"let me explain that when i say "results oriented magick" i'm refering to magick that creates verifiable results. Its all well and good to do some working to say, banish fear that would impede me from doing my Will; however, I'm not really going to be able to verify those results for some time.. however, if say I need a job - and I do a working to create wealth or the means to it, and two days later I get a phone call with someone offering me a job, well my magick worked!"
Like you said yourself, you may not be able to see the results as quickly, that's not the same as not getting results. The problem is that most of the really transformative deep inner work takes time to develop, and it takes patience and determination to persist without getting what we want Right Now. Besides, I personally can think of a lot of other things to employ magick for besides getting a job. I usually just put out apps.
"I think people often times have a fear based approach to magick, fear that it won't work (so hence, they don't do any magick that they can see results from) or maybe even fear that it will, and golly jee - since I don't have K&C yet I might be using my powers for gasp evil purposes!"
Having performed work of the long-term variety for many years now I can say that the results are quite apparent. Personally I don't fear any of these things you mention, I just place more importance on Self knowledge and development than I do on 'powers' or manifesting neat phenomenon that doesn't really do anything for me that I couldn't have accomplished by a few hours of pounding the pavement, or some equally simple task. Wanting things right now, without working for them is great, but not very realistic. And really, it's not that hard learn to 'make shit happen' (in fact we all are doing it constantly, though not necessarily consciously) but to surrender the ego to the Self, to come to knowledge of your purpose in life and of how best to implement that Will in the world well... isn't that worth working and waiting for? To become a true Adept, or a true Master, one must not stop half way up the mountain because one has come across an amusement park, IMO.
"I thank Mithras I wasn't raised christian"
Osirus say's your welcome!