Tzaddi is not the Star
@Jim Eshelman said
"That was a hard one for me, too, until I realized that in the whole of Tarot's history this was never the case except when Waite and Case separately tried to shoehorn it into being by reversing the numbers on cards 8 and 11. Other than with Waite and Case forced-fixes, for centuries 8 has been Justice/Libra (etc.), and 11 has been Leo/Strength (etc.), and that already breaks the pattern.
"Jim, thanks a lot for the answer, that definitely clears things up! I see now how the 8/11 numbering-swap was contrived by HOGD members. However, if we're going to switch the cards 8 and 11 and keep them that way in the Thoth tarot, shouldn't 4 and 17 also be switched, to keep things strictly symmetrical? (or switch 8 and 11 back to original placements as Adjustment and Lust) I see how the number 4 may relate to the Emperor better than 17, etc., but even so, that doesn't seem to be a perfectly symmetrical switch which the *Book of Thoth *seems to boast.
@Escarabaj said
"I see now how the 8/11 numbering-swap was contrived by HOGD members."
Not HOGD in general. Just Waite and Case. The GD itself preserved 8 as Justice and 11 as Strength.
"However, if we're going to switch the cards 8 and 11 and keep them that way in the Thoth tarot, shouldn't 4 and 17 also be switched, to keep things strictly symmetrical?"
We aren't switching the numbers. We're retaining them with Teth = Atu XI and Lamed = Atu VIII. The symmetry is brought about by the letter swap which has Tzaddi (now rightly recognized as The Emperor) = Atu IV and Heh (now rightly recognized as The Star) = Atu XVII.
I might have missed a post on this, but what do you think it MEANS?
What changes in the AA system by transposing the Star with the Emperor on the path that connects Chokmah with Tiphareth?
Have I mentioned how much it irks me (which wouldn't suprise me if it was his intention to do so) that of all the major arcana, one of the only time he talks about the paths specifically within a cards description is the Emperor card in which he says:
"It is finally to be observed that the white light which descends upon him indicates the position of this card in the Tree of Life. His authority is derived from Chokmah, the creative Wisdom, the Word, and is exerted upon Tiphareth, the organized man."
Bill Heidrick puts it this way in one of his online pages:
Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh = is the secret force (Hermit) entering the organizing of forms (Emperor) to teach the true nature (Hierophant) of the order of creation (Emperor).or, using Crowley's correspondence between and The Star Trump:
Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh = is the secret force (Hermit) entering the totality of the creation (Star) to inform (Hierophant) all that exists (Star)."
I'm wondering if you have a summary-like take (such as this one) on the change and how it plays out in:
- Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh scheme
- Tree of life paths scheme
I note (and enjoy) your explanation within the Practicus Grade Guide that the Path of Tzaddi (which is now the Emperor from Netzach to Yesod) = Liber HHH's SSS Fire like raising of the Kundalini - however I, as I've already whined, am missing the accompanying expose on the new connection between the Star, Heh and it's accompanying tasks (lowley me-man ain't not he-man)
How does that link up to Liber Viarum Viae and it's placement as
- Heh, The Formulation of the Flaming Star. Liber V. in it's original position between Tiphareth and Chokmah
- Tzaddi, The Adoration under the Starry Heaven. Liber XI, NV (from
Liber CCXX) in it's position between Netzach and Yesod
Thanks much once again! Love having a person I can finally ask ridiculously eccentric questions like this to/at!
@Scarecrow said
"I might have missed a post on this, but what do you think it MEANS?
What changes in the AA system by transposing the Star with the Emperor on the path that connects Chokmah with Tiphareth?"
I don't think it was a transposition. I don't think there was a change. I think this was always the correct pattern in (spiritual-psychological) nature, and was simply understood wrong.
Kabbalah anticipated this. The Zohar contains the message that Tzaddi contained a mystery that had to be kept secret for a later time. The experience of the opening of Tiphereth to Chokmah along the Path of Heh was always the mystery of the Cosmic Mother, the Lady of the Stars.
