Vibrating the god names in the Dream state
Thanks for the insight on Yetzirah Jim, I knew this was something related to the astral, which I have been in before with the 'plastic light', however this was much less dense. I look forward to being able to enter such a state at Will. Perhaps I can pursue both training methods.
I do all of my work in the astral after the quieting and yoga. Most of the time I will perform the work in parallel with my physcial body, such as LBRP make the motions on this plane, or use the magical weapons especially for consecration. This experience, and other lucid moments, was quite different than the plastic/elastic/formless of those states. It was somehow very well defined, but 'fine' as in the density of energy was like a fine powder. I don't know another way to describe it.
This was the first time I was lucid while performing magick (or lucid doing anything with a point for that matter). Other times I quickly lost it when I said 'holy crap I'm dreaming'. This time, I felt quite at home actually. As bryan pointed out, there are challenges to remain lucid. I am taking a few steps to try and improve this and the overall process of becoming lucid:
I have a dream diary next to the bed. I consecrated it, created an etheric link by forming an astral double of the book, and then energized the sigil on the front of the diary. I meditate to look for this book during the dream.
I trained myself to habitually stop and ask: 'am I asleep' or 'am I dreaming'. By habitually programming this behavior, there is a good chance the answer will be 'yes' sometime when I am dreaming.
I plan to consecrate a Tibetan quartz using a nice Wicca ritual, and program it to enhance the ease and concentration of lucidity. I cleaned it in a consecrated sea salt matrix during some wicked lightening storms. After I consecrate and program it, I will keep it near my bed. Interestingly, the crystals 'look' the same in the dream or astral as they do with my fleshy eyes, while sometimes other shadows are grey and formless.
Another thing I am starting to see, with events like this and other successful work, is some 'foreshadowing', that is, oddities that occur before the Work, those odd correspondences and events are becoming more familiar...I guess this might be expected, knowing that the universe is not clockwork, and there is no such thing as time.
Thanks bryan for those tips as well...the mode is definitely different. If I understand, the rituals manipulate energy on all the planes, so I hope the technique will work...but yeah there is no comparison.
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It would be neat to create an altar that you go to while lucid dreaming and doing LBRP. Each attempt you can try to visualize more and more of the detail of your altar.
@PainMeridian said
"It would be neat to create an altar that you go to while lucid dreaming and doing LBRP. Each attempt you can try to visualize more and more of the detail of your altar."
Thats a great idea...I need something in there to focus on. I'll build it in the lower Yetzirah first, the levels I can access through meditation right now.
Um, I think this must have unlocked some faculty or straightened the veil a bit, either that or I broke something...really broke it. There is a tremendous amount of energy in my heart chakra, it is glowing so much I can physically feel it. More importantly, there is a 'permanent' sense of heightened awareness, of all the flesh senses and then some, but also of the universe. I now have a wizards tower, and can gaze from it through the flux and into the void. I can sense the universal will that powers manifestation, the pressure of it. These things have been increasing in intensity since I vibrated in the dream while lucid...feel lightheaded and like I need to puke every so often. I never had much of a world view or belief system that was constructed by religion or society...and this is hard. I can imagine how a heavily conditioned person could be destroyed...not that I am not, but it is ok...Will and Love are the only real tools I have that will keep it together...thank you AC! Thats some powerful mojo!
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While this persists, go "pure." That is, maximize simple and sound food, no drugs, etc. Keep the environmental insanity to a minimum so you have a realistic chance to feel what you're feeling. Arrange for a few (at least brief) times alone during the day, and use them being quiet and rhythmically breathing (non-forced). And observe and take notes! (You'll want this diary later.)
That sort of thing.
Thanks Jim, I will do this. I have been writing stuff in there but I will write even more, because there is alot of stuff. I understand it is important to get as much as possible recorded. I feel like I'm in the middle of a cosmic shitstorm.
Well its been 5 days and the effects keep coming. I thought I would let you all know a summary, but lets just say my magical diary has exploded in content
Everyday, normal objects emanate streams of stuff. Sometimes it is a steady stream other times it comes in airy puffs. I can feel my own emanations (also comes in puffs) and others. I think if I listened to an object long enough I could 'hear' the 'stuff', or gaze at it and 'see' the 'stuff'. I'm not doing either right away because the environment is very 'loud', and I have to keep myself busy to avoid zeroing in on something. Especially magical texts, are even 'louder', and I feel as if I am reading from above than below, meaning I have vast new insight into what is written...but I still cannot 'listen' to these books, too intense.
Heart chakra is still aglow, even with circulating the body of light and other exercises.
