Hi all,
So i have been reading posts about correspondence schools and other initiatory magickal orders and there are a few that come up regularly and seem authentic and viable to someone looking to join and engage in a reliable and genuinely spiritually connected system/order. These are:
BOTA - builders of the adytum
Fraternitas LVX Occulta - Fraternity of the hidden light
SOL - servants of the light
AS - Aurum Solis
I am at a point where I would like to start more formal and structured work, however I don't feel ready to join the A A. So I'm looking for some recommendations or information on these groups from people who have a closer understanding/relationship with the organisations.
Also I am in Australia so this should be taken into account.
Orders change over time, and as the people running them and who are a part of them change. A lot of the posts I read are a little or a lot old so be nice to find some fresh insight and the scope of consideration to take into account how they stand and operate now. So with this and what i am and am not particularly interested in forms the main guide to my inquiry, and to recommendations and info.
What I am not heaps interested in: complex gematria and an over reliance on hebrew/judaic pantheons, strong christian influences and flavour, Enochian, superiority complexes and overly large egos, too much theory and too little practical progress.
What I am interested in: Tarot, astral projection and work, alchemical symbolism, paganism, hermetic teachings and hermetic qabalah, the number seven, meditative techniques, honesty and humility.
I know some interests and disinterests are a tad contradictory, as many of them are quite co-mingled, but that's the nature of western mystery traditions it seems, and some lean one way more than others whilst still containing a sprinkling of most of them.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm really stuck on this and it is time to stop working on my own/without trustworthy correspondence, and bumbling my way through in a diffuse unstructured manner.