What did change was our knowledge of this; and it occurred at a time when humanity no longer needed (for its short-term psycho-spiritual development, the emergence of the Ruach) to mistakenly assert The Emperor in the place of Heh. - One reason the error was allowed to persevere so long was likely that almost none in the history of the world had crossed that Path in actuality and attained to Chokmah.
Of course, many would have crossed the Path of Tzaddi. The Star was masking what was really happening there. Why was it so easy to miss what was happening here? Mostly we have only good guesses. Surely not the least of the reasons was that few who were in charge of the formalized Mysteries really understood the Mystery of the Feminine during the last aeon; and the experience of Tzaddi-Aries was easy to confuse with an opening to the Fire of Netzach.
"Have I mentioned how much it irks me..."
Oh, get over it
The Book of Thoth is filled with typos and small mistakes.
"I'm wondering if you have a summary-like take (such as this one) on the change and how it plays out"
Again, just for the record, I don't think there was a change. I think a long-standing error was exposed. Nonetheless...
- Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh scheme"
Easy. So easy I might be missing what isn't obvious to you. We finally have the feminine where it belongs, as both Mother and Daughter.
"2. Tree of life paths scheme"
Ask a more specific question. By now, this pattern of Heh = Aquarius = The Star and Tzaddi = Aries = The Emperor is so solidly engrained in me for so long that I've kinda forgotten what isn't obvious to anyone else. A more specific question would help.
"I note (and enjoy) your explanation within the Practicus Grade Guide that the Path of Tzaddi (which is now the Emperor from Netzach to Yesod) = Liber HHH's SSS Fire like raising of the Kundalini - however I, as I've already whined, am missing the accompanying expose on the new connection between the Star, Heh and it's accompanying tasks (lowley me-man ain't not he-man)
How does that link up to Liber Viarum Viae and it's placement as
- Heh, The Formulation of the Flaming Star. Liber V. in it's original position between Tiphareth and Chokmah
- Tzaddi, The Adoration under the Starry Heaven. Liber XI, NV (from
Liber CCXX) in it's position between Netzach and Yesod"
Earlier today I pointed to a post from 2-to-3 years ago where I was writing on the task of the Magister Templi (which includes working the Path of Heh). - In Chapter 10 of The Mystical & Magical System of the A.'.A.'., I gave an amended version of Liber Viarum Viae which shows "The Adoration under the Starry Heaven. Liber XI., NV (from Liber CCXX)" under Heh and "The Formulation of the Flaming Star. Liber V" under Tzaddi. This produces a quite interesting pattern, since Liber HAD, Liber NV, and Liber VIII (which might as well have been Liber Ra-Hoor-Khu in relation to the other to) are the three Paths opening to Chokmah.
Again, in reference to the Task of 8=3, there are several ways that The Path of Heh manifests according to published accounts. Aside from the symbolism of the Path itself, wherein Tiphereth opens to Chokmah - the Sun or single Star at our center finds its place in the context of the field of stars of Chokmah - "One Star in Sight" expresses the Task of the M.T. as three tasks attributed to the three Paths opening to Chokmah. Of these, the one corresponding to Heh is, "the renunciation of His enjoyment of the Infinite so that he may formulate Himself as the Finite." There is also native to 8=3 the Vision of Wonder, which is the Vision of the Path of Aquarius. There are any number of other correspondences, here, not the least of which is that Heh was always expected to be the Great Goddess, the embodiment of the five-lettered Elohim of Shekinah Herself. And... where do you think the symbolsim of The Urn came from in the approach to Chokmah if not from the Path of the Water Bearer?
Just a few thoughts off the top of my head at this late hour.
Ahhh... the Urn... I had not associated that to the Path of the Water Bearer or to the Star card yet!!! And now that little star in the golden Urn takes on the meaning of the Word; which makes sense after reading your notes on the Master of the Temple:
"TO ATTAIN THE GRADE OF MAGUS he must accomplish Three Tasks; the renunciation of His enjoyment of the Infinite so that he may formulate Himself as the Finite [Heh]; "
Which makes me think that it's not the Woman figure that we must associate with if we're to understand the Star card (as it's associated downwards from Chokmah)... but that little star itself.
