"The Vision of Adonai"
As I was surfing through the posts one thing caught my attention.
Jim, when you were addressing bethata's question on "the path to knowledge and conversation" thread you defined The Vision of Adonai to be "a very specific mystical experience which occurs at the Malkuth stage of development." I've actually never heard that there is any such experience at this particular stage - until now, so I'm quite interested in hearing more about it.
Could anyone elaborate on the subject?
Thanks! -
I don't know for sure that Jim meant this, but for me, this experience involved a "vision" revealing the relationship between "me" and my HGA, as well as between my HGA and other things. However, I did not obtain anything like the knowledge and conversation of my HGA. I see it more like a gnostic knowledge of my HGA's existence and some of the character of HGAs in general.
I don't know the source of these attributions, but, at least since the early days of the Golden Dawn, Hermetic Qabalists have attributed a series of visions to the sephiroth. Fortune described them in Mystical Qabalah and Crowley includes them in 777 in column XLV: Magical Powers.
yep it is attributed to malkuth in 777 under the magickal powers section. i have heard though 2 different stories on exactly when this takes place on the adepts path of initation. 1st that this takes place when you are a neophyte in the AA, i think this is probably due to in 777 it is placed at malkuth, but i could be wrong. i have also heard this doesnt take place until you are a zealor in the AA, this reasoning is because in malkuth you can not see the sun/tiphareth because the moon/yesod is in your way. but of course when you are in yesod/zealtor the moon is directly above you and there is no sephiroths in the way of your view.
i would say crowley thought the 1st though due to thats how he put it in 777. but as with anything with the HGA it is a very personal journey.AGAPE
@Anael Lucis said
"Jim, when you were addressing bethata's question on "the path to knowledge and conversation" thread you defined The Vision of Adonai to be "a very specific mystical experience which occurs at the Malkuth stage of development.""
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Sasha and Marc have addressed this very well, and I think Marc caught the symbolism aspect of it exceptionally well. Let me add some remarks of a more pragmatic form.
Understanding that everyone is different in their development path, there are still major landmarks that are commonplace pretty much to everyone, and pretty much in the same sequence. This is very well analogized to the development of an infant - some kids talk a little earlier or later, some walk a little earlier or later, occasionally an infant will do Task E ahead of Task D, but - for the most part, and in fact nearly always - a mother and a pediatrician can click off the developmental thresholds of an infant in the right order and with the right timing and be right on target.
The same sort of thing is true in spiritual development, because it really is a continuing ontological development - the distinctive "growing up" of an individual creature, in the same fashion as the infantile developmental thresholds.
In the case of developmental thesholds such as "The Vision of Adonai" or "The K&C of the HGA," one of the things that causes ongoing confusion is inappropriately cross-matching what writers have said about the old Golden Dawn vs. A.'.A.'.. The old G.D. and the A.'.A.'. are "scaled" differently. Remember that the developmental stage of a 1=10 A.'.A.'. is essentially that of a 5=6 of the old G.D. So, some of the very best writers (no less than Case, but he was hardly alone) who were strongly entrenched in the old Golden Dawn system have written about the Tiphereth (5-6) stage of development in what I regard as Malkuth terms.
Confused yet? I hope not, but I'd understand if you were.
If you ignore what you think should happen at a given stage, and all of the symbolism you wrap around it, and just observe what does happen, you likely iwll observe that - when the G.D. system is working right - someone reaching the first sub-grade of the 5-6 Grade of the old G.D. system (or its modern successors in B.O.T.A., Temple of Thelema, etc.), they tend to develop to the same inner thresholds as someone reaching the 1=10 Grade of A.'.A.'.. This becomes more intriguing but less surprising when you realize that the first sub-grade of 5-6 in the old system is really a Malkuth grade - Malkuth sub-part of Tiphereth. Its name isn't simply Adeptus Minor, it's Zelator Adeptus Minor (just as the old 1=10 is called Zelator).
Net result: Something I am used to calling "The Vision of Adonai (or of the HGA)" is called, by many G.D.-themed writers, "The Knowledge & Conversation of the HGA."
