Bornless Ritual effects?
@TheSilent1 said
@Redd Fezz said
"Lol, that doesn't seem very helpful. Although it is, but it is discouraging as well. I hated this kind of advice when I was starting out."The first practical advice I received from an Adept was: "You talk too much, shut up!"
I felt insignificant, like my thoughts were unimportant (and they were!), and that the person telling me so was a jerk! Now, I practice without blabbing about every little thing in my mind, and have deeper fuller experiences.
When one has sex do they blather on to their partner about everything they do (if so then they must be terrible in bed)? Why would you do the same with your mystical lover?"
So instead of discussing our experiences, we should join an org (and not care about the authenticity of it's lineage per your actions), and keep the discussion within the group.
If you were to have sex with a real person you would see that it is different than sex with a "mystical lover."
There is a difference between babbling and communicating ideas to one another in a well thought out manner.
To assume an attitude that one abide by a code of "silence" when venturing beyond the magical group (that collects ones $$$) is dangerous cultish behavior in my opinion.Sri Larry
@Redd Fezz said
"I must say, though, I really don't get Silence. I have felt its effects in my own life, but with the magical diary and all that, I just don't undefstand why it is necessary, really."
I completely agree with you Redd Fezz. We need more people of your caliber to share the jewels that sprout from their heads on this board.
As far as I can tell, the only benefactors of Silence are those who run the groups that collect the checks from those they request "silence" from.
It is a clever marketing strategy our young seem to fall prey to. It seems to happen more often then we would like to think.
Let's get back on topic and discuss the Bornless Ritual!!!I just performed the Bornless Ritual three times in a row and feel like I'm flowing out of my skull into the keyboard! Wicked !! LOL!! ROLF!!
@Mahanta70 said
"Firstly, there is no AA other than several inauthentic pretenders to the name who take in the gullible for their money. So your being an "AA magician" is spurious at best and intently deceptive at worst...unless you meant alcoholics anonymous.
What is so embarrassing about asking questions concerning the occult on a forum on magick?
It is amazing how you engage in overt personal attacks instead of offering friendly communication like everyone else on this board. I am appalled at your juvenile behavior. But you state that you are in your early twenties, so I guess there is not much you can offer here in the first place, thus the convenient "practice of silence" you invoke to avoid difficult subject matter. When you get older, you will understand, so I forgive you my young padawan.
Let's get back on topic and discuss the Bornless Ritual.
Please."You display your ignorance by your very suggestion that you know anything at all about the AA. Jim's lineage for example is a great example of an unbroken lineage, the lineage I belong to is less known but just as authentic.
Oh and it is good here to point out that I have never paid a dime to the AA.Funny how you comment on my juvenile behavior but can't see the plank in your own eye, so I will assume that you are joking around here. Age, as you are using to define maturity, obviously does not apply to you.
If you were to have sex with a real person you would see that it is different than sex with a "mystical lover."
There is a difference between babbling and communicating ideas to one another in a well thought out manner.
To assume an attitude that one abide by a code of "silence" when venturing beyond the magical group (that collects ones $$$) is dangerous cultish behavior in my opinion.Sri Larry"
Your right my AA authenticity doesn't matter. But you were bringing up magical orders before so I was trying to make a point. I simply belong to a magical order who's purpose is to unite the magician with his HGA. One the methods used to attain this Union is through sex magick. Therefore, sex is impossibly similar to to the K&C. I'm guessing your one of those types who pops without control within the first few minutes shouting: "This has never happened to me before!" (but we all know it's every single time no matter how many times you do it, with tiny worthless "orgasms" for yourself and worse yet your partner)
Want to hear about my success with the Bornless One? What makes me believe you are worthy to hear about it? Because you say that you have done it 50 odd times in a couple of days, but you still can't sit still long enough and shut up your mind or your mouth enough to listen to your angel speak? Those that have had success in the matter of the Angel will always say little about it, not because we want to, but rather because language fails to describe the experience. Silence comes when you have focus, but you lack that and your poor results go dribbling all over the keyboard.
