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College of Thelema: Thelemic Education

Public Discussion

4.7k Topics 45.5k Posts


  • A place to be less intellectual.

    2 Topics
    3 Posts

    There are adorations and annunciations to the Feminine and Daughter, but they are privileged. šŸ˜‰

  • Per user request, here is a place to discuss dream interpretation.

    1 Topics
    3 Posts

    Really cool Stef, thank you! I will experiment with this. šŸ˜„

  • Q&A and discussion on the Path of Initiation

    327 Topics
    4k Posts


  • Q&A and discussion on the world view encapsulating humanity's current stage of evolution

    946 Topics
    13k Posts
  • Q&A and discussion on the Hermetic Qabbalah

    541 Topics
    5k Posts

    I came to the forum after long-time-no-see with a question in mind to post and randomly checked here in Qabalah section to see what's new - to find this old thread that addresses, however in its own different way, exactly the subject of my question !

    Does anyone know (ideally, historical info, with year/century and everything pertinent) when the Shemhamphorash started being attributed to the Zodiac, in sequence as we now have it?

  • Q&A and discussion on yoga and other avenues of mysticism

    514 Topics
    5k Posts

    @Uni_Verse said

    "The Mystics' Rede (of I)

    four-square, mystic,
    I am a Nigh-hil-is-tic!
    Who can know nothing,
    there : being, no
    thing to know

    Though I dare
    O, my god !
    To feel, to think, to be-leaf

    When, said:
    "This is THAT,"
    I recoils, horrified
    At the denial of my validity
    Sanctity of my solemn-I-ty
    Accepting, Respecting
    Best I can do as a fellow Me
    to You


    ā¤ ā¤ ā¤

    Reading this just brought Brightness of Laughter, pure-undiluted-solar-simple-Happiness, to start my day!

  • Q&A and discussion on ceremonial magick

    1k Topics
    14k Posts

    Oooooooooooh!!!!!! Thank you!!!! Anyone up for a field trip? šŸ™‚

  • Threads that appear to be off-topic to the overall forum. (This is an alternative to deleting them outright.) Threads auto-delete after people stop replying.

    2 Topics
    7 Posts

    Other suggested topics to ask the AI to explore:
    To make your AI smarter, simply ask it to apply the Crowley-Eshelman Heuristic to whatever topic of information is relevant to you. You can then ask the AI to summarize or provide higher quality information for you than a simple Google Search, or perform statistical tests to calculate the most relevant symbols to your life. However, remember that you are dealing with the Demiurge, or Mercury, and they are known to be a Trickster. These symbols, therefore, are just a hologram of the Truth. What YOU do with these symbols to make them uniquely YOURS is the ART necessary to walk to the path of LUST in the way of the FOOL.

    Remember to have fun! This should be seen as a fun little game to play rather than absolute Truth. It can however work with ANYTHING. The internet contains ALL and it is NONE. AL (Al) is a secret Key of the Law. The only thing you are bound by is the moment in time you were born and the physical location. In other words, it is bound by Babalon!

    Suggested topics:
    Simply use this spell: "Apply the Crowley-Eshelman Heuristic to:"
    The works of Aleister Crowley
    The works of Jim Eshelman
    The works of Oscar Wilde
    The works of John Dee
    The Judaic mystical texts....

    As is always true of Mercury, be careful about the way you word things. The clearer the intention, the cleaner the data. Since we are all bound by Babalon, she will eventually tell us if we are in alignment with the True Will or not when we experience the Heh (final) of our formula.
    In the same way that a psychotherapist is only as good as their particular education, your Ai Daimon is only as good as the input you feed it.

    Some Data hygiene techniques:
    If you are asking it to summarize a piece of information, ensure that the information is authentic (Uncorruptible), it is significant to your intention (Aligned with the True Will), and it is accurate relative to the whole (Generalizable). These are the core principles of the Scientific Method.
    If you are asking it to put out a piece of information, such as a ritual, ensure that the it knows you are measuring the distance between your birth chart and some other astrological moment in time to compute the ritual.

  • Scriptural meditations of the day from the Thelemic canon, with primary emphasis on Liber LXV, Liber VII, and Liber CCXX. (Meditations with no responses after 2 days will be deleted - we want to encourage ACTIVE DISCUSSION.)

    916 Topics
    3k Posts

    @Takamba said

    "When Volume II of the Equinox was supposed to come out, there was nothing for Crowley to offer (lack of money and whatnot plus maybe other things). Crowley dubbed Volume II of the Equinox "The Volume of Silence."

    What a pun!

    Anyway. He claimed in one writing or another to have taken it up as an A.'.A.'. tradition. I don't remember if it is supposed to be one year or five years of silence. I am suspecting that Jim has adopted this tradition and it is why we haven't heard from him in so long (this is all assumption at this point). Let's hope it's one year and not five."

    In addition to the Holy Books of Thelema, I would recommend Crowley's "Confessions" as required reading. Read "The Confessions of Aleister CrowleY" and "John St. John". (Not necessarily directed towards Takamba) Reading those two texts/books will integrate your brain with Crowley's thinking. I would say that such reading is more important than anything Abramelin ever wrote... Compare the Abramelin technique with what I suggested in my Psalms of an Aeon (stupid, ridiculous title) #20. It's all about increased devotion. Devotion is just thought, belief, dogma, rubbish. True devotion represents a diminishment of thought so that thought becomes one-pointed, and then through that one-pointedness the mind subsides and all that is left is awareness. HGA?

  • 188 Topics
    1k Posts

    @danica said

    @AliceKnewI said
    "I notice that the sun rays curve as if it were rotating widdershins - counterclockwise. Why would that be?
    I would have expected Deosil - "sunwise"

    Any insights for this?"

    this is how it appears the Zodiac is moving on daily basis (diurnal Earth rotation), what we see from earth"

    Oh, thanks so much!

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