Seem to have a significant amount of energy to do stuff without tiring. Mentally I am quicker and sharper, or so it seems.
The vibrations are still resonating. And, I have gone back to the words of power and god names, and learned I can vibrate any such word in the body of light like I did in the dream, without speaking a word.
There is a constant 'pressure' on the brow chakra, like someone is pressing their fist against my forehead, or the 2 lobes of my brain are converging just behind my forehead. It does not hurt, it is just sort of there.
The body of light, and other things in the aeyther, are crisp and well formed, no more fuzzy or blobs. I do not need to imagine it any more, it is just 'there' - in better fidelity than any HD TV I have ever seen.
I recall the most intense vibration, where I was most lucid, was VE-GEVURAH. I think I can return to that state without dreaming by following the source of that vibration, which as I said shook my core.
I am wondering if I initiated into Geburah in Yetzirah. There are a few correspondences that lead me to this hypothesis. According to Dion Fortune, the color for Geburah in Yetzirah is scarlet. The waves from the vibrations were scarlet - and fits with Jim's placement in the worlds. The spiritual experience is the vision of power - the vision was vibrating the universe until it nearly fell apart. I also recall stomping my right foot, watching orbs of energy pop off, then vibrating, then stomping, dancing around like a loon. Virtue is energy - I already mentioned the energy. And of course, the most lucid vibration, dare I say it was infinitely lucid, was VE-GEVURA (the power). The heart/anahata chakra corresponds to Chesed, Geburah, and Tifaret, noting the activity of this chakra after the operation. There are other things that I wont go into here...although maybe I am reading too much into it.
Most importantly for me, although the cosmic shitstorm has not gone away, I feel a bit more comfortable, and am not light-headed or nauseous any more.
I'll post an update in a few days.
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Thanks for the update. These are very good results at this stage.
What you report is highly reminiscent of much of the work of the 1=10 of A.'.A.'. when undertaking the work that eventually opens the Path of Tav to Yesod.
(Because I've been misunderstood in this before, I suppose I should add the caveat that this isn't a recognition of a grade, and is out of the context of anything else going on in your life and work - it just means what it says.)
93 Jim,
It helps to know that you recognize some of what I am experiencing. And the advice about the diary was spot on - I wrote down everything I observed and continue to observe and could recall before and after the vibration, plus it took the edge off a bit. I understand the disclaimer :smile: and it's good to have some structure to relate to.
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"1. Everyday, normal objects emanate streams of stuff. Sometimes it is a steady stream other times it comes in airy puffs. I can feel my own emanations (also comes in puffs) and others. I think if I listened to an object long enough I could 'hear' the 'stuff', or gaze at it and 'see' the 'stuff'. I'm not doing either right away because the environment is very 'loud', and I have to keep myself busy to avoid zeroing in on something. Especially magical texts, are even 'louder', and I feel as if I am reading from above than below, meaning I have vast new insight into what is written...but I still cannot 'listen' to these books, too intense."
This is interesting to me. I think I had a similar experience although not as powerful as yours. It is as if all objects have occult properties. Cups forks lampshades. All archetypes and symbols. Jim gave me pretty much the same advice, purification, but I haven't bothered. Neither with a magickal record. I have no excuses, I just didn't do them. There isn't very much that changes in my life so anything "New" appears in "air quotes" like shining words of power.
For instance, on June 5th an explosive thought erupted in my head, Go buy a car. Then the car I owned broke down severely, I had to junk it. I pick up a new car on Monday and I'm completely in love with it. The pieces begin to fit effortlessly. There is no more strain.
I find i read the magickal texts because they are "Loud". Everywhere else is insanity, what feelings come "is".
it would be excellent if you used the energy emanating from your heart chakra to have sex.
Or build something.93 93/93
A very similar experience happened about a year ago, regarding 'noisy objects'. I walked into a mall store one day and was assailed by all of the signage and marketing crap that was spread throughout. It was all just plain yelling at me, and I had to GTF out of there. To me, this is an example of the insanity you mentioned, the noise. Sometimes I wonder if these types of things are magical weapons systems. Regular everyday objects seem to emanate quite a different way, plants are especially interesting. But they have never emanated to me before this operation.
Regarding your suggestions:
- Took care of that one (a few times), and it was excellent
- Working on it
- Took care of that one (a few times), and it was excellent
Sometimes I wonder if these things are magickal weapon systems
I am certain that they are. A big thing for me is the symbols on Old Navy T-Shirts. In fact any T-shirt or clothing from wal-mart.