And now I must re-read the Urn
@Scarecrow said
"Which makes me think that it's not the Woman figure that we must associate with if we're to understand the Star card (as it's associated downwards from Chokmah)... but that little star itself."
The star... but as it exists in the context of the infinite, of the entire body of Nuit.
Tiphereth brings the understanding of the star (that is, the Sun) in and of itself. Through the Path of Heh, the adept has the opportunity to place that star in the context of the entire Body of Stars.
So, of course, the vision inherent in the Path is a Vision of the Body of Nuit.
@Jim Eshelman said
"The Zohar contains the message that Tzaddi contained a mystery that had to be kept secret for a later time. The experience of the opening of Tiphereth to Chokmah along the Path of Heh was always the mystery of the Cosmic Mother, the Lady of the Stars."
Is it possible to dig up the said quote on the Zohar implying this? I would guess they didn't mean that 2 of their letters' attributions should be switched, nor that they should be switched upon the paths of the Tree of Life (which is essentially the same process as changing the Alphabet Order of the Hebrew Alphabet, which goes against what Nuit states: "All these letters of my Book are aright".)
@Jim Eshelman said
"What did change was our knowledge of this; and it occurred at a time when humanity no longer needed (for its short-term psycho-spiritual development, the emergence of the Ruach) to mistakenly assert The Emperor in the place of Heh. - One reason the error was allowed to persevere so long was likely that almost none in the history of the world had crossed that Path in actuality and attained to Chokmah."
When you associate the Emperor only with the Ruach, you deny the Divine King, and true spiritual victory. He is Nuit's Divine Golden Child in full maturity as Horus, the window of light streaming intensely in. This Key is about intense Divine Light, not merely of the Ruach. It is nigh laughable to put it at 7-9, conjuncting Venus and the Moon.
I agree with the Tree of Life as contained in the essay above, where by the "nearest sphere first" rule Key IV Aries The King connects the Paths 2-4, and Key V Taurus The Hierophant connects the Paths 2-6. This makes wonderful and powerful sense to me, for which you can see The King transmits the Word of Chokmah below the abyss to Jupiter. The Hierophant is also better dignified as transmitter of the Solar Mysteries as 2-6, tying him to Mithras, the golden bull, etc. Thus to me what you are implying is to make Aquarius 2-4, which would weaken the Divine Word/Law as transmitted by Aries from Chokmah to Chesed. Then further to put Aries The King as 7-9 between Netzach/Venus and Yesod/Moon weakens The King, which I find very inappropriate, but perfect for the feminized male god of water Aquarius.
@Jim Eshelman said
"few who were in charge of the formalized Mysteries really understood the Mystery of the Feminine during the last aeon; and the experience of Tzaddi-Aries was easy to confuse with an opening to the Fire of Netzach."
You are not giving humanities ancestors their due credit. Our entire goddess mythology, in all its beauty, sprung from the past...Nuit, Isis, Hathor, Audhumbla, Astarte, Aphrodite, Artemis, Diana, Venus, Luna, etc. What have we done to top this recently?! This modern moment right now to me seems the most spiritually deprived of perhaps our whole history. Women have got comparatively more rights, but that isn't to say the divine feminine is appreciated more. I am optimistic though that more will attain to "Nuitian consciousness", that Thelema based actions will eventually "Regenerate the earth...".
@Jim Eshelman said
" We aren't switching the numbers. We're retaining them with Teth = Atu XI and Lamed = Atu VIII. The symmetry is brought about by the letter swap which has Tzaddi (now rightly recognized as The Emperor) = Atu IV and Heh (now rightly recognized as The Star) = Atu XVII."
OK now I see that. Thanks for pointing out the obvious to me.
@Wizardiaoan said
@Jim Eshelman said
"The Zohar contains the message that Tzaddi contained a mystery that had to be kept secret for a later time. The experience of the opening of Tiphereth to Chokmah along the Path of Heh was always the mystery of the Cosmic Mother, the Lady of the Stars."Is it possible to dig up the said quote on the Zohar implying this?"
It's in the story of how Aleph got to be the first letter. Read carefully God's answer to Tzaddi. - No, it didn't specify what the eventual solution would be. The passage is careful to indicate that there is a Mystery that had to be wholly held back at that time.
