@Alrah said
"Hmmm. It's different to the one I've been using on mysticalinternet.com/gemx/lookup.php?system=naeq
a = 1, b = 20, c = 13, d = 6 etc.
Is that Cherubim's do you think?"
No, Cherubim's is A = 6, B = 12, C = 18 .... Z = 156
His is the "Qabalah of the Sun" (6 = The Sun, 6x26 = 156 which I love ð)
I have had fantastic results using Cherubim's system. I'll need to check out the other NAEQ's more closely.
"As for the strange G = I once spent an entire week looking through every book on symbols - going back over texts on mathematics from the middle ages, obscure chinese symbols and finally purusing old babylonian and sumerian stuff. I didn't find a symbol that came close to it. The G works in my anagram solution for verse 76, and (as they say) if it works, don't fix it! lol.
I agree. It looks close but is clearly not a G. The upper line gives it away. This "symbols not letters/numbers" is very interesting. The fact that this MIGHT be what's referenced in III:47 makes it even more so.
"If you look very closely at the K in the handwritten ms, then theres a very faint double mark at the top of what would be the final downwards stroke if it was a K. Which is why I think it's an r. You would only draw an upwards stroke so tentatively that you have two lines at the top of it, if you were adding it later. Possibly - Rose thought the lower case r looked out of place in the company of rest of the Capitals?"
Hmmm, good catch. I'll have to study the MS later on this evening. It looks to me like a K, but I can see your point. The man was writing fast...who knows? I've been known to write strokes out of sequence when I'm in a hurry (usually botching whatever I'm writing ð)