Middle Pillar question
In The Art of True Healing, Regardie gives white, lavender, red, blue, and russet. This doesn't correspond to any color scale I know of. (Since the top three suggested the King Scale colors of brilliant white, lavender, and rose-red to me, I have been using the King Scale colors for all five spheres. Maybe that was a mistake.) IIRC, the ritual doesn't originate with Regardie anyway but with the GD. Can someone find out what colors were originally taught by the GD?
@danica said
"why grey for Daath and not lavender, as Regardie suggested?"
All of the other colors are Queen Scale, as is the most common representation of the Sephiroth. Lavender, in contrast, is the King Scale color for Da'ath. The Queen Scale color is gray-white.
@gmugmble said
"In The Art of True Healing, Regardie gives white, lavender, red, blue, and russet. This doesn't correspond to any color scale I know of. (Since the top three suggested the King Scale colors of brilliant white, lavender, and rose-red to me, I have been using the King Scale colors for all five spheres. Maybe that was a mistake.) IIRC, the ritual doesn't originate with Regardie anyway but with the GD. Can someone find out what colors were originally taught by the GD?"
Actually, the ritual as a ritual originated with Regardie. At least, I haven't been able to find it in any source GD documents (please correct me if you know otherwise). There were vague hints in a Portal paper about a broader formula, but it had never developed into the ritual we know.
Regardless (no pun intended ), I've always thought of The Art of True Healing as rather outside the scope of other writings on ths subject. It's been a long time since I've read it, but I recall thinking that the colors there were more customized to the particular task of that one book (with a stronger focus on the Elements); and the MP was an evolving, emerging work. (Can you easily look up for me the following: Was The Art of True Healing originally published before or after The Middle Pillar?)
Yes, "The Art of True Healing" was originally published (1932) before "The Middle Pillar" (1938).
@RegentLynx said
"Yes, "The Art of True Healing" was originally published (1932) before "The Middle Pillar" (1938)."
Thanks. I think it was his earliest articulation of the ritual in print, so it was clearly an "emerging" or "in development" creation.
@gmugmble said
"So what colors are given in MP? (I no longer own a copy.)"
Just flipping through, I'm reminded what an extraordinary book it is. I haven't read it in decades, and should correct that in the near future, once I get the current big project done.
Flipping through, I don't see a place where he gives a step-by-step of the ritual, but he does provide a color table of the Sephiroth. Sure 'nuff, they are the standard Queen Scale colors except that he erroneously has "lavender-blue" for Da'ath. From this table, he lists:
Kether - White
Da'ath - Lavender-blue
Tiphereth - Gold
Yesod - Puce
Malkuth - Mixed colors