"I would guess they didn't mean that 2 of their letters' attributions should be switched, nor that they should be switched upon the paths of the Tree of Life (which is essentially the same process as changing the Alphabet Order of the Hebrew Alphabet, which goes against what Nuit states: "All these letters of my Book are aright".)"
Of course. The letters themselves are aright. There's no effort to change their sequence or their placement on the Tree."
@Jim Eshelman said
"What did change was our knowledge of this; and it occurred at a time when humanity no longer needed (for its short-term psycho-spiritual development, the emergence of the Ruach) to mistakenly assert The Emperor in the place of Heh. - One reason the error was allowed to persevere so long was likely that almost none in the history of the world had crossed that Path in actuality and attained to Chokmah."When you associate the Emperor only with the Ruach, you deny the Divine King, and true spiritual victory."
Interesting language... since the Path of Tzaddi, attributed to The Emperor, is a path leading to Victory.
I partly agree and partly disagree with your statement above. The disagreement is based on the fact that the Divine King archetype, though absolutely pivotal in the Aeon of Osiris now expired, is of no particular supremacy in the present Aeon of Horus. The agreement is based on the fact that it still one of the important archetypal images of Tiphereth.
Though Tzaddi doesn't open to Tiphereth directly, it does plant important seeds to that. Experience of my own path, and of watching others traverse the Tree in both inner and outer frameworks of initiation, shows the important pre-Tipheric quality of the Netzach stage of initiation. Also, the Paths of Resh and Tzaddi, rising in parallel from Yesod, play a huge, critical part in the work of the Portal. The symbols are all quite interwoven there.
I wouldn't at all relate it only to the Ruach - the entire Tree exists in all Worlds and in all levels of the psyche. But I would say that the focus on Divine Kingship climaxes at Tiphereth and, almost immediately, the Work takes a new direction beyond that point. Horus is "the visible object of workship" for those in their approach to Tiphereth, but that primarily dissolves into the feminine archetypes thereafter. The Divine King is an important, but quite intermediary and proportionately minor, archetype in the present Aeon.
"This Key is about intense Divine Light, not merely of the Ruach."
The key is especially a representation of Sovereign Reason being the path by which instinctual energies are sublimated into the Divine Victory.
...On your later remarks, please note that nothing in the Tzaddi-Heh switch affects the Vav attribution to the Hierophant - it is exactly the same. I do think, though, that you are still heavily caught up in Osirian thinking - your constant emphasis on the solar and evident hyper-valuation of the masculine all belongs in the bottom half of the Tree. The Sun is no longer the primal symbol of attainment in the New Aeon except as a step toward understanding that it is but one of myriad stars within the infinite body of space. You are attempting to place it near the very top of the Tree where it has way too much importance - this is the error of the ego.
"Then further to put Aries The King as 7-9 between Netzach/Venus and Yesod/Moon weakens The King, which I find very inappropriate, but perfect for the feminized male god of water Aquarius."
But that's one of the main points of the New Aeon! The king is dead. The masculine, which for millennia was in disproportionate and excessive predominance, needs to be debased back to its proper petty place in the scheme of things (proportionately speaking).
It just occured to me that the closing lines of AL 1:57 are almost direct pointers to the letter Heh. As I understand it Heh is the letter of revelation. The use of the words "secret" and "reveal" in verse 57 are as good a way of saying, "It's the letter Heh", without actually saying so.
Close or way off?
I like it. And BTW, contrary to GD texts, the correct spelling of the letter name Heh is HA.
And, of course, it is Aquarius, not Aries, that is characterized by revelation.
@Jim Eshelman said
"Of course. The letters themselves are aright. There's no effort to change their sequence or their placement on the Tree."
Yes, I made a mistake in my interpretation of your desired schema. You do continue to place Heh as 2-6 but then attribute it to Aquarius as The Star. So no, this does not change the Hebrew Alphabet order, it changes the traditional Tarot order, putting Aquarius in the 5th place and Aries in the 18th place. I think this is the only way to do it if you wish to overlay the Tarot order upon the Hebrew alphabet, but recall you saying they two orders don't have to line up, etc. (but which I think is flawed logic.)
