Bornless Ritual effects?
Happy Halloween to everyone!
In the last week, I have been adhering to the following discipline : 20 minutes mantra yoga, LBRP, MP, BOL exercise and the Bornless RItual four or five times a day. I am also attending a Hatha Yoga class twice a week that involves Pranayama.
The Bornless Ritual is having an effect on my mundane ego, on my personality. It's as if each time I do the ritual, I seem to be more detached from my personality and seem to be able to "rest" in myself. My girlfriend and some of my friends think I'm on something LOL!! They are noticing and are asking me for some of what I'm taking! ROLF! The only problem is that the results seem to lessen with time, so I'm thinking of doing it a dozen times a day or try to be in the Bornless Ritual for a few hours! I'm not hearing any voices or seeing anything so I'm not getting the REAL effect from the ritual, but I like this! I was expecting that I would feel a merging of sorts between myself and the Bornless persona but it's as if they cancel each other out and something completely different is arising.
I wonder how the Bornless Ritual actually works. I was thinking that perhaps I should get rid of the supplication and barbarous names and just start at the attainment part as that seems to be the important part. It seems that the Bornless Ritual creates a duplicate personality in the mind with it's own unique will. Weird.Larry
Just curious, what mantra are you using, if you don't mind telling? I would imagine the Bornless Ritual works in much the same way mantra works... that is to say: it's magick. When you chant mantra of a deity, for example, the result is you invoke that deity and with more effort, you receive visions of that deity and with more effort still, you become that deity. There are mudras and mandalas, dances etc. that go with mantras and invocation of the deity. The Bornless Ritual appears to be the exact same concept to me. You are using established rituals which are the link between you and whatever the result of that ritual is supposed to be. In time, I'm sure you can look forward to hearing voices... and won't that be lovely?
@Redd Fezz said
"Just curious, what mantra are you using, if you don't mind telling? I would imagine the Bornless Ritual works in much the same way mantra works... that is to say: it's magick. When you chant mantra of a deity, for example, the result is you invoke that deity and with more effort, you receive visions of that deity and with more effort still, you become that deity. There are mudras and mandalas, dances etc. that go with mantras and invocation of the deity. The Bornless Ritual appears to be the exact same concept to me. You are using established rituals which are the link between you and whatever the result of that ritual is supposed to be. In time, I'm sure you can look forward to hearing voices... and won't that be lovely?
I'm using the mantra AUM. I forgot to note that I do not have a proper robe and am wearing a long black Batman cape during my Bornless Rituals; I want to buy a robe but perhaps I'm too far in with the cape already. I don't think I'm ready for the voices just yet. I hope I don't hear any at least until after the holidays because I have too many other projects at hand right now. I am moving out of my parents basement next month but am concerned about leaving my rather large Star Trek collection with them. If I were to start hearing a voice in the middle of all of this, I may make costly mistakes. I also hope I don't get any visions while driving as that could be dangerous.
@Mahanta70 said
I'm using the mantra AUM. "Cool. There is a good write-up of that in Initiation Into Hermetics, if I recall correctly, about how the shapes of the mouth while chanting that particular mantra represent the complete circle of creation.
@Mahanta70 said
"I forgot to note that I do not have a proper robe and am wearing a long black Batman cape during my Bornless Rituals; I want to buy a robe but perhaps I'm too far in with the cape already. I don't think I'm ready for the voices just yet. I hope I don't hear any at least until after the holidays because I have too many other projects at hand right now. I am moving out of my parents basement next month but am concerned about leaving my rather large Star Trek collection with them. If I were to start hearing a voice in the middle of all of this, I may make costly mistakes. I also hope I don't get any visions while driving as that could be dangerous."
It's interesting that you're interested in doing this but seem worried about it. This is also known as the Preliminary Invocation of the Goetia, correct? It's an exorcism ritual and a big one, Crowley's favorite. If it's such an important and protective ritual, I wouldn't think (I could be wrong) that it will screw up your life. I was doing it for quite a while along with LBRP, MPR and Liber Resh. Only thing I recall is feeling good and grounded or spaced out. Never had a scary experience. I had a CD fly against the wall and break directly in half, but I can't recall at what time that happened. I do know it was after I started getting into WMT, though. I think I was reading about Enochian, but not practicing. The CD, humorously enough, was Turbonegro's "Apocalypse Dudes." It was a little freaky and the more I investigated the possibilities, the more I realized it was definitely "paranormal," but the exact meaning of the incident (if there was a meaning) escapes me.
From the information you are giving us, I must say it sounds a bit worrisome. Although I don't believe it is likely you will have "visions while driving" I do think that it's possible to end up experiencing a part of your mind that might be traumatic. The point of the "Bornless One" is not to achieve "effects," but to unite yourself with your HGA. THAT and that alone should be the only reason for performing this rite.