(I'll post this thus far, then continue in a Part 2.)
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Part of the confusion is in 21st Century minds looking at the phrase "Knowledge and Conversation." That word "conversation" sounds like a chat. That wasn't the original meaning of the term, but it's the modern meaning - so, when a spiritual state comes along that has the persistent characteristic of a "chat," and often gives you some facts (but more commonly gives insight), it's easy to call it, er, "knowledge & conversation" - facts & chat.
I find it interesting that the Malkuth phenomenon is called the Vision of Adonai - because for myself, and for every other case for which I've personally known of and for which I have a clear record and enough details, the phenomenon is predominantly auditory. I'm certain, though, that it doesn't matter - some people are more visual, some more auditory, some more kinesthetic, etc. - I would (theoretically) expect the phenomenon to emerge through whichever sense channel is predominant in the individual, and using cues from the distinctive wiring of their minds and nervous systems - I'm just reporting that, in cases actually known to me, the phenomenon was decisively auditory, with occasional "visual support" and occasional kinesthetic cues.
The A.'.A.'. 1=10 is working to open up the field of physical senses and then awaken them inwardly to the direct perception of things not perceptible by them. This is the development that, when ripened, moves the 1=10 to 2=9, and which is usually described (and is always tested) in terms of "skrying in the spirit vision aka astral journeying"). But one of the key breakthroughs that commonly (always? maybe not ... usually? probably that's the word) accompanies this is the so-called "Vision of Adonai." Yes, it's a Shekinah stage because She is the presence that is felt - one can label this any number of different ways. The main point is that one has a direct perception - in the same sense as physical sense impressions - of someone being there and interacting, but the "someone" is not directly perceptible to the physical senses.
One well-repeated advisory at this stage is that one must learn to differentiate The Voice from the many voices that can intrude. Once you start opening to these commuications, a wide range of "beings" (not to mention deep contents of your own psyche that begin to take on semi-autonomous life) will endeavor to communicate. One must learn to differentiate these. (I still remember with a chuckle - and deep appreciatiohn for Soror Meral! - the divination I did when I was an A.'.A.'. Probationer, doing a little invocation of the cards ending, "...in ** my Holy Guardian Angel, whatever be thy Name," and the name Abaddon - one I'd never before heard at the time - came flooding into my mind and invited interaction like an instant messenger pop-up. Despite what some people may think of me, Abaddon is not my H.G.A.
The amount of this extraneous chatter and intruding voices varies with the individual, their sensitivity, the wiring of their psyches, etc. It is culturally influenced as well: Clinical psychologiests have known for decades that some cultural groups will routinely score much higher on the MMPI test on certain "pathological" scales because it is more commonplace, in those cultures, to hear voices from God and to talk openly about it.)
For me, the best description of my best memories of that stage are summarized in the beautiful old hymn, "In the Garden," by Charles Austin Miles. You can get the lyrics here: www.mamarocks.com/in_the_garden.htm - (Personally, I change "the Son of God" to "the Sun, my God," but that's a personal taste matter.) I recommend Elvis's performance on his gospel album, but these days the Johnny Cash version is probably more popular.
One important thing to get from all of this is that connection to the HGA, dialogue with the HGA, etc. are relatively early phenomena. On the other hand, they shouldn't be confused with "the Knowledge & Conversation of the HGA" if that phrase is to continue to have distinctive meaning. The phrase originates in Medieveal writings, at a time when both "knowledge" and "conversation" were routine terms for "sexual intercourse." (I'm not kidding about "common" - the only contemporary English equivalent to the original meaning of the words would be "The Fucking & Screwing with the HGA" - we can all aspire to the F&S of the HGA, yes?
From the 1=10 stage, this both changes and deepens through successive stages (with an occasional stage that is a black blot for someone). The distinctive form of it in the 5=6 Grade is... something altogether different, not even in the same universe as the earlier phenomena. After all this time, and all the things I've done, and all the people I've taught, I still don't know a single way to tell someone how to get to that other than "go through the prior stages, step-by-step" - and that method works! (I have clues and tips and personal 'secrets' that work for me, but these just won't really work for someone that isn't already at the stage of development just before.)