@Jim Eshelman said
"...I would say that the focus on Divine Kingship climaxes at Tiphereth and, almost immediately, the Work takes a new direction beyond that point. Horus is "the visible object of workship" for those in their approach to Tiphereth, but that primarily dissolves into the feminine archetypes thereafter. The Divine King is an important, but quite intermediary and proportionately minor, archetype in the present Aeon."
Yes I disagree with you that the Divine King is completely internalized or perceived below the abyss in Tiphareth as an Adeptus Minor. There is a higher, more booning or inspired aspect to him in Chesed-Jupiter, the Wise King, but where the full gnosis becomes paramount is in Chokmah when the Chiah is developed, in the High Magus grade. For you to overplay Chokmah as "the Sphere of Stars" and the Divine Feminine I think is in error, though it is true that the adept at that stage will be in intimate continuous gnosis with Nuit. The King I am speaking of is Hadit in Chokmah, whose Chiah is matured and whose Ajna chakra is activated (the Divine Pharoah, etc.)
I don't buy into the Isis, Osiris, Horus aeonic theory too much. These archetypes are eternal beyond aeons, and there is due room for each one in each aeon (thus to say the King Father is dead is hogwash I maintain, and will only result in spinelessness, lack of virility, etc., if imbalanced). They compose the eternal Sacred Triad of Father, Mother, Child (symbolized by the 21st letter Shin).
@Jim Eshelman said
"But that's one of the main points of the New Aeon! The king is dead. The masculine, which for millennia was in disproportionate and excessive predominance, needs to be debased back to its proper petty place in the scheme of things (proportionately speaking)."
The King Father is never in a petty place, Hadit truly is never debased. I'm all for dissolution of the corpus/ego and microcosm into the smooth point or circumference of Nuit, but this does not debase nor make weak. Rather, the microcosm is brought to perfection and one's little circle is annihilated, replaced, or ascended to Nuit's big circle (identity or perspective is shifted from one to all, from looking within to without to looking from without within). It is Hadit's Will to "follow the love of Nuit". The gnosis is a continuous identification upon Nuit while at the same time being perfectly individual as Hadit, a complete connection marked by an incorruptibility of the golden body. Hadit the King is never and will never be dead ("I am Life"), he is the pride and joy of Nuit. Debasing the male results in spinelessness, completely not what RHK is about. Again, there needs to be a true balance in the Sacred Triad for things to go aright: and indeed there is in the three chapters of Liber Legis.
I do agree though that there is really no chance of error in Nuit/Goddess worship, that Her gnosis is ever the highest. I also am not saying that any attachment to possible negative associations to "kingliness" (such as separative ego) should be maintained as one progresses, only that with for instance the high initiation into the Grade of Chokmah one is naturally put in accord with Hadit/Chiah/Ajna (the True Will or Self), and with it an extreme and virtuous kingly presence abounds, full of Life radiating Light.
Crowley in the book of Thoth comments on The Emperor as:
"This figure is the alchemical symbol of Suphur. Sulphur is the male fiery energy of the Universe, the Rajas of Hindu philosophy. This is the swift creative energy, the initiative of all Being. The power of the Emperor is a generalization of the paternal power..."
A good image of this card is the Pharaoh whose Chiah is developed, with the "Secret Serpent" Hadit leaping out of his Ajna chakra. It does not deserve to be "debased" to 7-9, but rather to rightly remain emanating from Chokmah, with the connotation of the true King being a Magus who has virtuously attained highly, and whose Chiah is developed and Ajna activated. Again, to put the Pharaoh as 7-9 in between Venus & Moon is ridiculous I think, it is much better purple as the traditional more feminized male god of Water Aquarius. I love the energy of Aquarius, and find it a good fit between 7-9, but not between 2-4 or 2-6 (it should not connect to Chokmah over The King).
