A qustion about the LBRP!
I have never read the book before, it was just a thought using magickal theory. Ultimately the archangels and the four crown princes of hell are just aspects of the same energy. I have never used them for the LBRP before, but I think I might go do it right now to see how it goes.
Thank you for your input on that...I will also do the same soon.
So by saying there aspects of the same energy you mean in theory you mean the univrse as a whole?
@SetiDraconis said
"Jim could you explain more what the "Yetziratic beings of their respective Elements" and why are they gaurded?"
There are many different categories of Yetziratic beings attributed to the Elements. Most broadly, I suppose they all can be categorized as "elementals," there there are some specific categories, including genii, angels, rulers, kings, etc.
The most senior Yetziratic beings of each element are the Kerubim. These preside over all the other beings who are of the nature of that element and exist in the World of Yetzirah."
"Also one more thing so the GD construced the LBRP from diffrant sources then and was the first Offical group of people to practice this if I understand this right?"
Unless it actually existed in an earlier, undocumented form then, yes, the Golden Dawn originated the ritual in the general form by which we know it.
@TripleFlower said
"In theory, you could use the four crown princes of hell in place of the Archangels. Just as long as you have four guardians for the elements."
Of course, if you did this, there would be different consequences, and they would depend on your soul's relationship to those particular beings.
I recommend this not be done by anyone below 5=6 or even 6=5.
So with the Yetziratic beings these "Elementals" unless there are hostile to man kind why must they be guarded then?
@SetiDraconis said
"So with the Yetziratic beings these "Elementals" unless there are hostile to man kind why must they be guarded then?"
Part of the guarding is to see that they don't penetrate into the sphere of the magician (and, more broadly, Assiah) without invitation, yes.
ahh I see..so are these the same being the exist in the "Astral" or a higher level that some Magickians some times use threw practice to gain knowledge ..some what on a Goetic level I guess?
Not to get off topic.
And in regards to the 4 crown princes of Hell [I dont like useing that term] could you elaberate on what you mean by "your soul's relationship to those particular beings" for explame one not of the Draconian Current or baically any one not posseing skills in magick and condenced mind?
@Jim Eshelman said
@TripleFlower said
"In theory, you could use the four crown princes of hell in place of the Archangels. Just as long as you have four guardians for the elements."Of course, if you did this, there would be different consequences, and they would depend on your soul's relationship to those particular beings.
I recommend this not be done by anyone below 5=6 or even 6=5."
However, Jim, how is anyone below 5=6 to know their relationships to the Archangels and more than the Four Crown Princes?
Good point on the last part...jim seems to be a very well trained magickian but it seems perhaps a little byeist[In Genral,the theory I mean] to say its ok to work with one force vs the other..of course Darker forces can be hostile to the magickian how ever those are the lower forms of being "Astral enititys" on the astral mostly[I say mostly] but I could be wrong.
Yeah I am just not sure. I have actually encountered schools of thought that say to avoid the archangels as well up to a certain point, but in the Thelemic systems you use them right away. But why do we make an exception for the archangels and not other forces/entities?
@TripleFlower said
"However, Jim, how is anyone below 5=6 to know their relationships to the Archangels and more than the Four Crown Princes?"
Generally, they aren't.
(More complete answer: There usually is a lot of progressively growing relationship to the Angel that starts a lot earlier than 5=6, so the above isn't a flawless answer.)
@TripleFlower said
"Yeah I am just not sure. I have actually encountered schools of thought that say to avoid the archangels as well up to a certain point, but in the Thelemic systems you use them right away. But why do we make an exception for the archangels and not other forces/entities?"
And classical magick does also. Basically, the Archangels are just about the single safest of magical companions and the pretty much the most useful inner plane relationships to build. They represent that toward which humanity is naturally progressing (in this life, for many!), and wholly compatible with current human consciousness.
@SetiDraconis said
"Good point on the last part...jim seems to be a very well trained magician but it seems perhaps a little byeist[In Genral,the theory I mean] to say its ok to work with one force vs the other."
It is safer for humans to work with forces compatible with the basic nature of human consciousness than it is for humans to work with forces incompatible with the basic nature of human consciousness.
It's similar to saying that it is safer for humans to breathe air that has a certain level of oxygen in it and is within a certain temperature range, rather than to breathe, say, all methane and at a temperature that destoys human cells. That's not a moral opinion, and it isn't even one biased against methane. It just anticipates the consequences of one choice or the other.
"of course Darker forces can be hostile to the magician how ever those are the lower forms of being "Astral enititys" on the astral mostly[I say mostly] but I could be wrong."
I'm not sure what that sentence means
Ill elabrate what I meant on surtant Enititys of the lower plane and them being hostile to the Magickian as I understand it...being that some of these entitys are unstble and harmfull in a number of ways and I was thinking you meant that calling forth the 4 pricnes,you were putting them in the same boat with these other darker forces [turns out that is not what you meant]..plus I feel the 4 crown princes as being Intiating forces that can and will assit one with a higher consciousness!
I agree with you on your point being that it is safer for one to work with these forces the 4 archangels becasue in my own personal experance I feel them to be neutral beings **
How ever I do feel if one is compelled and does have the seed of the "Black Flame" with in them they can do this with no damage to the person..but still even then perhaps its best one be a well balanced indviudal with a healty mind..[this is something I have yet to hear any Thelemanite touch up on at all oddly] but than again we are only talking about a Banshment Ritual.
Interesting enoghf in a simlarity [In that its a little of a darker ritual] with the 4 crown princes and Sor Nemas book she gives 2 diffrant Banshment rites that do call upon Shaitan,Maat,Babalon which ive heard many equate with lilith,but dont quate me if im wrong on that I think, I even read some were that Crowley in one of his visions conected the two.