Skull imagery...Iron crosses...compasses with West and an arrow pointing directly at the shirt wearer's face.
This is my superstition. There are black magicians working for the clothing stores and advertising firms using symbols to keep public consciousness at a level that "consumes" without need.
The majority of rock and roll songs about relationships describe a dysfunctional and cynical look into the musicians life. Whereas pop music is about fun and sex. Therefore if you want to get laid, listen to the latest pop. But if you want to party with buddies, the rock is as good as the booze.Even check out The Mars Volta t-shirt it is a "Traveller's Seal" that they skryed using ouija.
My buddy has the t-shirt, this is the button, but same logo. -
Plants emanate, but sometimes you have to smoke them. Or injest them sublingually, or make a tea.
Reading Castaneda and seeing that everything is a holy emanation the plants are guides. Spiritually and physically any plant can tell you where you are but mostly they are silent. When they do speak, plants such as cannabis or salvia kind of overcome their shyness. Although Ive never met Peyote, evidently, there is a shared experience of a Peyote-man which I think represents 17 in liber 777. The Labour of preparation(the throne and the altar)
Which could be mind and body with the throne and altar appearing on the astral plane, that you can visit in lucid draems. -
Shamanism is very powerful magic. Castenada's work embodies a lot of core principles such as giving thanks and respect to the spirit of the plants, opening spirit vision, and all sorts of magic. I incorporate some Shamanism in my work, mostly noting animals and their behavior, especially ones that are out of place or acting differently. I would also like to see more correspondences between this work and 777 like you pointed out. I wonder if such a comprehensive work has been done.
I am planning a Solstice Faery operation which I hope to commune with these Elementals, who oversee animals, plants, and understand more about how they carry out their duties with plants and nature in general.
"Every blade of grass has an angel bent over it saying 'Grow! Grow!'" - The Talmud
It is so interesting how different systems can be. This sounds like some spontaneous Kundalini stuff. I think some systems just happen to advance different aspects of development first in a way which is perhaps less disturbing. I can relate to what you're saying here. It actually reminds me of a period in my life several years ago where I thought I was having a nervous breakdown and I "calmed it all down" with excessive consumption of alcohol and just persevered pretending everything would wear off until I finally convinced myself there was nothing wrong and it all sort of just went away slowly.
Now, several years later, I have developed this sort of awareness again in a much gentler way and it does not bother me. Nothing is loud or overwhelming, the aspects are just there and can kind of be turned on and off at will, really. It's like going along a stream of thought or something.
I can never think of the exact words to explain it how I experience it, but basically, it is like the realization that everything is a symbol emanating properties of the reality behind the symbol through the substratum of space, which is radiating awareness. You realize the distance between the object being perceived and your eyeballs is not actually empty, but at the same time everything is ultimately equally empty with this quality that can only be described as fullness. In Tibetan terms (because it is what I'm most familiar with at this point), space is seen as an 'effulgence.' As you walk through the world of radiant space, you see moving objects as though they are moving through a great spacious 'mind,' for lack of a better word. A tree is a symbol of the reality of 'reeness; it is apparently a chicken or egg type scenario except that you instinctively know the tree doesn't need to be there, it is only there as experience, or perhaps it does need to be there as if the mind has illustrated what it's thinking. Likewise, all man-made endeavors are illustrations of man's thinking. All concepts are relative and of course we can relate to them, but we are now able to pick up aspects in a different kind of way because we are aware of this effulgent space.
My last post was rushed because I had some free tickets for a movie last night. Weirdly, it was Daniel Pinchbeck's new movie about 2012. I didn't know that when I got the free tickets; the woman just said it was about how 2012 is NOT the end of the world, so I thought it would be interesting. When I saw it was a Daniel Pinchbeck movie, I thought, "Oh no..." because whenenver recommends me his 2012 Return of Qetzecoatl book, I'm just like, "blah blah blah whatever."
The movie turned out to be really great, actually. Lots of people talking about their psychedelic experiences that reminded me of this thread. But, also, just some great ideas you don't hear about in mainstream media much at all. Like cars that run on water already exist and work well.
Is that a symbol of awareness interpreting a perception, forming a belief from that interpretation and creating an ego from the belief? If so, that is the ongoing process we can break out of and into the space of open awareness that simply observes and liberates everything.
Ah it is a fine symbol. maybe something to look for in a Dream. Another interpretation is the emergence of the 4 Worlds, with Assiah the fourth as the arrows, representing the return to Nothing in the infinite cycle of emergence, renewal, change, and return to the Source, and void of duality.