Man, this eclipse is taking no prisoners.
Apologies 2 All... -
The English Qabalah by Samuel K. Vincent@Alrah said
"Hmmm. It's different to the one I've been using on
a = 1, b = 20, c = 13, d = 6 etc.
Is that Cherubim's do you think?"
No, Cherubim's is A = 6, B = 12, C = 18 .... Z = 156
His is the "Qabalah of the Sun" (6 = The Sun, 6x26 = 156 which I love )
I have had fantastic results using Cherubim's system. I'll need to check out the other NAEQ's more closely."As for the strange G = I once spent an entire week looking through every book on symbols - going back over texts on mathematics from the middle ages, obscure chinese symbols and finally purusing old babylonian and sumerian stuff. I didn't find a symbol that came close to it. The G works in my anagram solution for verse 76, and (as they say) if it works, don't fix it! lol.
"I agree. It looks close but is clearly not a G. The upper line gives it away. This "symbols not letters/numbers" is very interesting. The fact that this MIGHT be what's referenced in III:47 makes it even more so.
"If you look very closely at the K in the handwritten ms, then theres a very faint double mark at the top of what would be the final downwards stroke if it was a K. Which is why I think it's an r. You would only draw an upwards stroke so tentatively that you have two lines at the top of it, if you were adding it later. Possibly - Rose thought the lower case r looked out of place in the company of rest of the Capitals?"
Hmmm, good catch. I'll have to study the MS later on this evening. It looks to me like a K, but I can see your point. The man was writing fast...who knows? I've been known to write strokes out of sequence when I'm in a hurry (usually botching whatever I'm writing )
The English Qabalah by Samuel K. Vincent93
Is anyone familiar with this book? I picked it up a few months ago and its impressive, but I'm not sure what to ultimately make of it. Its presented logically and is backed up by demonstrable evidence. I find it interesting, if a little confusing (which bothers me because math and gematria always have an inherent simplicity and elegance).
At the heart of this book is Mr. Vincent's claim to a discovery of the key to the English Qabalah in the (in)famous verse in II:76. His claim is that the transliteration of the letters/numbers from the manuscript to typeset is the cause of mystery to this verse and that when working from the original manuscript, some of the "numbers" are actually glyphs or symbols, and by treating them accordingly, a new order and numbering for the English alphabet is revealed.
Here's an excerpt from page 24 of the book:
"It is important to examine the original closely. The editors in the process of typesetting have made assumptions. For instance, the eighth character has been established as the numeral "2" ever since the book was first printed. There has never been any question made of this, but it might just as easily denote the letter "z". More grieving still, some of the characters are not letters at all, though they have been printed as such. Among those we note [symbol] which editors give as G, and [symbol] which is given as Y." (my note: he means the 12th and 17th letters from the left in the original manuscript)
"In reality [symbol; 'G'] is the sign of the failure of the squaring of the circle mentioned: "then this circle squared in its failure is a key also." III:47
"x is not a multiplication sign as some have suggested, nor the letters X as others have; but the male half of the squaring of the circle the symbol of which is [symbol of a circle with a 'cross' in the center] as shown in the text, which in its two variant forms lead to the success or failure of this squaring."
"The remaining characters are symbols that the Student will recognize. Some are numbers, others are letters. The nineteenth and twentieth figures appear with arcs drawn above and below them, suggesting the reversal of digits." (my note: 2<-->4, and 8<-->9; this is later explained to be a reversal for the 'final' numeration of letters S and T, respectively)
He then maps this in two columns, with the left being a vertical representation of the cypher in II:76, and the right being the value of the Hebrew key (where there is only a number, it appears in both columns).
"We Understand that any Law or Key must fulfill the old Law in a very similar way that Quantum Mechanics must contain and further explain Newtonian Physics. The truth unfolds; it is never displaced."
