A qustion about the LBRP!
@SetiDraconis said
"plus I feel the 4 crown princes as being Intiating forces that can and will assit one with a higher consciousness!"
The "Four Great Princes of the Evil of the World," so-called - Satan, Lucifer, Belial, and Leviathan - appear to be Briatic and, from every clue I have in direct experience and myth, were the archangels of a prior stage of humanity's evolution. That prior stage is very ancient. They aren't "evil" per se, but are likely to be destructive of the life, psyche, ego-formation, etc. of people making deep contact with them today.
The reason they are a problem is that, in order actually to make the contact, one needs to match one's own psyche to the very primitive level where they make actual contact. This isn't just a little primitive. It isn't anything within recorded human history. It's way way primitive. And regressing one's psyche to that level and then empowering it carries serious risks.
There is a specific stage in the Great Work where this is traditionally recommended to be undertaken. It is after one has attained to the Knowledge & Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. Then, under direct guidance and instruction, and with the assistance, of the Angel, one summons each of these in turn and does specific work with them. It is neither entirely a joke when I answer the question "Do you worship Satan?" with, "No, of course not. He worships me."
"but still even then perhaps its best one be a well balanced indviudal with a healty mind. [this is something I have yet to hear any Thelemanite touch up on at all oddly]"
It's fundamental to the assigned work within Temple of Thelema.
Yes Jim like you said these forces are primordial in nature..which we in the Left Hand Path refear to the deep watery ocean of Tiamat/Typhon that deep Primal force in nature going far deeper than the aspects of Pan.
But it is my understanding that surtant adepts have successfully taped into the primal power and part of the Intiate of the LHP is actully going back to this primal force...I dont see it as going backwords in the secne of de evolution but another state of higher consciousness vs say somes goal in qabalah becomeing one with the universe..I mean in a way we are becomeing one with the primal force a universe[perhaps a aspect of a multiverse] to which we feal all originates[The primal deep watery abyss of Tiamat/Typhon]
But dont mistake me balance is important which is what I think you are talking about I belive is important before attempting doing this.
Infact this reminds me to the initiatory practice of my Order I belong to Dragon Rouge is that each Qliphoth degree is all so done simultaneously with the corresponding Sephiroth in order to bring balance.
But say with the Tyhonaian OTO they make you work your way up to a surtant point with the tree of life before attempting working with the Qliphoth.
So I think this is a good comparson to what you are talking about.
But tell me in Thelema do most not condone any work with the Qliphothic Primal forces? Or are they open to it?
I also want to make as point that these primal dark forces are intelligent and balanced in there own right..dispite what some like to think.
IE As froclown said takeing a chainsaw to your arm!
I speak from experance to soem degree as well as other Adepts as well.
@SetiDraconis said
"But it is my understanding that surtant adepts have successfully taped into the primal power and part of the Intiate of the LHP is actully going back to this primal force."
On the Pentagram ritual - no.
On the rest - you used the correct term when you said certain adepts.
BTW, might you possibily use a spell-checker on your posts?
"I dont see it as going backwords in the secne of de evolution but another state of higher consciousness"
I submit, from personal experience, that you are wrong. Believe me or not. I've done my duty by saying so very firmly.
"Infact this reminds me to the initiatory practice of my Order I belong to Dragon Rouge is that each Qliphoth degree is all so done simultaneously with the corresponding Sephiroth in order to bring balance."
I wouldn't consider being within a hundred miles of you magically. I am quite serious. I wouldn't permit you to attend any class I might ever give if that's what you're doing. Your carcass should be burned and the ashes scattered in a hurricane. (OK, I was joking in the last sentence.)
"But tell me in Thelema do most not condone any work with the Qliphothic Primal forces? Or are they open to it?"
You're a fucking fool to mess with them until you are well along the way. (The only thing official: A standard final exam - the last test given - in passing from 1=10 to 2=9 in A.'.A.'. involves the Q'lippoth of one's own Sun-sign.)
Yes Jim my spelling sucks but dont let it reflect my intelligence.
As far as you saying "I wouldn't consider being within a hundred miles of you magically" what can I say....im defently not alone with how I feel and what I do and ive expaeranced and if you have not practiced dealing with the darker currents how can you speak on them other being in only theory.
