Good or Evil
@Jim Eshelman said
@Vlad said
@Qemuel said
"thiz subject brang up about hitler earlier. 2 be bunt, if he did not exist and confirm to who he was suppose to be, the earth as we know it, would not be the same today. so was he in his True Will? i believe so."
So if you rape someone, she may (and in the end will) become alot stronger because of that. So, go and rape people! This is the logic of the dark ones"This is a grossly un-Thelemic point of view (even more so because this is one kind of violation that rarely makes the victim stronger).
Start with the idea of respecting others' wills foremost, and you'll start understanding Thelema a great deal more."
respecting others wills? what if there will goes against the True Will?
a saint or a sinner?
What if my destiny iz 2 burn this earth, turn it into ashes. 2 the point where very few humanz survive? but they go onto building a great wonderfull future, filled with peace, a "new heaven" on earth if u will. a culture where they substain from violence. would i be evil? or good?
@fnewburn4236 said
"I think this is why I started studying magik. The reasoning was that if magiK is evil then I must study it and understand it in order to fight against it. I got this understanding from a few military philosophies about studying the enemy. That was about 20 years ago. The funny thing was I believed in magik, so in essence I was trying to find out why it was so bad. Now several years later I understand that magik is the essence of religion. So if magik is evil then religion is the bastard of that evil and wants to destroy its parents.
Magik teaches self control and power in the self.
Religion teaches control through others authority and removes the control of self and replaces it with control of others and power of others.
Hopefully my understanding is close to what the true understanding is.
Religion itself, iz man made. Religion iz trying to understand thingz that humanz were never suppose to understand. Religion iz bondage, where u bind urself 2 teaches of man, where u do not gain knowledge for u r confined with what they taught.
Spirituality iz freedom, but can become dangerous. 4 urself, and 4 otherz.
@Qemuel said
" respecting others wills? what if there will goes against the True Will?
a saint or a sinner?
What if my destiny iz 2 burn this earth, turn it into ashes. 2 the point where very few humanz survive? but they go onto building a great wonderfull future, filled with peace, a "new heaven" on earth if u will. a culture where they substain from violence. would i be evil? or good?"
What if it is somebody’s destiny to blow the whole world to smithereens? Then the whole world would have to reform and build an atmosphere and restart evolution again?
Or the earth becomes so barren (if there is an earth) that it could never support life.
Whose will got served in either case?
I think that if you study history, man is going to repeat a lot of stuff until he pulls himself out of being an animal. Once he has done that then he is spiritual. If man can attain the spiritual state while in the flesh, then he will be even closer to being immortal, if this act has not made him immortal already.
The only problem is all of mankind must make this change. If there is one that has not made the change then he may undo that which has been done. Another problem is the sole person that did not change must do it on his on free will, otherwise it does not serve the better good to force him to accept.
@fnewburn4236 said
"What if it is somebody’s destiny to blow the whole world to smithereens? Then the whole world would have to reform and build an atmosphere and restart evolution again?
Or the earth becomes so barren (if there is an earth) that it could never support life.
Whose will got served in either case?
I think that if you study history, man is going to repeat a lot of stuff until he pulls himself out of being an animal. Once he has done that then he is spiritual. If man can attain the spiritual state while in the flesh, then he will be even closer to being immortal, if this act has not made him immortal already.
The only problem is all of mankind must make this change. If there is one that has not made the change then he may undo that which has been done. Another problem is the sole person that did not change must do it on his on free will, otherwise it does not serve the better good to force him to accept.
why would destiny(True Will) allow the whole world to be blown to smithereens? to the extent that even the atmosphere would not survive. would that not go against all that The Spirit has achieved?
i do not think u understand what destiny is, and it sounds more like your babbling.
you can NOT be in the flesh and be in the spirit at the same time. flesh is carnal. and if sum1's goal iz to become spiritual to gain immoratlity....than he haz already failed.
mankind doez not move unless they r forced to move...stubborn people. for mankind to change, something has to occur for manknid to want to change.
@Qemuel said
" why would destiny(True Will) allow the whole world to be blown to smithereens? to the extent that even the atmosphere would not survive. Would that not go against all that The Spirit has achieved? "
I think you understood my point.
@Qemuel said
" I do not think u understand what destiny is, and it sounds more like your babbling. "
You attack me by saying that I am babbling when you did not even take a second to determine or even think about the wisdom of this.
