Shiva Tseba'oth said:
"The correlations between Sokhmet and other goddesses point to the star Sirius, know by the greek as Sothis.
You can put side by side Sopdu, Sopdet and Sekhmet. Sopdet being the mother of Venus -> Netzach. It all makes sense."
The star Sirius is identified with Isis. The linguistic similarities you note here do not mean that Sopdet and Sekhmet are the same word, nor related words. They use different roots. The prefix 'Sop' means 'sharp,' and is a reference to Sopdet/Sirius being a brilliant point in the heavens. Sekh, or sekhem, means 'powerful, mighty,' and in both cases the 'et' ending simply indicates a female name.
Not that Isis is weak, but her functions in the Egyptian pantheon(s) are quite different to those of Sekhmet. Isis can be said to correspond to several points on the Tree : Netzach, yes, Binah too, and both Gimel and Daleth. Crowley also says some interesting things in the Book of Thoth about her connection to Yod, the path of the Hermit card, which is identified with the constellation Virgo.
Sekhmet would correspond to Geburah and also the path of Teth.
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