Adding "Aiwass" to the Qabalistic Cross
@Ash said
@Jim Eshelman said
"Having gotten that effect, notice that when you invoke the archangels, and especially on the words "about me flames the pentagram," place the whole of your attention in the four directions at once. When you do this, something will happen. (It's more useful if nobody tells you what this is.) Having experienced THAT, you probably will have your answer."
Thank you, I shall indeed try this tonight
hmmmm, ya i'm gonna have to give it a shot also
Jim, would it be inappropriate to post results for discussion from trying this method? I ask because I benefitted from going into the experiment without an idea of what was supposed to happen, but at the same time I kinda wanna discuss what happened so I can get feedback
Not inappropriate at all. Experimentation and results are useful to share.
I just have to chuckle whenever this topic comes up, though (and it comes up often). People seem to have enormous trouble with including the Sacred Name that represents the entire flow of the Thelemic current to humanity.
Ok so basically: I did the acu-pressure experiment you suggested, and almost immediately I felt a merging/union of the two points. I'm not sure if this is what was supposed to happen, but it makes sense when I try to wrap my head around it... mostly. It was rather surprising though, I must say.
I tried this with the 4 archangels, after all of them were around me, and they seemed to do the same - they were all "distinct" but it seemed like there was no "separation" between them, or between them and myself; we all just "were," and position apparently ceased to matter or make sense. I tried this with all four directions as I said "about me flames the Pentagram" and I noticed a more profound "union" between the four directions, which were all distinct but not "separate." The hexagram, then, simply "was," as its "location" was basically irrelevant.
I was very surprised by this and the first thing I thought was "wow, this matches Jim's description of Briah, where there is distinction but no separation," and I have to wonder if perhaps this was a glimpse into the nature of Briah, from Yetzirah (or something?).
This is very good! Call it success.
There is more to get and (at the risk of confusing you) it is simpler and more elegant than what you have gotten so far. Be patient. And don't worry, you're already doing very well. Give it a few weeks if necessary. But you're on a roll.
(Not a bad trick, eh?)
I have had similar experiences though ( I think) with the 'accupuncture' technique Jim mentioned.
I was looking through my BOS today reflecting a bit on my first months daily practices entries, and on 2 separate occasions, near the end of the LBRP at "About me flames the pentagram" I put my attention on all four pentagrams, flaming with energy, and both times it felt like i was in the apex of an equal armed cross, not only did i see it in my mind like a crossrode of blue energy with me in the middle, but felt a sort of magnetism from all quarters? and a simple feeling of union.
Another time when i focused on all the pentagrams flaming, i saw (and slitley felt it too) in my mind rays of like coming from the pentagrams, and rays of colors inbetween those rays and inbetween the quarter points, shooting up like travleing up a sphere to the top center, where my head was.
I also tried vibrating AIWAS in the Q.C. It added a sense of self for me at that moment, a nice simple feeling.
I was wandering if the experiences i have had fit into the discription of the world of Briah, as i'm not very skilled in matching experiences with worlds or other states of consciousness. -
@Alias55A said
"I was wandering if the experiences i have had fit into the discription of the world of Briah, as i'm not very skilled in matching experiences with worlds or other states of consciousness."
No. They're spatial. Yetzirah using the framekwork of Assiah.
@Jim Eshelman said
@Alias55A said
"I was wandering if the experiences i have had fit into the discription of the world of Briah, as i'm not very skilled in matching experiences with worlds or other states of consciousness."No. They're spatial. Yetzirah using the framekwork of Assiah."
whats spaital?
Your description of the experience is spatial or positional. You described something happening in space with spatial or positional coordination and relationship. That's not Briatic.
@Jim Eshelman said
"Your description of the experience is spatial or positional. You described something happening in space with spatial or positional coordination and relationship. That's not Briatic."
ok lol, i get what your saying: In Israel Regardie's A Garden of Pomegranate's(which i finally bought) he describes the astral forces of the formative world of Yetzirah to be clothed in a design or model of electric and magnetic matter. I'm guessing the 'magnetic' type feeling I got was simply astral. Thnx Jim
I have begun to try this, and what happens is that my eyes unfocus and it feels like I'm looking in all four directions at once, seeing all of the pentagrams, including the one behind me. I need to practice it more but am I on the right track?
I was reading this topic, and wondered; wouldn't it actually be wrong to use Aiwass in this ritual?
I refer you to Liber AL, Chapter II, verse 8. Aiwass explains that He is the worshipper and is identified with Heru-pa-kraath and to worship Him is to do ill.
@Frater Pramudita said
"I was reading this topic, and wondered; wouldn't it actually be wrong to use Aiwass in this ritual?
I refer you to Liber AL, Chapter II, verse 8. Aiwass explains that He is the worshipper and is identified with Heru-pa-kraath and to worship Him is to do ill."
That passage is attributed to Hadit. Aiwass is just the messenger.
The instruction to add Aiwass to the ritual comes directly from Crowley BTW.
My own feeling on the matter is that A.C. considered Aiwass to be his holy guardian angel, and so to use anothers angel's name would be kinda like trying on his persona or something.
I don't want to get my individuality mixed up with the Master Therion so I just use ADNI in its place as a generic stand in.
Having said that I'm starting to get intimations about my own HGA's name, so with any luck I'll soon drop that as well. -
Care Fraters or Sorors
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the LawIt seems I had certainly misinterpreted that particular passage indeed. Thank you for the clarification. Might I ask you to cite where Crowley specifically instructs the use of Aiwass? I would like to read over the work.
I guess I was mislead to be under the understanding that one had to be quite advanced to know what it is to identify with a God in worship for so long as to attain those Initiations from the identification. In other words perhaps I wasn't mislead, but it is work for another time and a higher grade...or perhaps mislead is the right word!
Love is the law, love under will
Frater P. -
@Frater Pramudita said
"It seems I had certainly misinterpreted that particular passage indeed. Thank you for the clarification. Might I ask you to cite where Crowley specifically instructs the use of Aiwass? I would like to read over the work."
It was in a private letter sent to O.T.O. members in the late '30s or early '40s. It has been reproduced many places (probably in a thread on this forum) but, in any case, you can get it in In the Continuum Vol. I, No. I (see <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->).
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
Another question then, now that I have again had some time to think about this. To use Aiwass then, would it be pre-supposed that you have attained a certain level of advancement, so as you truly know what it is to identify with a God in worship for so long as to attain those Initiations
from the identification?Love is the law, love under will
Frater P~ -
@Frater Pramudita said
"Another question then, now that I have again had some time to think about this. To use Aiwass then, would it be pre-supposed that you have attained a certain level of advancement, so as you truly know what it is to identify with a God in worship for so long as to attain those Initiations
from the identification?"No. Quite the opposite. It is Crowley's universal instruction for the ritual provided one does not yet know the name of one's own HGA. It doesn't anticipate a priori attainment any more than vibrating the name Eheieh does.
Besides, you are not "identifying with a God in worship" etc. That's not what that step of the ritual is about.