Servant Spirits and The Angel
I have been working with the same servant spirit for a while now and it has consistently proven itself to be a worthy helper. This particular spirit from the list in the Goetia has basically functioned as described in the book, and even gone beyond what I thought was possible. Recently, the relationship with my Angel has begun to deepen and I have noticed that my spirit has become even more effectual.
My question is this: Does the light of Angel have "retroactive" effects on past magick, thereby, making talismans and spirits more effectual? Or has it simply been that I have more energy to "feed" the spirit so to speak? Or could it be just part of planetary influences?
I am asking these questions because of some recent coincidences from the past week:
I wanted to purchase a new amplifier that is $800, and my workload increased so that I would have more than enough money to purchase it. When I made my goal and exceeded it the workload peeled back.
The check engine light came on in my car and I was afraid that the cost of repair would set me back so I couldn't by the amp... the repair cost nothing.
I ordered some time ago the metal to "seal" the deal with the spirit and it got sent to my old address and ended up "lost" in the mail. Yesterday it showed up when my wife checked the mailbox.
Today my friend gave me an inside tip on a business that could lead potentially to working from home and also making quite a bit of money.
Any thoughts?
I have no experience with the Goetia, but I have experience with my Angel helping me out when I needed it most.
I worked at a horrible retail job awhile back making $8 an hour (which was still pretty decent for a high school kid working his first job). It destroyed me to work there - we were treated like animals by management and the customers, and my already depressive tendencies lead me into an extremely dark place for a long time.
A new retail place had opened up nearby, and word on the street was that they paid $10 an hour - a ridiculously high pay rate for a high school kid to work for.
I decided I needed that job.
I "connected to the universe" (I still wasn't following Thelema yet at the time, and was just going by my gut), and declared that I needed this job.I didn't get the job.
Out of nowhere, a FAR better job got plopped into my lap - literally. No interview or anything, and I didn't even remember the job existed when I got hired (a distant relative works there and got me in - he barely even knows me though, and did it as a favor to my stepmom, who asked him to get me a job there of her own free will.)
Guess what the pay rate was?
$10 an hour.(I mentioned, in another thread I started, making things happen in my life without the use of ritual; this is one of two of the biggest occurrences I was thinking of.)
Goetic spirits are great guides of reality. They can teach the adept how to come in contact with not only the Sephirothic "Holy Guardian Angel" but also its Qliphothic counterpart; the Black Sun and the Dark Angel - which Kenneth Grant and Thomas Karlsson talks about.
They have a high initiatory value.
I was wondering about this sort of thing recently.
Would you consider someone who is still in a Student phase and only doing basic banishings and meditations and only one or two invocations to do a working for a servitor or servant spirit?
If it IS fine, when you do that kind of work is the spirit ever visible phsyically, like as waves in smoke or other natural environmental manifestations say, or is it almost always just in your minds eye?
How about if one is not quite perfected in their astral sight , is it worth giving it a go?
And is it the kind of entity you can just keep around you and dont have to banish after each in/e/vocation?
@christibrany said
"I was wondering about this sort of thing recently.
Would you consider someone who is still in a Student phase and only doing basic banishings and meditations and only one or two invocations to do a working for a servitor or servant spirit?""KNOW THYSELF" and you will know what you can handle.
It doesn't take too much effort to create a simple servant spirit with a temporary life span. Franz Bardon gives a simple method on how to give life to an "elemental." Remember to give the spirit a limited lifespan.
@christibrany said
If it IS fine, when you do that kind of work is the spirit ever visible phsyically, like as waves in smoke or other natural environmental manifestations say, or is it almost always just in your minds eye?"Some sort of sign of manifestation should occur, but that should not govern your success or failure in the operation. You know that your magick is successful when the spirit fulfills the charge you give it.
@christibrany said
How about if one is not quite perfected in their astral sight , is it worth giving it a go?"Practice makes perfect.
See Franz Bardon's Initiation Into Hermetics for a "simple" method to procure servant spirits without elaborate ceremonies. (If you work the book like a text book you should have no problem "seeing" and "hearing" spirits.)
@christibrany said
And is it the kind of entity you can just keep around you and dont have to banish after each in/e/vocation?
Don't banish the spirit after you evoke it. Don't call a plumber over then tell him to leave before he fixes the leak. Rather, thank the spirit for showing up, remind the spirit of the charge you have given it , have it swear an oath of loyalty, bless it in the name of the creator, and send it off to do it's job. After you know the spirit has depart wrap up it's sigil, put it away, and then banish.
thank you very much for your help! the last question is you only banish him then when he has done his job? like you can keep him around for a few days or however long it takes? you mentioned to banish him after he departs, but its unclear if you meant departed to do his chore or departed for good. sorry to be so daft