For me, one of the clear marks that I was on the threshold of a new grade (besides the fact of having finished most of the work of my current one) was that whatever full relationship with the Angel (or whatever you want to call it at the moment) would suddenly dry up - that means of connection would seem superficial, like it wasn't real anymore, and I'd wander a bit aimilessly for a while finding the new nature of the link.
Hope this helps someone.
Thanks you for your inputs - all your comments were quite helpful....
Naturally I do have a bunch of questions... but I'd like to focus on only one for now, as I've been torturing my brain with it day and night...
From what I understood the "Vision of Adonai" (in Malkuth) is one or more "lesser" experiences where you could get some guidance that may, besides other things, help you progress toward the goal of attaining K&C (or F&S
) And of course I didn't expect it to be the same as THE K&C as this would take place in Tiphareth, not Malkuth that we speak of.... yes?
Now approaching my big question. Jim you said:
"I'm certain, though, that it doesn't matter - some people are more visual, some more auditory, some more kinesthetic, etc. - I would (theoretically) expect the phenomenon to emerge through whichever sense channel is predominant in the individual"
Speaking of the senses - I'm very much tactile - so I suppose it is possible that this could be my sensory channel through which I may experience such phenomenon, right?
Keeping this in mind, do you think it's possible to have one of the visions of Adonai through some sort of physical contact w/ another individual?This may sound weird, but I recently had something very... hmmm ... divine!!! happen to me - it started on a physical level (meaning initiatied through the tactile sensory channel) but grew into something completely unexpected -not that I can truly describe it by words - but it seemed like some incredible bliss of all my senses not only on physical, but on emotional, mental, spiritual, magickal levels.... it was a mixture of sensations.
For instance - think of your strongest EGC mass experience - you may not be able to describe the feeling but you know it's not "mundane".... then multiply that by a 1000!
Then think of most pleasureable gift for each of your senses, try to feel it and then multiply it by another 1000...
Finally take your most brilliant understanding of any thing and feel the delight you derived from gaining this knowledge - and multiply that again with the same number! That may give you an idea of how I felt. At the same time I looked at the person's eyes and saw what at that moment I thought was myself, the God, the Universe, the beginning and the end....This experience changed my dreams, hopes, fantasies, and ultimatelly it changed ME... it also brought me to understanding myself better and caused me to make steps in my private, material life (malkuth!) which I really should have made way before.... (not to mention that it changed the meaning of so many words and ideas I thought I understood before!)
In Tantra there is a focus on reaching the divine bliss through the sexual experience and by channeling the sexual energy toward that goal - if I'm not mistaken... therefore is it possible that this might have been an accidental "sneak preview"??? Couldn't this divine bliss be one of the Visions of Adonai that you spoke of?
Also as it is a driving force behind my determination to liberate myself from things I've been clinging on to for a while - it almost seems like a guidance of some sort, which is what vision of Adonai may bring to one.I was also thinking of the idea that another individual could serve as a vehicle for this phenomenon (perhaps I was a vehicle for his phenomenon as well?!). We're a microcosm - a replica on the smaller scale of the macrocosm... and we all come from the same source - therefore we're all so closely connected - so why wouldn't we be able to see that divine part of ourselves in someone else?
Does this make any sense to anyone, or am I just trying to fool myself? For me it was an experience like no other and it left me wondering ever since it happened.