"We begin then, by converting these symbols to their elemental set in the Old Aeon key." (i.e. Hebrew)
4 = 4
6 = 6
3 = 3
8 = 8
A = 1
B = 2
K = 20
Z = 7
4 = 4
a = 1
L = 30
M = 40
O = 6, 70 (for Vau and Ayin, respectively)
R = 200
3 = 3
X = 9, 400 (Teth and Tau)
24 with arcs = 24, 42
89 with arcs = 89, 98
R = 200
P = 80
S = 60
T = 9, 400 (Teth and Tau)
O = 6, 70 (Vau and Ayin)
V = 6
A = 1
L = 30*Note that we have omitted the symbol for the squaring of the circle (the 12th position) for which there is no corresponing glyph in the old key.
As you can see, this omission of the "circle squared in its failure" leaves a cozy 26 lines.
He then inserts the English alphabet into the left column, while leaving the figures in the right column alone.
A = 4
B = 6
C = 3
D = 8
E = 1
F = 2
G = 20
H = 7
I = 4
J = 1
K = 30
L, L averse = 50, 70 (the 'averse' is explained in the section on the alphabet glyphs itself, adhering to AL II:55)
M = 40
N = 6, 70
O = 200
P = 3
Q = 10
R = 9,400
S = 24, 42 (42 being a final value)
T = 89, 98 (see above)
U = 200
V = 80
W = 60
X = 6, 70
Z = 6Simple enough, I suppose.
The book goes through lots of complex demonstrations of gematria (which are always fun to read), displaying how this is the 'correct' English Key based on how certain key words and phrases interlock and pass the torch, as it were, from Hebrew (Old Aeon) to English (New Aeon).
Those familiar with Thelema and Crowley will recognize the significance and weight of these numbers in correspondance to the words/phrases. Here's a few demonstrations plucked from the book. These are all from using this New Key and in some places the Hebrew-derived gematria values stay the same.
Kaos = 156 (both in Hebrew AND this new English key)
Babalon = 156 (same as above)
The Law = 220
Horus = 440
Aiwaz = 78
Aiwaz = 418 (with the W "activated"...the book goes into deep detail about some letters of the alphabet being active/passive, etc)
Aiwass = 156
Ra Hoor Khu = 666
Ra Hoor Khuit = 759 (666+93)
Ankh = 111
IT = 93
Hadit = 112 (56x2, or in his words: "the old glyph for Nu upon Chokmah")
Great work = 440 (using an "unactivated" W)
The Greak Work = 777
English Alphabet = 486
Key of this Law = 486There are also more complex demonstrations of words equating to certain phrases that contain deeper meanings in Thelemic doctrine.
One example is:Thelema = 221 (his words: "the word of the law is Thelema might translate: The Word [Aleph] + The Law = Thelema: 1 + 220 = 221")
There is also a Sepher Sephiroth-esque lexicon at the back which uses words and phrases from the various Holy Books. The author told me that in the 2nd edition (2011) this lexicon is going to be greatly expanded, which I look forward to. Lastly, a number of errors are going to be fixed (which is very important in a book on gematria).
In my opinion, this is an interesting theory which does make some sense, and does yield very interesting results. But that's all I will say about it because even with gymnastics like this, the real test for me is how does the system work in my personal life, in my magickal reality. So far, I have had decent results which prove to me that the system works. However, the jury is still out because, basically, gematria works no matter what system one uses. I've had brilliant results using Hebrew, Cherubim's English Qabalah, and others.
So, anyway, if anyone is already familiar with this man's work, what is your opinion of it? It was released over two years ago so maybe I'm late to the party, but I did a search on these forums and didn't see any mention of it.
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Book Review(s)I also own both Enochian Vision Magick and his book on the Thoth tarot. I think both are fantastic, but the Thoth book is especially good. Like TheSilent1 said above, in many ways its better than Crowley's own book simply because of the ease of use. He goes into a lot of detail on each of the cards' symbols, Qabalistic attributes, and so on. You could say its "Crowley's The Book of Thoth: For The Rest Of Us" . Its highly recommended.