@Wizardiaoan said
"...where the full gnosis becomes paramount is in Chokmah when the Chiah is developed, in the High Magus grade. For you to overplay Chokmah as "the Sphere of Stars" and the Divine Feminine I think is in error, though it is true that the adept at that stage will be in intimate continuous gnosis with Nuit. The King I am speaking of is Hadit in Chokmah, whose Chiah is matured and whose Ajna chakra is activated (the Divine Pharoah, etc.)"
I didn't equate Chokmah with the feminine, that reference was to Heh-Aquarius, which shares the "field of stars" symbolism with Chokmah. But yes, we appear to agree that Chokmah's best symbolism is mascvuline-paternal.
But I disagree that the King archetype has anything to do with this manifestation. Other paternal images abound, but the King is distinct to the stage of adepthood. (In Liber Legis it even appears to be a synonym for 'adept" whenever it is used.)
"I don't buy into the Isis, Osiris, Horus aeonic theory too much."
Then we don't have a whole lot more to discuss on this, because it's pretty fundamental to our whole system.
"The King Father is never in a petty place, Hadit truly is never debased."
I don't at all equate Hadit with the King. Masculine root-idea yes, king no. The King is a much lower archetype.
"I do agree though that there is really no chance of error in Nuit/Goddess worship, that Her gnosis is ever the highest. I also am not saying that any attachment to possible negative associations to "kingliness" (such as separative ego) should be maintained as one progresses, only that with for instance the high initiation into the Grade of Chokmah one is naturally put in accord with Hadit/Chiah/Ajna (the True Will or Self), and with it an extreme and virtuous kingly presence abounds, full of Life radiating Light."
I agree in all respects except your equation of kingship to this. Chokmah far transcends kingship, which belongs in the Adept sephiroth.
"Again, to put the Pharaoh as 7-9 in between Venus & Moon is ridiculous I think, it is much better purple as the traditional more feminized male god of Water Aquarius. I love the energy of Aquarius, and find it a good fit between 7-9, but not between 2-4 or 2-6 (it should not connect to Chokmah over The King)."
You appear not to have noticed that, in most cases, the symbolism of a path between two sephiroth seems almost the polar opposite of the sephirothic symbols themselves. Aside from all the other, more direct reasons that the corrected attributions make abundant sense, it only makes sense to me that a feminine image belongs between the two most paternal sephiroth, and a masculine one between the two most feminine.
@gmugmble said
"To derail the discussion slightly ...
Do we still equate Tzaddi with "the Natural Intelligence" and Heh with "the Constituting Intelligence" or do these get swapped?"There's no official Thelemic position... but Temple of Thelema does keep the Path title/description with the Path. Thus, Tzaddi is Aries, The Emperor, and the Natural Consciousness, while Heh is Aquarius, The Star, and the Constituting Consciousness.
True, I have not made a real note of the degree of opposition that the paths possess to the two spheres they conjoin, I just sensed intuitionally that in most all cases there was some non-oppositional correspondence. I have made a quick note of the degree of the paths possible opposition to the spheres below, and as I see it hardly any one of them possess the polar opposition to both spheres as you suggest.
1.) 1-2 Air
The Fool could be neuter as Air as 0, but is better as extrememly phallic or creative (831 = Phallos, etc). It is not oppostite from 1 or 2.
2.) 1-3 Mercury
The Magus is opposite 3 but not 1.
3.) 1-6 Moon
The High Priestess is different than 1, opposite 6, but not opposite both.
4.) 2-3 Venus
The Empress is opposite 2 but not 3.
5.) 2-4 Aries
The King is not opposite 2 or 4 (perhaps 4 as Chesed, but not 4 as Jupiter), nor 2 or 6 (traditional model). As Aquarius however he is opposite 2 and 6, but not 2 and 4 (Chesed as Mercy).
6.) 2-6 Taurus
The Hierophant is not opposite 2 or 6, nor 2 or 4 (traditional model).
7.) 3-5 Gemini
The Lovers are not opposite 3, but perhaps 5; they are not really opposite 3 or 6 (traditional model).
8.) 3-6 Cancer
The Charioteer is not opposite 3 nor 6 as the Holy Paladin, nor 3 or 5 traditionally as the “warrior monk”.