@TheSilent1 said
Your right my AA authenticity doesn't matter. But you were bringing up magical orders before so I was trying to make a point. I simply belong to a magical order who's purpose is to unite the magician with his HGA. One the methods used to attain this Union is through sex magick. Therefore, sex is impossibly similar to to the K&C. I'm guessing your one of those types who pops without control within the first few minutes shouting: "This has never happened to me before!" (but we all know it's every single time no matter how many times you do it, with tiny worthless "orgasms" for yourself and worse yet your partner)
Want to hear about my success with the Bornless One? What makes me believe you are worthy to hear about it? Because you say that you have done it 50 odd times in a couple of days, but you still can't sit still long enough and shut up your mind or your mouth enough to listen to your angel speak? Those that have had success in the matter of the Angel will always say little about it, not because we want to, but rather because language fails to describe the experience. Silence comes when you have focus, but you lack that and your poor results go dribbling all over the keyboard."
I forgive your words because I'm above engaging in the petty personal attacks and insults you seem to be so fond of. Why are your feathers so easily ruffled?
Yes, I want to hear about your success with the Bornless One!
I think anyone who has really had success in the matter of the Angel would desire others who have not had the experience, to have the experience. They would go out of their way to assist people to attain the same knowledge. One who has K&C would not belittle those striving after same attainment... they would help those people.
I am worthy to hear about it because I exist and that is all it takes to accomplish the Work.
If you cannot help me, tell me where this AA you belong to is, and I will contact them.
I am an honest seeker of the Truth. Why do you cast stones at me?
Thank you.
Sorry for the earlier roughness but tomorrow is election day here in the US and I've overly excited! -
My feather's are actually not so easily ruffled. I simply have a very terse writing style, and am generally abrasive with a matter-of-fact personality. It translates on the Interweb to being an uptight know-it-all.
I was not trying to shoot you down or talk down to you. Merely voicing concern and (trust me) good and sensible advice. When I began to have real "spiritual" experiences, I had no idea what was happening. I had a new found spring of energy and sense of self that never existed before. I felt things so intensely and I felt a strong need to share this to the world so everyone could experience it. I think everybody should experience something like that: true ecstasy of the spirit. I advised silence, because in silence we stop putting up assumptions and stop labeling experience, and can now bear the weight of it.
Shhhh, listen. Stop talking and listen to the Voice. Because your eyes are darting in all directions you can't focus on the Vision before you. Silence is the infinite potential before sound.
"What makes silence a "supreme practice"? What is the benefit of being silent?"
In my practice I have seen so many people who avoid silence at all cost.
They always have the radio on, or the tv.
They never sit still, they are constantly working
even when they sleep they are not still.Being silent in my expierence is not so much as not talking (though that is an important aspect) as stillness.
Sound is vibration, waves, movement.
when we stop, and be still and quiet
our molecules our inner being slows down
and thats when thoughts, and feeling and ideas
can bring about change
but if we are constatnly talking, and working, and doing
and not allowing ourselves moments of silence
we may never achieve, actualize, transformIn these days our culture is ruled by left hemispere actions
(whihc is why so many people are right handed.
children are naturaly bihemispheric
and play becuase they are allowing thier right hemisphere to manifest.Children ARE our teachers
for those who want to learn how to play:) -
@Vlad said
@Mahanta70 said
@Vlad said
"The greatest teachers are those who teach not.Children are our teachers."
That is the stupidest thing I've read on this board. LOL! ROLF!
Vlad, Veronica, theSilent1,
Veronica, I found much insight in what you wrote. I am deeply embarassed about how I expressed myself before. Thank you Vlad for resurrecting this thread so that I may recall my unfortunate choice of words, I am forever in your debt.
I regret writing that and everything else on that thread. I was the one writing the stupidest things on this board. Children are the greatest teachers and silence is the greatest virtue. I was stupid and ignorant for not realizing these things and posting without thinking.
I was wrong for not recognizing the ridiculousness of my responses and the timeless irrefutable wisdom you were so generously offering. Sometimes my individuality and will get the best of me.I do not recognize great masters because of my own shortcomings.
I am sorry.
I bow before your superior knowledge and admit the inferiority of my views.
Again I apologize.
I will think before posting and I will never question your comments again.
Again, children ARE our teachers and those who teach not are the best teachers.NAMASTE!
-Larry -
No need to be embarrassed around me, and please DO question everything I say.
I personaly do not like homoginization:)I have worked with childrne for a very long time,
and while I am in the role of teacher
I learn so much from little ones.
very humbling indeed.But, little ones do not usually like silence, or being still.