Jim is right in his statement the vehicle is not normally strong enough to work with such volatile energies until they have progressed somewhat. Like plutonium you wouldn't just give it to anyone to handle that would just be well? dumb
The same goes for enochian or even the goetia.
@SetiDraconis said
"plus I feel the 4 crown princes as being Intiating forces that can and will assit one with a higher consciousness!"
The "Four Great Princes of the Evil of the World," so-called - Satan, Lucifer, Belial, and Leviathan - appear to be Briatic and, from every clue I have in direct experience and myth, were the archangels of a prior stage of humanity's evolution. That prior stage is very ancient. They aren't "evil" per se, but are likely to be destructive of the life, psyche, ego-formation, etc. of people making deep contact with them today.
The reason they are a problem is that, in order actually to make the contact, one needs to match one's own psyche to the very primitive level where they make actual contact. This isn't just a little primitive. It isn't anything within recorded human history. It's way way primitive. And regressing one's psyche to that level and then empowering it carries serious risks.
There is a specific stage in the Great Work where this is traditionally recommended to be undertaken. It is after one has attained to the Knowledge & Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. Then, under direct guidance and instruction, and with the assistance, of the Angel, one summons each of these in turn and does specific work with them. It is neither entirely a joke when I answer the question "Do you worship Satan?" with, "No, of course not. He worships me."
"but still even then perhaps its best one be a well balanced indviudal with a healty mind. [this is something I have yet to hear any Thelemanite touch up on at all oddly]"
It's fundamental to the assigned work within Temple of Thelema.
Yes Jim like you said these forces are primordial in nature..which we in the Left Hand Path refear to the deep watery ocean of Tiamat/Typhon that deep Primal force in nature going far deeper than the aspects of Pan.
But it is my understanding that surtant adepts have successfully taped into the primal power and part of the Intiate of the LHP is actully going back to this primal force...I dont see it as going backwords in the secne of de evolution but another state of higher consciousness vs say somes goal in qabalah becomeing one with the universe..I mean in a way we are becomeing one with the primal force a universe[perhaps a aspect of a multiverse] to which we feal all originates[The primal deep watery abyss of Tiamat/Typhon]
But dont mistake me balance is important which is what I think you are talking about I belive is important before attempting doing this.
Infact this reminds me to the initiatory practice of my Order I belong to Dragon Rouge is that each Qliphoth degree is all so done simultaneously with the corresponding Sephiroth in order to bring balance.
But say with the Tyhonaian OTO they make you work your way up to a surtant point with the tree of life before attempting working with the Qliphoth.
So I think this is a good comparson to what you are talking about.
But tell me in Thelema do most not condone any work with the Qliphothic Primal forces? Or are they open to it?
I also want to make as point that these primal dark forces are intelligent and balanced in there own right..dispite what some like to think.
IE As froclown said takeing a chainsaw to your arm!
I speak from experance to soem degree as well as other Adepts as well.
@SetiDraconis said
"But it is my understanding that surtant adepts have successfully taped into the primal power and part of the Intiate of the LHP is actully going back to this primal force."
On the Pentagram ritual - no.
On the rest - you used the correct term when you said certain adepts.
BTW, might you possibily use a spell-checker on your posts?
"I dont see it as going backwords in the secne of de evolution but another state of higher consciousness"
I submit, from personal experience, that you are wrong. Believe me or not. I've done my duty by saying so very firmly.
"Infact this reminds me to the initiatory practice of my Order I belong to Dragon Rouge is that each Qliphoth degree is all so done simultaneously with the corresponding Sephiroth in order to bring balance."
I wouldn't consider being within a hundred miles of you magically. I am quite serious. I wouldn't permit you to attend any class I might ever give if that's what you're doing. Your carcass should be burned and the ashes scattered in a hurricane. (OK, I was joking in the last sentence.)
"But tell me in Thelema do most not condone any work with the Qliphothic Primal forces? Or are they open to it?"
You're a fucking fool to mess with them until you are well along the way. (The only thing official: A standard final exam - the last test given - in passing from 1=10 to 2=9 in A.'.A.'. involves the Q'lippoth of one's own Sun-sign.)
Yes Jim my spelling sucks but dont let it reflect my intelligence.
As far as you saying "I wouldn't consider being within a hundred miles of you magically" what can I say....im defently not alone with how I feel and what I do and ive expaeranced and if you have not practiced dealing with the darker currents how can you speak on them other being in only theory.
I have done my best to understand Thelema but I think perhaps ive came to the realization that if my true will or deep aspects of my true will is off these darker primal forces..why isnt my Will respected..why has others in Thelema..[adepts that have been pumped out of Thelema of the LHP] been rejected?
You know I have much repespect for Thelema and Crowley but there are things that go far deeper than what alot speak of in Theory and some times I wounder if practice as well.
I am still learning some things as you can see with my qusitions to you but make no misake ive had some very true vivid powerfull "Occult" experances that I can say are true to me as well as other comeing from the same path as me.
I wasnt trying to pick a fight but only alaborate openly how some of what you are saying purtains to me.
actully it was nice to have some one willing to answer some qusitions for me to be honest.
I feel sorry for any one in your school jim that perhaps finds there true will to be some one who works with the Darker currents vs the archangles or what not becasue im sure they would be told there doing the wrong thing and its a illsuion of there will or some thing to that affect.
Some times I swear there is no escaping this so called Divine retrobution for being of a dark cosmic current of a sort[what ever shape it comes in]..even in the damn occult this is so.
Many of your points have been tooken just not all in agreement!