Welcome Sean. I'm a beginner too so please keep that in mind.
@seanatlarg said
"In what orders should Crowley's books be studied for some one new to Thelema and wanting to reach the height of there potential."
I don't know if anyone would tell you that books written by Crowley should be read in any particular order. The Book of the Law is the central text of Thelema so of course it is prioritized. The Holy Books of Thelema are also vital. From my experience, reading something I don't understand still helps immensely. As you pick up experience and knowlege everything morphs and new ideas may shed light on what was confusing before.
@seanatlarg said
"What other books would help the average intellectual understand Crowley's books and writings."
I think the works in the Student Curriculum of the A.'.A.'. were intended, in part, to get onto a common ground with the type of subject matter that Crowley teaches. Also, of great importance is a dictionary!
Crowley in Eight Lectures on Yoga. Cap. 8
@Crowley said
"You are expected to spend three months at least on the study of some of the classics on the subject. The chief object of this is not to instruct you but to familiarise you with the ground work and in particular to prevent you getting the idea that there is any right or wrong in matters of opinion. You pass an examination intended to make sure that your mind is well grounded in this matter, and you become a Probationer."
@seanatlarg said
"What other books other then Crowley's and commentary on Crowley's would help further a Thelemite."
There are plenty of things that could help you further yourself on your path. I think it is imporatant to allow your experience to determine this. "Every Man and Woman is a Star" and so that Light shines through you in a way that is unique.