I highly recommend that if you do not wish to "slow down," to start the supreme practice of Silence. I have known a couple of enthusiastic magicians who have end up in the mental hospital for a long weekend.
Well, the "I do not think I'm ready for X" part is worrisome (to me).
There are no "good" or "bad" decisions. Just decisions and consequences. One way of evaluating choices is to ask whether we're ok with the potential consequences. Obviously we can't account for all of them. But if we can imagine a few "probable" outcomes of a decision, and we're not ok with any of them... then using this basis of judgment we might want to rethink our choice.
Sometimes "failure" in our magickal endeavors can be a great blessing.
Looking back, I'm glad I didn't have my first "spiritual experience" a moment sooner, because I can't imagine it ending well.
@AvshalomBinyamin said
"Well, the "I do not think I'm ready for X" part is worrisome (to me)."
Nailed it on the head...
Also just the general "tone" reminds me of times when I was "out of balance," and really needed to take a break.
@TheSilent1 said
From the information you are giving us, I must say it sounds a bit worrisome. Although I don't believe it is likely you will have "visions while driving" I do think that it's possible to end up experiencing a part of your mind that might be traumatic. The point of the "Bornless One" is not to achieve "effects," but to unite yourself with your HGA. THAT and that alone should be the only reason for performing this rite.
I highly recommend that if you do not wish to "slow down," to start the supreme practice of Silence. I have known a couple of enthusiastic magicians who have end up in the mental hospital for a long weekend."
Is not union with the HGA an "effect"? Why do you think I should wish to "slow down"?
What makes silence a "supreme practice"? What is the benefit of being silent?
I always find that those who implore others to be silent are either trying to make themselves look interesting by pretending they know something others don't, have nothing of value to add to any conversation, or are affiliated with a crack pot religious group that has asked them to be "silent" to make themselves appear "important" and "mysterious."
By encouraging those with something of value to practice the "supreme practice of silence" you seek to control the flow of information to those who seek it and deny the ability Teach by those who may have the Need to.
I was reading through this message board this morning and found other conversations which you stifled with a suggestion of "be silent." You are a true agent of the KAL, a malevolent force of misdirection arising amongst mankind to steer truthseekers to the mire. What is your real agenda here?
To everyone reading, there is nothing of value in being silent. The only way you can truly understand something is by explaining it to others in your own words. Those who suggest others be silent are only interested in propping up whatever insignificant religious cult they belong to.
As a former initiate of Eckankar, I have seen the "practice of silence" used to manipulate sincere souls in order to discourage the free flow of knowledge and restrict it to a privileged few (who collect the $$$$ from the nitwits who pay.)
I am going to be selling my 10 volume Equniox set on ebay as well as some rare Star Trek collectibles and some super rare Dungeons & Dragons modules in stupendous shape(some are still sealed!) I'm celebrating my forty fifth birthday this week and am very excited! I'll let everyone here know when so you all have first pickings!
For those of you in California, remember to vote tomorrow to legalize pot. Everyone else, vote Republican so we can take Our country back and repel the aliens as long as we can.
Is anyone here interested in cryonics?Sri Larry
The silence thing is odd, but it is in pretty much every tradition I can think of that has to do with magick or mysticism. I am guilty of not being silent frequently and I think it has been a setback. Progress seems to stop and problems seem to arise. Why, I have no idea. I'm at the point now where I sort of don't NEED to talk about anything, but there's the damned temptation of the internet, isn't there?
Might as well be silent while you set yourself to this goal. Why not?
I'm looking forward to others' answers on Silence.
@Redd Fezz said
"You are using established rituals which are the link between you and whatever the result of that ritual is supposed to be. In time, I'm sure you can look forward to hearing voices... and won't that be lovely?
This was meant in matter of years or lives. -
@Vlad said
@Redd Fezz said
"You are using established rituals which are the link between you and whatever the result of that ritual is supposed to be. In time, I'm sure you can look forward to hearing voices... and won't that be lovely?"
This was meant in matter of years or lives."If you took a three-month retreat and performed this one ritual all day every day, you could probably get there faster.
@Vlad said
"The greatest teachers are those who teach not.
Children are our teachers."
That is the stupidest thing I've read on this board. LOL! ROLF!
Was that pearl of wisdom drawn from your own gray matter or did you pick it up from some run of the mill "new age" book"?
Children are not our teachers. That is a ridiculous and utterly false statement. Children are educated by adults so that they perhaps have something worthwhile to contribute as individuals.
This is the Temple of Thelema message board and not a Wicca "everybody is welcomed" egalitarian feel good board. I don't have much patience with Jesus freaks of any stripe.
If you can't stand the heat, you know what to do. I guess you are upset because tomorrow Real Americans are going to kick Pelosi and her goons back to their third world nurseries.
I apologize if I seem too harsh, but I just wanted to talk about the Bornless Ritual and contacting the HGA and I get really angry when I see these liberals running amok.
