real passion for invoking lets say a Choir of Angels?
Without a myth how am I expected to stir the astral light to attract that specific force.
I am talking about LRP with the ONLY difference in creating the pentagrams. Plenty of others rituals use imagination as means to an end.
When I do the "Middle Pillar" do I have to draw circles at all the points? (No)
I am not saying I am right. I just wanna know why I am wrong.
Well LBRP was my technique for the invocation. I was just making reference to the "Star Ruby" as an example of how I can simply imagine a pentagram.
When I do the "star ruby" I draw a banishing pentegram line per line. I can also do this with my technique described above. Tracing over then lines over and over in the appropriate direction until it is burning in my mind. My biggest set back is doubt since these things can be so subtle for me.
The " Star Ruby" uses these same visual techniques. So now are we just talking about intent?
Has anyone ever visualized the pentagrams before them vs drawing them. I imagine my hand to
be at the center and use the appropriate color and intent.
I mean the Pentagram is just as created as any other right? But I suppose you could argue that the action
of drawing it makes things alittle more manifest.
"Most magicians function in Yetzirah. "
Are you referring to a specific grade or just the ritual in general?
I asked because I wanted to start working with the elements. I wanted to choose the most beginner friendly invocation (besides pentagram rituals) and to me the word Briah (Uriel) and beginner seemed like incompatible things.
"Were I doing this operation - first, I would never speak of invoking Ghob. He's Yetziratc. You evoke him. He's of a lower level than you are. Second, the hierachy I would use for Earth would be:
BRIAH: Uriel
-- Ruler: Kerub
-- Angel: Phorlakh
-- King: Ghob"
So where does Evocation stop and Invocation begin? It seems weird to evoke an angel.
I can't believe I missed the boat on this one. Whats the next one I can hop on to?
I have often debated this within myself.
Would anyone say that performing Resh in your temple is useless?
(Not in view of sun)
Just wanted to say hello.