9.) 4-5 Leo
Leo is not opposite 5, perhaps 4 as Chesed.
10.) 4-6 Virgo
Virgo can be seen as opposite 4 and 6.
11.) 4-7 Jupiter
The Wheel of Fortune can be seen as opposite 7 perhaps, not 4 = Jupiter.
12.) 5-6 Libra
The Balance is not really opposite 5 or 6 in terms of Justice, perhaps as a goddess though.
13.) 5-8 Water
The Man as Water between 5 and 8 is perhaps the most opposite I have yet seen, but 8 as Mercury makes it not really so.
14.) 6-7 Scorpio
Death is not opposite to 6 or 7.
15.) 6-8 Sagittarius
The Archer is not opposite 6 or 8, perhaps the 9 of 6-9 (traditional model), not really as the unconscious though.
16.) 6-9 Capricorn
The Devil is not opposite 6 or 9, perhaps the 8 of 6-8 (traditional model) though.
17.) 7-8 Mars
The Fortress is perhaps opposite 7 but not really 8 as the palace.
18.) 7-9 Aquarius
“The Star” is not opposite 7 or 9, but as Aries it is.
19.) 7-10 Pisces
The Moon is not opposite 7 or 10.
20.) 8-9 Sun
The Sun is opposite 9 but not 8.
21.) 8-10 Fire
The Aeon may be opposite in energy to 10 but not 8 really.
22) 9-10 Saturn
The Universe is not opposite 9 or 10.I do not find “in most cases the symbolism of a path between two sephiroth seems almost the polar opposite of the sephirothic symbols themselves,” even by using your attributions. I would say (by your attributions) only these paths really do:
3.) 1-6 (giving you this one)
5.) 2-6 (your Aquarius here yes is opposite)
10.) 4-6
12.) 5-6 (giving you this one)
13.) 5-8
16.) 6-8
18.) 7-9 (your assignment of Aries here yes is opposite)Using the attributions of the “nearest sphere first” model (in the essay I cite above) and not changing Aries or Aquarius, at least 4 of the above go away in terms of opposition to both the spheres they connect to. Perhaps you can point out a few prime examples, because I don't find (beyond your Aries-Aquarius switch) that any really do.
I would rather say that in most cases the paths are in correspondence to either one or both of the spheres they conjoin, and that this fact is a good indicator that the system is in order. If the paths are too out of sync with the spheres I would suggest the energy would not flow as smoothly, that it really should not be considered an ideal or desired state or aspect of attribution.
@Jim Eshelman said
"I like it. And BTW, contrary to GD texts, the correct spelling of the letter name Heh is HA.
And, of course, it is Aquarius, not Aries, that is characterized by revelation."
HA as in "Aum Ha"?
It has struck me that there is an ambiguity in that final word. In one sense it is the silence (Turiya) that follows the utterance of "Aum" (curiously, I can't find anywhere that AC says this, though it must have occurred to him) but in another it is a common form of the Hebrew definite article, which seems to signify a new beginning.
In another forum I compared this to "...the" being the last word of James Joyce's Finnegans Wake and joining on to the beginning of the book ("riverrun..."). That started a whole thread looking for Crowleyan and Thelemic references in FW
But Heh/Ha as the letter of revelation (and its relevance to the Emperor/ Star question) casts another light on this Thank you.
Revelation in concealment; one of those oxymorons that's worth pondering on.
The fifth [Heh] chapter of the Biblical book of Revelation/ Apocalypse, is the one where they present the sealed scroll (though the Lamb - the passive form of Aries, featured in the Thoth Emperor card - begins taking off the seals in the sixth chapter).
I wonder how AC and Lady Harris might have redesigned the two cards had they essayed the task after the interchange became evident. Looking at the conventional portrayal of the female figure in the Star, and conventional depictions of Aquarius, a cynic might suggest the Emperor would appear without clothes.
Or are there enough "secret" signs in the original designs to make redesign unnecessary?
@Oliver P said
"I wonder how AC and Lady Harris might have redesigned the two cards had they essayed the task after the interchange became evident. "
Actually, it was evident to AC by at least Word War I, decades before they started working on the cards.