I have done my best to understand Thelema but I think perhaps ive came to the realization that if my true will or deep aspects of my true will is off these darker primal forces..why isnt my Will respected..why has others in Thelema..[adepts that have been pumped out of Thelema of the LHP] been rejected?
You know I have much repespect for Thelema and Crowley but there are things that go far deeper than what alot speak of in Theory and some times I wounder if practice as well.
I am still learning some things as you can see with my qusitions to you but make no misake ive had some very true vivid powerfull "Occult" experances that I can say are true to me as well as other comeing from the same path as me.
I wasnt trying to pick a fight but only alaborate openly how some of what you are saying purtains to me.
actully it was nice to have some one willing to answer some qusitions for me to be honest.
I feel sorry for any one in your school jim that perhaps finds there true will to be some one who works with the Darker currents vs the archangles or what not becasue im sure they would be told there doing the wrong thing and its a illsuion of there will or some thing to that affect.
Some times I swear there is no escaping this so called Divine retrobution for being of a dark cosmic current of a sort[what ever shape it comes in]..even in the damn occult this is so.
Many of your points have been tooken just not all in agreement!
Becasuse I am not so good with words and this fellow Draconian here[which I oddly just found on another Thelemic site] was breaking it down and explaining it.
Here it is perhaps this will shead some understanding on the matter.
Since this is a thelemic forum, and most people here probably have read what Crowley has to say about the Left Hand Path (especially in Magick Without Tears) it must be stated that what Crowley was criticising was a gross misinterpretation of what the left hand path is, that he greatly inherited by Blavatsky, something that is evident to anyone who reads it and which also academics agree on.
The tantric left hand path – the vamachara – which translates as “the left way”, “the female way” or “the way of excrements” is radically different in theory and practise than the picture that Crowley draws. Actually, many of the tenets of the really sexual esotericism of tantra can be compared to Crowleys ideas. We find no such things as ego-worship or shutting yourself up, nothing about being untrue and not accomplishing what you realize at the moment of gnosis. Most of the time the Left Hand Path is defined based on it's practises, rather than it's ideas about the goal of initiation (which is unspeakable, even to those who talk about it) Rather, the tradition regards itself as a faster way to illumination and the realisation of that. However, sometimes highly initiated adepts have been talking about The Left Hand Path as a way of going through and beyond the possibilities of the goals of the Right Hand Path.Actually, this is also the case when we look at western esoteric Left Hand Path orders, such as for instance Dragon Rouge, where becoming a God is a way of describing what lies beyond the possibilities of the highest sephiroth, a qliphotic-qabalistic way of expressing the promise of the Snake in the Garden of Eden, that if man eats from the Tree of Knowledge - which is the Qliphothic Tree, than man shall become like Gods.
The Dragon is the Tao, the extatic eternity – something that makes you think of something that Crowley indeed has written.Of course though, there are pseudo-left hand path organisations that not only have made Crowleys idea of the way their way, but also gone beyond that and reside in total materialism. Like the Church of Satan. Part of this bizarre misinterpretation of the tradition has indeed been spread to other groups with origins in CoS.
I think here in is the problem we have two very diffrant understandings on what the LHP is.
Most Thelemic tradition embrace tantric ideas. The problem is there are multiple ways of definining LHP. You label yourself attracted to the "darker" forces yet you label the LHP that you follow as the Tantric type. When Crowley criticized the LHP, he did it in the idea of those absorbed in themself and drawn to the "dark side of the force" so to speak. What is "dark" to you? Tantra? If so, then Thelema is "dark". As Jim said, dealing with the Qlippoth is going backwards to a primal state. That's the problem and why it's not natural - it's backwards.
As a note, spelling is a direct reflection on ones education which is deeply entwined with ones intelligence. On a web forum, written communication is the medium.
@SetiDraconis said
"Yes Jim my spelling sucks but dont let it reflect my intelligence."
Not intelligence - but certainly conscientiousness and care. And when it comes to magick, conscientiousness and care matter a lot!
"and if you have not practiced dealing with the darker currents how can you speak on them other being in only theory."
What leads you to think I haven't? I suspect I know them far better than you. They just aren't for beginners.
"I have done my best to understand Thelema but I think perhaps ive came to the realization that if my true will or deep aspects of my true will is off these darker primal forces..why isnt my Will respected."
It is, of course. But first, there is the question of whether you truly know your Will. (I'm not saying you don't, BTW.)