He has his own Tarot called the "Tarot of Ceremonial Magick" which has just been reprinted. I don't have it yet, but I'm buying it soon. Nothing (in my humble opinion ) can trump the Thoth Tarot, but LMD's deck looks like a beefy contender in terms of the sheer magickal usefulness of the deck (he incorporates Thelema, Astrology, Qabalah, Enochian, Goetia, and more) The artwork is a little simplistic but what's inside more than makes up for it. I'm really excited to get one.
Signs of Initiation in prior incarnations93
Hello again,@Ash said
I also feel like I've been doing things backwards. It's remarkable that you bring that up - that's another point I could've added to list in the first post on this thread, had I remembered it when I made that list! (Another giant one I forgot was "I'm pretty sure I've made some primitive form of contact with my HGA." I have no idea how that didn't end up on the list, but I suppose I'm getting more tight-lipped about things like that.)"Since you brought this up, I would theorize (and I'm not an expert so correct me if I'm wrong) that this 'primitive contact' is both a common thing and an ongoing development, even from the earliest stages. At least, this was the case for me. I can only speak from my experience, but I spent a great deal of time trying to understand 'where' this contact was coming from, to say nothing of the 'why', 'who', 'when', 'how', etc. Its actually quite embarrassing when I look back on it all...
But without working in a brilliantly designed system like A.'.A.'. with a framework of the Qabalah, with teachers, etc... how else is one to proceed except through blind trial and error? That's the best way to learn, at least in my opinion. I'm a self-taught musician (again, it pours out of me like I've already done it before) and my approach to some other disciplines or areas of study are the same: always 'backwards'. I learned to play by ear and by hand, I can barely read music, and 80% of the time I couldn't tell you what chord I'm playing (but since I love to play jazz and bossa nova, those chords have some serious names anyway )
Let me make some statements on A.'.A.'. and my discovery of it to further explore this reverse/backwards feeling we're both familiar with.
I have great respect for the A.'.A.'. system, which is something I discovered WEELLLL into my Path. In fact I was completely blown away by it. Here was something that described just about everything I had been through, and was going through at the time of discovering it, was worked out a century before, and held advice for sound, further development. At last I had a map whereby I could try and match my own experiences that seemed to weave in and out of this mystical/magickal system, unbenownst to me in my blind development. To use a general example: being drawn to yoga, divination, meditation, forms of magick, Liber AL, Thelema, Qabalah, etc etc at exactly the proper 'time' that I would have been practicing and studying them had I been in A.'.A.'. from the get-go as a proper student.
Once I had the 'map', I was able to put my prior experience into a context that not only made sense, it was a very, VERY close fit. At the time of seeing these correlations, I was affected deeply and I started to re-examine my life. I was surprised to see that where I seemed to absorb or grasp information or practices far quicker than I should have, or where in some cases the end result of those practices were manifested through a different manner, the exact symbolism and correspondences of the path in question would be scattered like a buckshot all over my life-situation for however long it took me to 'get it' (sometimes weeks, months, years, etc). And when I did get it, the same symbolism and "welcoming experience" of the next Sephirah was there as well...both within and without my being. (and I am speaking very generally, here)
Needless to say, I sat up very straight in my chair and started paying attention. I took out the proverbial magnifying glass and went to work on my life and my spiritual development in particular, noting the 'synchronicities' and blatant guidance and hand-holding. The picture began to form as I neared what I was being led to.
The initial shock of seeing this all fall into place was enough of a jolt to take things up a notch, so-to-speak. It was around this time that I started to ask myself if I have done this before. It wasn't that cut and dry of course, and there's many questions I still have, but I've never known such a peace of mind, cohesion, confidence, or sense of being 'at home' with both my spiritual path, and with myself (which are, of course, the same thing).