They are growing, so it goes against thier nature to be still and quiet.I tell my little ones that we grow in the dark
when we are asleep and stillI think this age will have many of us
reflecting on teaching and learningNamaste Brother
No worry's my friend, If you are practicing Magick then you are bound to (at some point or another) be a jerk. In fact, Crowley spent most of his lifetime making an ass out of himself.
@Veronica said
"I personaly do not like homoginization:)"
Yeah, I don't like homoginization either.(even less homogenization).
About teachers that don't teach, I'm not talking about this in terms of not speaking, but in terms that silence itself brings the right conclusion.
This being from : ThIShARB, Liber Viae Memoriae - "Let then the Adept who finds the result of these meditations unsatisfactory refuse the Oath of the Abyss, and live so that his Karma gains strength and direction suitable to the task at some future period." .......... If you study Crowley's Libri most of his rites will advise somewhat of the same as in the above advice given about the Goetia. Not to say that you shouldn't pick it back up, &/or continue as you are as the case may b. The ? I presume is that u have to decide if u are able to handle the "Sleeping Dogs"?
L.V.X. x Love x Will = Brightness!!! -
I think no w/smoking weed; however, I do aggree that the physical/mental/spiritual effects of this rite are quite extraordinary as w/all rites of this sort. 1 still has 2 b careful w/fire though!!!
I was trying to show a principal here w/what I was saying w/out it b/ing. to far out of context from a different rite. Sorry.
@AbUldIZ418 said
"I was trying to show a principal here w/what I was saying w/out it b/ing. to far out of context from a different rite. Sorry.
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
Israel Regardie
@Mahanta70 said
"I always find that those who implore others to be silent are either trying to make themselves look interesting by pretending they know something others don't, have nothing of value to add to any conversation, or are affiliated with a crack pot religious group that has asked them to be "silent" to make themselves appear "important" and "mysterious."
By encouraging those with something of value to practice the "supreme practice of silence" you seek to control the flow of information to those who seek it and deny the ability Teach by those who may have the Need to.
I was reading through this message board this morning and found other conversations which you stifled with a suggestion of "be silent." You are a true agent of the KAL, a malevolent force of misdirection arising amongst mankind to steer truthseekers to the mire. What is your real agenda here?
To everyone reading, there is nothing of value in being silent. The only way you can truly understand something is by explaining it to others in your own words. Those who suggest others be silent are only interested in propping up whatever insignificant religious cult they belong to.
"You have just proven, my friend, the value of silence.
But fear not: error recognized and corrected is a sure way to the apprehension of Truth.
Har-pacrates in all!!! My Friend!!! :"...quidam redimitus puer ad os compresso digito salutari silentium commonebat.!!!"
L.V.X x Love X Will = Magnitude!!! -
I have to re-think this matter!!! Regardie was implored & moreover "quite" scolded for such by A.C. We all deal w/projections on many & various lvls. The reason for silence is to build you'r own set of symbols & to see how they truly make a difference w/in you'r "work" or no. We all have a connection to the collective unconcsious also however.
@Mahanta70 said
"I've given some thought to it. I have performed the Bornless Ritual over fifty times in the last seventy two hours. I've also had quite a bit of caffeine and gotta say I"M WIRED!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!
I now think this is the most important ritual in the history of the world. I feel like a whole new person, totally bad {***}!
I was contacted by this guy who claims to have attained K&C through this ritual and is offering to guide me step by step for the paltry sum of $500.00. I'm seriously considering not moving out of my parents place and using the money to help me in this ritual. I think it would be a smarter deal in the long run."You just admitted to being a damn fool. There is a sucker born every minute, in your case it sounds like your a bornless sucker get it...
You really just kind of admitted to being a damn fool.
Silence has its virtues, as in Hermetic silence, as in try not to chat away at others about your experiences and instead internalize them where they will grow rather than dissipate.
Do you have kids? every realtionship is a two way street. I have three sons, and I've learned a damn lot from them.
Auditory hallucinations are not a good thing.
You are 45 and living in your parents basement and you collect star trek collectables. Do you have any idea what kind of stereotype you sound like? Sell all that shit, get your feet on the ground, your head on your shoulders and move out of your parents house. There, I just saved you $500, best advice you'll ever get for free.