After tomorrow night, I'm sure I'll be just fine and dandy.
Sorry if I offended anyone.
Sri Larry -
@Mahanta70 said
@Vlad said
"The greatest teachers are those who teach not.Children are our teachers."
That is the stupidest thing I've read on this board. LOL! ROLF!
Was that pearl of wisdom drawn from your own gray matter or did you pick it up from some run of the mill "new age" book"?
Children are not our teachers. That is a ridiculous and utterly false statement. Children are educated by adults so that they perhaps have something worthwhile to contribute as individuals.
This is the Temple of Thelema message board and not a Wicca "everybody is welcomed" egalitarian feel good board. I don't have much patience with Jesus freaks of any stripe.
If you can't stand the heat, you know what to do. I guess you are upset because tomorrow Real Americans are going to kick Pelosi and her goons back to their third world nurseries.
I apologize if I seem too harsh, but I just wanted to talk about the Bornless Ritual and contacting the HGA and I get really angry when I see these lily liver weak minded liberals running amok.
After tomorrow night, I'm sure I'll be just fine and dandy.
Sorry if I offended anyone.
Sri Larry" -
@Redd Fezz said
@Vlad said
@Redd Fezz said
"You are using established rituals which are the link between you and whatever the result of that ritual is supposed to be. In time, I'm sure you can look forward to hearing voices... and won't that be lovely?"
This was meant in matter of years or lives."If you took a three-month retreat and performed this one ritual all day every day, you could probably get there faster.
I've given some thought to it. I have performed the Bornless Ritual over fifty times in the last seventy two hours. I've also had quite a bit of caffeine and gotta say I"M WIRED!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!
I now think this is the most important ritual in the history of the world. I feel like a whole new person, totally bad ass!
I was contacted by this guy who claims to have attained K&C through this ritual and is offering to guide me step by step for the paltry sum of $500.00. I'm seriously considering not moving out of my parents place and using the money to help me in this ritual. I think it would be a smarter deal in the long run. -
@Mahanta70 said
@Vlad said
"The greatest teachers are those who teach not.Children are our teachers."
That is the stupidest thing I've read on this board. LOL! ROLF!
Was that pearl of wisdom drawn from your own gray matter or did you pick it up from some run of the mill "new age" book"?
Children are not our teachers. That is a ridiculous and utterly false statement. Children are educated by adults so that they perhaps have something worthwhile to contribute as individuals.
This is the Temple of Thelema message board and not a Wicca "everybody is welcomed" egalitarian feel good board. I don't have much patience with Jesus freaks of any stripe.
If you can't stand the heat, you know what to do. I guess you are upset because tomorrow Real Americans are going to kick Pelosi and her goons back to their third world nurseries.
I apologize if I seem too harsh, but I just wanted to talk about the Bornless Ritual and contacting the HGA and I get really angry when I see these liberals running amok.
After tomorrow night, I'm sure I'll be just fine and dandy.
Sorry if I offended anyone.
Sri Larry"This has nothing to do with teaching something like math or worldly wisdom, and instead deals with knowing and doing your true will. We start out knowing who we are and what we want, but then people come into our lives and side track us from doing that. There are people who want to tell you who you are, and what you are supposed to be. Children are very good at things like enjoying the moment, but adults sometimes think about the miseries ahead and get stuck in them.
@Jastiv said
This has nothing to do with teaching something like math or worldly wisdom, and instead deals with knowing and doing your true will. We start out knowing who we are and what we want, but then people come into our lives and side track us from doing that. There are people who want to tell you who you are, and what you are supposed to be. Children are very good at things like enjoying the moment, but adults sometimes think about the miseries ahead and get stuck in them."I really, really, REALLY agree with this. I was just having a PM conversation with someone about my early childhood and how much I instinctively knew before it was educated right out of me by older people who "knew better."
There's also some weird experiences I had when I was 5 years old or less (I can clearly remember because we lived in one house until I was 5 and then moved to a new house; had I lived in one house all my life, the memories probably wouldn't stick out). I saw the "green man" (same one of all the myths). I remember being scared and ran inside, told my mom, she assured me that such a thing didn't exist and we both looked out the window and saw it wasn't there, so I went outside again and began running around a hedge of low bushes watching with glee the sparkly pixie type fairies in the brush. I didn't even have any movies or books with pixies/fairies in them. We were poor. We had a black and white tv, no cable and lived in the middle of nowhere. I also remember leaning back on the swing and looking up at the sky, seeing this huge expanse and just being blown away, amazed and wondering what this life would bring (we lived in the middle of nowhere, as I said, so there were no tall buildings and we had a huge plot of land with no trees, so I saw a HUUUUGE sky). A few years later, I remember learning that "if the sperm and egg met a second later, I may have never been born" and I was in total disbelief. I remember looking up at the moon in much the same way I looked up at that sky and just thinking that was completely wrong, that I had always been here before.