@Qemuel said
" You can NOT be in the flesh and be in the spirit at the same time. "
Then what are you know?
Is it easier to say that now you are in a lower vibration and when immortal in a higher vibration?
@Qemuel said
" flesh is carnal. and if sum1's goal iz to become spiritual to gain immoratlity....than he haz already failed. "
The goal is spirituality… the result is immortality, some may call it other things or some may say that you return to that which is, although I dont think we learned all this just to be one thing in the end.
@Qemuel said
" Mankind doez not move unless they r forced to move...stubborn people. for mankind to change, something has to occur for manknid to want to change. "
I agree with this. Something has to accur to each indivitual for him to what to change.
@Qemuel said
@fnewburn4236 said
"I do believe that we may both need to meditate on this.Sometimes understanding can not be explained with logic.
do not speak for me
i believe u do need to meditate on this"
You again attack without thinking about it. I offered you a piece offering and you decided to war with me when we seem to agree. I seem to find no logic in this and will not reply to any more attacks from you.
@fnewburn4236 said
@Qemuel said
" why would destiny(True Will) allow the whole world to be blown to smithereens? to the extent that even the atmosphere would not survive. Would that not go against all that The Spirit has achieved? "I think you understood my point."
it is you who does not understand
i referrenced fire on purpose, what happeneds when a forrest burns down?
@fnewburn4236 said
@Qemuel said
" I do not think u understand what destiny is, and it sounds more like your babbling. "
You attack me by saying that I am babbling when you did not even take a second to determine or even think about the wisdom of this.
what wisdom have u spoken? i still see nothing but babbling from u
@fnewburn4236 said
@Qemuel said
" You can NOT be in the flesh and be in the spirit at the same time. "
Then what are you know?"
do u truely not know the difference between flesh and your body? flesh iz the way ur acting now, ur in emotion, like a hurt child
@fnewburn4236 said
You again attack without thinking about it. I offered you a piece offering and you decided to war with me when we seem to agree. I seem to find no logic in this and will not reply to any more attacks from you."War is a beautiful thing. War is what I love, almost as much as I love Hate.
u r welcome to put me on ignore, i would perfer it
@Alrah said
Oh - so you've already been in a war zone. Did you kill anyone? Tell me - from your own experience - why do you think War is a beautiful thing? Bodies being blown to smitherines. Children mutilated by bombs. Lots of stress and smoke and sorrow. Where is the beauty in that? What is there to love in that?"
Yes, I have killed people.
My own experence? I found out that I wish not to fight another man's war. That war should be conducted for what you believe in. And there are many types of war, war fought in the hearts of man, war over words, war over love, war with weapons, war with spirit.
People die in war, that is how war is conducted. Even in a self who you were.
Why would I not think war is beautiful? War is powerfull, War is gruesome, War is destructive, things I value.
Your point of view is that of wanting peace, but did you not know, the only way to achive peace is to have war to get to the final product? If one wants peace, they have to make war to achieve it.
@Alrah said
@Qemuel said
"Your point of view is that of wanting peace, but did you not know, the only way to achive peace is to have war to get to the final product? If one wants peace, they have to make war to achieve it."If you want peace then you have to BE peace."
the world, society, the lies that you were told, they forbid you to be at peace
if you knew peace, your body itself would not be able to handle it, you would be "Holy"
Peace is only awarded after a long fought battle, there can not be peace unless a war took place before.
@Alrah said
I see no-one forbidding me peace. Here I am, in my small warm flat with a spectacular view outside. Snow is carpeting the world with white, and the sun and shadow dapples it yellow and blue. My birds are fed. And I'm happily eating my lunch with a cup of chamomile tea. There is no war here, except those created by the shadows of your own mind, and only you can see those."
if i lived in such a shallow world as u....i guess i would have peace as well
how doez it feel though
to be so blind....not even too notice the stringz that puppet u?
@Alrah said
"Do you imagine that you're confronting me?
i imagine u [sp] a scared....lost...little child....a child that sufferz [sp] from a delusion where u have something figured out...a child that believez [sp] they r [sp] big inspite the factz [sp] of the world around them.
Qemuel wrote:
"to be so blind....not even too notice the stringz that puppet u?"
None of us are puppets. We are enacting our wills. In many instances, we don't see what it is we're doing, or see the whole of it, so we create the illusion that we are puppets of powerful forces.
But it is an illusion we're in, if we believe such things to be true. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law .. for there isn't anything else to 'obey.'
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