Thanks for your response. You said "...might want," is there some reason I would not want it to be conductive? Second, what do you mean by conductive and how is wax more conductive? Sorry for all of the questions, but I felt slightly more confused by your response (a symptom of my inexperience I'm afraid).
Pentacle construction -
Pentacle constructionI recently stumbled upon a 8 inch wide "marble" disc, and I was thinking about using it to make a pentacle. I've heard pentacles are usually made of wax. So, I was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on a stone pentacle versus a wax one (I'm not sure if it is real marble). I currently use a concave wooden pentacle and I'm still weighing the pros and cons of a new, larger and flatter pentacle. Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks in advance for any advice.
LBRP - Unusual occurance during ritual.From what I understand about Reichan therapy(which isnt very much) yawning is the release of tension. It may seem insignificant, but when reading about Reichan therapy the Yawn is actually given a great deal of importance. During Reichan sessions a yawn supercedes all work being performed. If you begin to yawn, you're supposed to stop what your doing and go all in with it and even make a specific noise while doing so. There is a great deal of information about it that I'm not privy to, so I would consider checking this with someone more familiar with that form of therapy. But yes, In my opinion this seemingly unimportant thing could be quite important. And it is interesting to know that the body sensings in The One Year Manual are forms of Reichan therapy excercises. Understandable considering the good Doctor was a Reichan therapist.
Pilgrim_Pi_Xi_PhiHello everybody,
I figured I may as well give an introduction since I intend on posting frequently and to read posts even more frequently. I'm basically you're average 25 year old wannabe neophyte groping in the darkness for the path of my True Will. I'd like to be initiated, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that long of a pilgrimmage. Professional obligations kept me from practicing basic rituals for a bit and now that I can practice consistently different obligations are arising, barring me from attempting to try it. Look at me, assuming that if I applied for initiation that I'd be accepted. Anyway, that's about the size of it. Just looking to air concerns and get all the guidance that I can get without taking oaths.Yours in L.V.X,
Patrick D -
Variation in four quarter attributions: What's the deal?Thanks, I appreciate it.
Variation in four quarter attributions: What's the deal?I've been recently experimenting with the Ritual of the Mark of the Beast and some of the quarter attributions are confusing. I understand the general quarter attributions of the Lbrp differ from the Lbrh because the Lbrh is operating with sephirotic or planetary energies as opposed to elemental, but what is with the Ritual of the Mark of the Beast? Does it operate on a higher level since it is dealing more directly with the energies of the new Aeon? If so then would it be more appropriate to conclude with the lbrp or lbrh? Or am I completely off? Any guidance or information would be appreciated.