Bornless Ritual effects?
I think no w/smoking weed; however, I do aggree that the physical/mental/spiritual effects of this rite are quite extraordinary as w/all rites of this sort. 1 still has 2 b careful w/fire though!!!
I was trying to show a principal here w/what I was saying w/out it b/ing. to far out of context from a different rite. Sorry.
@AbUldIZ418 said
"I was trying to show a principal here w/what I was saying w/out it b/ing. to far out of context from a different rite. Sorry.
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
Israel Regardie
@Mahanta70 said
"I always find that those who implore others to be silent are either trying to make themselves look interesting by pretending they know something others don't, have nothing of value to add to any conversation, or are affiliated with a crack pot religious group that has asked them to be "silent" to make themselves appear "important" and "mysterious."
By encouraging those with something of value to practice the "supreme practice of silence" you seek to control the flow of information to those who seek it and deny the ability Teach by those who may have the Need to.
I was reading through this message board this morning and found other conversations which you stifled with a suggestion of "be silent." You are a true agent of the KAL, a malevolent force of misdirection arising amongst mankind to steer truthseekers to the mire. What is your real agenda here?
To everyone reading, there is nothing of value in being silent. The only way you can truly understand something is by explaining it to others in your own words. Those who suggest others be silent are only interested in propping up whatever insignificant religious cult they belong to.
"You have just proven, my friend, the value of silence.
But fear not: error recognized and corrected is a sure way to the apprehension of Truth.
Har-pacrates in all!!! My Friend!!! :"...quidam redimitus puer ad os compresso digito salutari silentium commonebat.!!!"
L.V.X x Love X Will = Magnitude!!! -
I have to re-think this matter!!! Regardie was implored & moreover "quite" scolded for such by A.C. We all deal w/projections on many & various lvls. The reason for silence is to build you'r own set of symbols & to see how they truly make a difference w/in you'r "work" or no. We all have a connection to the collective unconcsious also however.
@Mahanta70 said
"I've given some thought to it. I have performed the Bornless Ritual over fifty times in the last seventy two hours. I've also had quite a bit of caffeine and gotta say I"M WIRED!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!
I now think this is the most important ritual in the history of the world. I feel like a whole new person, totally bad {***}!
I was contacted by this guy who claims to have attained K&C through this ritual and is offering to guide me step by step for the paltry sum of $500.00. I'm seriously considering not moving out of my parents place and using the money to help me in this ritual. I think it would be a smarter deal in the long run."You just admitted to being a damn fool. There is a sucker born every minute, in your case it sounds like your a bornless sucker get it...
You really just kind of admitted to being a damn fool.
Silence has its virtues, as in Hermetic silence, as in try not to chat away at others about your experiences and instead internalize them where they will grow rather than dissipate.
Do you have kids? every realtionship is a two way street. I have three sons, and I've learned a damn lot from them.
Auditory hallucinations are not a good thing.
You are 45 and living in your parents basement and you collect star trek collectables. Do you have any idea what kind of stereotype you sound like? Sell all that shit, get your feet on the ground, your head on your shoulders and move out of your parents house. There, I just saved you $500, best advice you'll ever get for free. -
why is these right wing nut jobs are always the ones living in their parents basement? Haven't you been paying attention? Turn off the damn news channels and take a look at your country. These people aren't going to take back America for YOU. No, they're lookin out for the ones linin THEIR pockets. Get real dude.
You seem WAY off balance and I suggest you step back and concentrate on some preliminary work and some mental exercises that will sharpen up you brain and your perceptions of things a bit. Maybe you should just stick to some simple ritual like the LBRP for a while along with some meditations. -
@AEternitas1 said
"why is these right wing nut jobs are always the ones living in their parents basement?"
"Family values."
Seriously, I can't even tell if this guy is joking or not, especially when he says he's been practicing ritual in a Batman cape ( ihope that isnt the only thing he was wearing), living in his parents basement with his star trek toys at the age of 45, and willing to pay someone $500 to walk him through the Bornless rite. I mean, he has to be joking right? Because really it's just too much to be true.
@AEternitas1 said
"Seriously, I can't even tell if this guy is joking or not, especially when he says he's been practicing ritual in a Batman cape ( ihope that isnt the only thing he was wearing), living in his parents basement with his star trek toys at the age of 45, and willing to pay someone $500 to walk him through the Bornless rite. I mean, he has to be joking right? Because really it's just too much to be true."
Relax, he already decided (and publicly stated it) that he felt he had acted unwisely in this thread and wanted to change things; no sense in beating a dead horse. The past is the past.
