@PatchworkSerpen said
Something I happened upon whilst meditating on Liber AL I:8-9.
The Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs.
Worship then the Khabs, and behold my light shed over you!
It is of the utmost certainty in my mind that the formula of attainment has changed following the Equinox of the Gods, but this verse seems to change not only the method (the 'how'), but also the object of attainment: The 'what' if you will. (or less appropriately, the 'why' - Be he damned for a dog! 👿)
For as the Khabs is now defined as residing within the Khu, man is seen as being perfect in and of himself from the very beginning. Hence, the Great Work consists of a 'simplification', a making transparent of the veils that hide the innermost of the light of the 'dark star'; the initiate.
Or in fewer words, knowing and doing one's True Will in the highest harmony and perfection."
"How, then do older conceptions of 'Union with God', 'attaining Kether', 'Enlightenment' and 'Non-Dualism' fit into this system of attainment?
For if as one rises in degree of initiation one is only becoming more and more oneself, making the Khu and its derivatives a more effective vehicle for the light of the Khabs, where does 'becoming One with the All' and so on become relevant?"
It is the attaining of Khabs. It is the revealing of Oneself to oneself. " Initiation means the Journey Inwards: nothing is changed or can be changed; but all is trulier understood with every step." (Little Essays Toward Truth)
"It seems now (especially following a chance reference to this subject I discovered in The Book of Lies, Ch. 55) that these Trances appear (like samadhi) to be but siddhis, and thus distractions from the ultimate path of doing of one's Will that we, like Artemis, must ultimately reject in favour of PAN."
They ARE the realization of Pan. It is the realization of the 'All-One'; of oneself as Pan. "A man must think of himself as a LOGOS, as going, not as a fixed idea. "Do what thou wilt" is thus necessarily his formula. He only becomes Himself when he attains the loss of Egoity, of the sense of separateness. He becomes All, PAN, when he becomes Zero." (The Antecedents of Thelema)
"So has Union with God been displaced from the crown of the Summum Bonum, or merely redefined?
93, 93/93"
Redefined. I think one important point is that Thelema doesnt focus on Solve to the exclusion of Coagula (like many Hindu and Buddhist systems which seek to 'escape' or 'be liberated' from the Wheel of Rebirth). We attain to 0, but then we express that 0 as 2 with joy.