"actully it was nice to have some one willing to answer some qusitions for me to be honest."
Actually, that's all I was trying to do - be very candid and honest.
"I feel sorry for any one in your school jim that perhaps finds there true will to be some one who works with the Darker currents vs the archangles or what not becasue im sure they would be told there doing the wrong thing and its a illsuion of there will or some thing to that affect."
Then they wouldn't stay, would they? That's the key, ultimately: Whether a person feels a "match" with where he or she is working.
But I also think that you don't yet know what is light and what is dark. You have labels for things but I don't honestly think you yet know what those really mean. It would be a shame if the labels got in the way of actually understanding what we're both talking about, eh?
As far as trying to label what is "Dark" and what is "light" that had been such a complex thing to try and explain as well as so many others.
So im on the verge of trying ot give up my point..espically after what you said to me and to be honest jim, I do have a Idea of my true "Will" in that I know what direction I need to be going and it is focused with the Qliphothic tree and the Draconian current..but still with love and balance.
I think most who view people from my magickal tradtion and current see us as unstable and this is true with only "some" as its true with others in Thelema as well.
Infact some with in the OTO and TOT I would not allow get close to me magically eather to be very honest,weather for a lack of mental balanced[which we all struggle with to a point] or for the overage of right hand path energy.
This type of "Draconian" calling I feel can only be felt by those who are really of this and in my case born into it from the stand point of my higher self is conected with this force.
Understanding this and imbraceing this has not been easy and its been hard but to say what you said to me only proves that Thelema in some respcets as it exist today is not for me,escically there more I read up on what is tought as being LHP in Thelema vs what really is LHP of the old and today!
Nor does it cater to the Will of every one as it claims[and I mean will being from a occult stand point not a dumb ass]
to honest seeking to explore only the tree of life only and some aspects of the Qliphoth in my opinion is not a full understanding of the universe..or at least enoghf to attack it like such with those who practice it.
So in the end jim with the attacks and some of the diffrant theorys on the LHP from a Thelemic stand point[ which is wrong on some points badly] I would say its not for me..or at least not from the stand point of what it is today...this is not true for with Grant however[I know he is not perfect up and down with his teachings but he is on to some thing and achived some things]
Ive had a few people even tell me that if Crowley was alive today they dont think he would be pleased with modern thelema..for some reason and to be honest only going off some Intiatuion I feel this to be true.So jim becasue you seem to repasent most Thelemintes ive meet and your a teacher im going to base my decsion some what based on you as well as other things.
@SetiDraconis said
"So jim becasue you seem to repasent most Thelemintes ive meet and your a teacher im going to base my decsion some what based on you as well as other things."
LOL, that's probably not fair to everyone else but, y'know, whatever.
I was thinking about that actuly after I left for work today and I do simi take that back becasue I know some Thelemites that are alot more open to the Draconian current [and practice it even]or what ever you tidal you want to call that force.
And I am directly refearing to Intiates in the TOT!
I got to say jim I didnt expect to be attackted like that with harsh words and being from a teacher as well...and to be honest I was really enjoying learning from you untell we became at odds.
I find it funny thou with those who attack Intiates of the LHP all most all ways no one ever does there home work on it but a very few!
We may as well have been argueing about diffrant[ IE definition] things as far as we know being that we may have diffrant ideas about it as well as the lack to express myself on paper here[over the web]
But like another Intiate of Dragon Rouge said Crowleys insight on the LHP is basising what a jew is from the nazis compared to what a jew really is.
I still hold much regard to Crowley thou make no mistake
Set, a question if you don't mind.
How can anyone represent Thelemites?
Really, think on it.
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MAN .. i just spent a half hour typing out a novel to this.. and the browser ate it b/c it said i wasn't logged in.. when i was.. sigh
basically.. you'll find a lot of times that your arguing semantics coming from a LHP background when your talking to Thelemites.. its taken me two years to understand the differences in definitions and terminology.
That being said, I think when Grant and most LHP orders talk about the Qlippoth they are really refering to the "dark side of the sephiroth" rather than the actual Qlippoth which is rather radioactive. The dark side of the Sephiroth is always there, day tree or not.
@SetiDraconis said
"I got to say jim I didnt expect to be attackted like that with harsh words and being from a teacher as well...and to be honest I was really enjoying learning from you untell we became at odds."
I'm sorry you felt attacked. It wasn't my intention to attack you.