@Mahanta70 said
"Vlad, Veronica, theSilent1,
Veronica, I found much insight in what you wrote. I am deeply embarassed about how I expressed myself before. Thank you Vlad for resurrecting this thread so that I may recall my unfortunate choice of words, I am forever in your debt.
I regret writing that and everything else on that thread. I was the one writing the stupidest things on this board. Children are the greatest teachers and silence is the greatest virtue. I was stupid and ignorant for not realizing these things and posting without thinking.
I was wrong for not recognizing the ridiculousness of my responses and the timeless irrefutable wisdom you were so generously offering. Sometimes my individuality and will get the best of me.I do not recognize great masters because of my own shortcomings.
I am sorry.
I bow before your superior knowledge and admit the inferiority of my views.
Again I apologize.
I will think before posting and I will never question your comments again.
Again, children ARE our teachers and those who teach not are the best teachers.NAMASTE!
-Larry" -
Is this cat 4 real?
U must b not actually practicing Magick; ass!!! This is not what Magick is about 2 use it like that. It is not what the Great Work is about 4 sure. Grow the 4ck up!!!
Not b/ng rude; but, seems 2 me U r practicing something just to experiment. Not that experiment doesn't bring U 2 where U need 2 b.. But this is not what Magick is about. Sorry just an oppinion here.L.V.X. x Love x Will = Magnitude.
93 93/93
AbUldIZ418, you're crossing the line into personal attacks. Those aren't acceptable here.
Thanks in advance for a small tweak in your style that would let you continue making your points without personal attacks.
@AEternitas1 said
"Seriously, I can't even tell if this guy is joking or not, especially when he says he's been practicing ritual in a Batman cape ( ihope that isnt the only thing he was wearing), living in his parents basement with his star trek toys at the age of 45, and willing to pay someone $500 to walk him through the Bornless rite. I mean, he has to be joking right? Because really it's just too much to be true."
Thanks for being my fan AEternitas! Tonight after spending some time on the phone adult chat lines, I will cuddle up in my XXXL Superman Snuggies with a plush doll, a dozen pins, and thoughts of you.
@AbUldIZ418 said
Is this cat 4 real?
U must b not actually practicing Magick; {***}!!! This is not what Magick is about 2 use it like that. It is not what the Great Work is about 4 sure. Grow the 4ck up!!!
Not b/ng rude; but, seems 2 me U r practicing something just to experiment. Not that experiment doesn't bring U 2 where U need 2 b.. But this is not what Magick is about. Sorry just an oppinion here.L.V.X. x Love x Will = Magnitude.
93 93/93"
What is Magick about?
What is the Great Work about?
I appreciate your input specifically as your perspective is unique here and is much appreciated by all readers of this board. -
@AEternitas1 said
"Seriously, I can't even tell if this guy is joking or not, especially when he says he's been practicing ritual in a Batman cape ( ihope that isnt the only thing he was wearing), living in his parents basement with his star trek toys at the age of 45, and willing to pay someone $500 to walk him through the Bornless rite. I mean, he has to be joking right? Because really it's just too much to be true."
Why attack a human being who is seeking to accomplish the Great Work? What is wrong with wearing a Batman cape in ritual? Perhaps you are thinking of the 60s Batman and I understand, that would be childish. I am referring to Batman from Batman Begins.
Star Trek has legions of fans.
I am not homeless. I have a roof over my head and am thankful.
I am sorry my life is a joke to you.
But it does not matter. All I know is that until my final breath I am dedicated to accomplishing the Work I have begun.
Read my other posts and you will find that my questions and comments regarding magick are sincere.
I apologize for writing the personal comments concerning myself and hope that in they eyes of magickians they do not detract from my posts on magick.With Love and Lightning Bolts from He who Hurls Them,
Larry -
i still can't tell if you are serious or not.
wait did you just threaten to curse me in superman pajamas?........I'm not likely to take that sort of thing lightly, joking or not! You wouldn't wanna wake up with one of these sittin on yer chest, starin' ya in the eyes;
Seriously dude though, were you serious about paying someone $500 to walk you through ritual practice? May I refer you to Liber 333 chapter 88?
The best thing you could do for your self is get out of yer parents basement friend, if you were serious about that.
I used to work in a comics shop, I know all about Star Trek and its fans...Look, didn't mean to offend but there were some shocking and somewhat comical elements to your posts. I dont know why you would be living in yer parents house at 45, maybe you went through a divorce, what do i know! But balance and having your feet firmly planted on the ground before rocketing off to the Moon is probably the better scenario if you plan on taking up something like Liber Samekh. You don't wanna get tossed in the loony bin.