Disclaimer: I am not officially --as in physically, on paper-- a member of A.'.A.'. Nor do I go around claiming to be a member, despite my own experiences, spiritual initiations, correlations, and being led to the doorstep of this system. In fact, I have some questions of my own about this major "life synchronicity" which I may ask, when the time is right. I might have to pick Jim's brain on this one.
"I think I attained the K&C in a previous life, but I'm not positive yet, and it doesn't matter a whole lot right now - the K&C is still far ahead from where I stand now, and I just have to put one foot in front of the other. Dwelling on the impression that I did that in a previous life is only going to de-rail my Work in this life, but the impression does stand nonetheless."
Good point and a good approach. If I might offer some advice on this, I would say put the "I think I attained in a previous life" question on hold until or if you (re)attain in this one. This will be your proof, either way. There is something specific I'm speaking of, and you will know what I mean by this. Don't shut down what you feel to be true, but rather, like you said: continue your Work from the point of view of this incarnation until the appropriate time. At least, that would be my approach. (and is!)
Best wishes.
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Signs of Initiation in prior incarnationsDo what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Greetings Ash,
This is my first post but I like to lurk and read these forums. Jim, since you posted above: Hello to you as well! Your books are fantastic and have helped me in many ways, especially in the last few months. I'm foaming at the mouth for V&V; I've been waiting on it since you first announced it!
Ash, your post is literally word for word the way I feel and have felt these last five years of my life. This year I have been trying to put the left-turn my life took into a proper context and framework. My life suddenly exploded down the mystical/magickal path (slowly but surely) when I was about 23 years old. After this took place, many of my initiations consisted less about learning "new things", per se, but UN-learning things; less about becoming "something new", and more about UN-becoming the human identity and ego I was/am (ahh, language...). To let the light shine through, and to balance all of this in my being. Or as Crowley would put it, making the veils a little less opaque. It has been a great ride, with the realization slowly dawning on me that this is not the first time I have done this. I personally feel that I am being drawn BACK to Thelema and magick, rather than discovering it for the first time. Just as you said, certain things are being absorbed and assimilated far too quickly than they 'should'. Others, on the other hand, feel like tackling a new problem.
In the beginning, the way I felt (in my first shaky steps) was that the things I was coming across, or drawing towards me, or feeling pulled towards was more like a re-awakening rather than me studying and learning something for the first time. There is a very distinct feeling to this, which I'm sure we've all felt at times. Thelema in particular was sort of 'standing by', shining briefly here and there, and it felt like I was putting the pieces back together; like I was given a puzzle but the key was withheld until I was able to use it.
I am since quite confident that "I have done this before" without knowing specific details. I just...know it. It's taken some time, but I now have a very good idea of where I'm at NOW and from that I have a better view of my life as a whole -- past and future.
At the same time, after filling in the spaces that have been stretched open inside me (for lack of a better description) in such a relatively short span of time, I see more clearly certain 'heavy areas' or 'dark spots' which are things I need to address or work on. This leads me to believe that I am continuing work that wasn't addressed or completed in a previous incarnation(s). Or, as Jim said, these could be karmic in nature. Either way, this re-awakening can sometimes grant new solutions to old problems or provide what is needed to address whatever karmic issue is 'scheduled' for this incarnation.
Another thing I have always known --without understanding WHY or HOW I knew this-- is that despite this 'spiritual left-turn' that seemed to de-rail my life, I was never "retreating from the world" to be some spiritual hermit on his mountain. Rather, I knew that I was going into a period of gestation; waiting to be 're-born', if that makes sense. I didn't understand this in the past, but I fully understand it now that the wires have re-connected and I have (re)achieved K&C.
To make one more point, I have had the pronounced feeling of doing things 'backwards' or in 'reverse'. In terms of the mystical/magickal path, it has distinctly felt like I was re-working my way to a point that I have already reached; hence the 'backwards'/'reverse' feeling.
I know I keep pretty much saying the same thing in different ways, but I just thought I would share these points of view in case anyone else has their own creeping suspicions.
Good day, all.
Love is the law, love under will.