"I find it funny thou with those who attack Intiates of the LHP all most all ways no one ever does there home work on it but a very few!"
I simply responded to your presentation of yourself. I'm taking your description of yourself and your activities at face value, trusting your description of them.
Jonathan you hit it on the head my freind thank you..sorry to hear what happened and man ive had that happen a few times sucks.
but you hit it on the head on explaining it because the parts of the Qlippoth are unworkable as I understand it and no one would want to work this any way,there is no gain.
Anchorite..you are very right with what you saying just in meaning your self but jim does reprasent half the Thelemites ive meet.
Perhaps he was mad becasuse I was picking his brain for some insight
I doubt he was mad because you wanted information, it seemed rather that you were getting a bit upset b/c you were looking for some confirmation to a previous idea or thought and most likely due to different definitions to all this stuff he not only didn't agree, but highly disagreed.
I can't talk for Jim, but to most classical hermeticists and kabbalists, if you tell them your working both the qlippoth and the sephiroth at the same time as you go up the tree.. its kinda like saying..
yeah i'm invoking the most nastiest and dangerous alien/radioactive forces i possibly can.. while doing a daily LBRP and meditating a bit for balance! oh and no, i don't have a teacher who can actually work with me in person.. just over email and the like.
that MAY NOT be what your doing or talking about, matter of fact I REALLY don't think it is.. but thats how it sounds at face value to most traditional Thelemites.
Yeah back on page one of this page youll find what was said and it was harsh but no worrys im not mad over it any more.
I mean im more than sure there is a diffrance in opion with my practice out lined by the Dragon Rouge and most Thelemites probley have diffrant magickal goals minus you john and others.
But actully out of any one ive meet in Thelema you have been the most helpfull BTW
@SetiDraconis said
"Anchorite..you are very right with what you saying just in meaning your self but jim does reprasent half the Thelemites ive meet.
Perhaps he was mad becasuse I was picking his brain for some insight
Oh I see, their attitudes with regards to the specific issues at hand.
Yes, probably. The thing is not many Adepts have worked on any synthesis of the terms involved since 777 , for instance I know least 3 definitions of Left hand path and of course they vary greatly. I'm sure others know more.
I'm guessing these discussions will continue making slow headway untill someone works out a new generally agreed upon framework and syntax for these loaded terms.
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To clear up any confusion here is a flawless definition of the Left Hand Path out lined by the Dragon Rouge.
The philosophy of Dragon Rouge consists of the left hand path and its ideology. The left hand path is based on a philosophy which defines two main spiritual paths. One is the right hand path. It has influenced most forms of religion and mass movements. Its method is the light magic and its goal is the annihilation of the individual and to become one with God. The other path is the left hand path. It denotes the unique, the deviant and the exclusive. Its method is the dark magic and antinomianism (to go against the grain). The dark magical goal is to become a god.
The left hand path and dark magic is not a path of salvation that anyone can accomplish. For most people the established religions are more suitable. The left hand path is a demanding path that takes for granted that the adept is prepared to be disciplined, patient, responsible and courageous. We are strongly dissuading psychically unstable persons from taking this path. The same goes for people who are interpreting the philosophy as if we are now already gods and able to do our free will. To reach a free will and thus become like a god is a goal. We are not gods. We can become gods. In this aspect Dragon Rouge differs from many esoterists, new age ideologists and satanists who believe that we are already gods and do just have to realize it. We believe that we are carrying the divine inside us like a potential, but that we can only awake and develop this side through hard initiatoric training.
Man can pass through two births. In connection with the first birth we become individuals in relation to the mother. We are born physically. The light religions are preaching a return to the child state where one gives up freedom, will and responsibility to gain safety. Man can pass through another birth. In connection with his one we become individuals in relation to existence. We are leaving a life predetermined by outer conditions and are reaching a free will. Instead of being creations we become creators. Initiation rites among shamans, witches and magical societies have through the ages been a path to this second birth. The goal of the initiatoric magic of Dragon Rouge is a second birth and a self creation process that leads to the divinity of the individual.
So my main thing is from the above, is there aspects of Thelema and if ones Will was of this and was a Thelemanite would they be shunned or embraced?
Wouldn't be easy to see what's in those shadows by turning the lights on?
I'm half-joking... since I've being doing a lot of work with the shadow aspect of myself and in my artwork...