Any comments?
interesting discourse...
if one sits and thinks about this at some great length, and considers that there are many occult references to various sexual "mysteries" or components of accomplishing the Great Work -- and, ahem, this great new interpretation of K&C -- the F&S of the HGA well...
for me and my experiences thus far, there certainly is the attainment of a wide variety of bliss states and others seeming to rival the wildest tales of tantra enlightenment -- contemplating the beauty of the Beloved in the present moment of love-making
and it is very easy to lose oneself in that experience and by means of psychological projection, think of the experience being unique to oneself and that particular person... acknowledging that there might very well be unique factors to one's relationship to that specific other -- combined astrological synastry that indicates chemistry of cosmic proportions and whatever else, giving rise to the perception that WOW THIS IS UNIQUE AND MINDBLOWING
but, my question is: who is having their mind blown? who is having the sensations ripple through the body? who is turned on to such a level that they have the unique and mindblowing perception that they are seeing god or that they are experiencing oneness with god? who is experiencing themselves beyond time? or whatever else?
to me, the state of enrapture ITSELF is a projection... and the miracle of the ecstatic state is not necessarily that object that we adore -- but the fact that the joy, the bliss, the ecstasy is really a self-intoxication -- that the feelings are purely and simply: self-arising, bio-chemical events manufactured by the body and mind of the perceiver. wow, talk about the ultimate masterbation! and, yet, there IS the perception (and real experience) of the unique ability of one person, or another person, to DO IT for us, so that others pale in comparison. all, again, a type of maya or illusion, in the moment.
therefore, contemplating my lover -- it's all a dance of the HGA.
as far as auditory and other sensory perception goes, the latest ground-breaking work in neuro-psychology gives some real scientific explanations for how this may be occuring... and how, yes, human beings ARE capable of developing some amazing (what may be called) super-conscious traits -- but perhaps, as humans evolve, may one day in the future become more 'ordinary' human-mind capability (ahem, the evolution of the species, maybe?).
if i consider my body and all the correlate nerves ("wiring") and sense organs as a kind of potential RADIO device of sorts... (not that i know much about electronics or engineering so maybe this is a strange example) ... then, so 'tuned in' to the appropriate frequency or the 'receiver' refined enough to measure and interpret such subtle signals -- i might be able to LISTEN deep enough -- and HEAR such communication.
i think that what i'm saying may sound wierd if i don't give the example of some recent work i've been exploring in the field of somatic psychology -- and, in particular, the work of burt hellinger:
"[After being placed in the "psychic field" individuals report that they] amazingly will feel the inner reality of the person or state they stand for. They will begin to experience feelings and thoughts, moods and even physical sensations of the person they represent. "
in neuro-psychology, this phenomenon is being explained scientifically by suggesting that certain parts of the brain (in particular, the LIMBIC system) may be responsible for the ability of the human to "read" (hear/interpret) VERY SUBTLE bio-electric wave-impulses -- accross physical distance.
in this very same sense, then, i totally imagine that K&C - F&S of the HGA, is a TOTALLY REAL event, TOTALLY PHYSICALLY EXPERIENCED AND PERCEIVED -- and totally an experience arising through the body and consciousness of the individual.
the fact that some describe this as a type of sexual experience -- or that sexual experience is part of the greater experience, wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. it does, however, leave me wondering... and perhaps a little bit turned on
i was wondering, has anyone ever heard of the vision of adonai as being a frightful experience due to the intensity?? my what i believe was the vision of adonai was quite frightful in its intenseness, does this sound on or off with what others have either experienced and/or heard of other experiences with this??AGAPE
418 -
Though anything is possible, this wouldn't be usual. I can't think of an instance offhand where this was the case, although there are plenty of cases where frightful experiences were nonetheless valuable. Frightful experiences can certainly be a lead-in - the onramp, so to speak - to this type of experience. But no, fear would not be characteristic of being in the presence of the Angel per se.
the fear was of the intensity of the unexpected situation, not that it say was a frightful experience. the fear of the intenseness and how the supernatural was happening, and also at the time not understanding what was happening. at least thats my experience of what i believe was the vision of adonai.
It's obvious that you had an authentic experience of some sort. It's also important to acknowledge the fear - because fear always distorts perceptions, twisting them into something else.
Also, remember that one instruction in the first section of Liber O which has been the mainstay of my entire magical and mystical career, and has saved the ass of countless aspirants over and over again: "It is desirable that the student should never attach to any result the importance which it at first seems to possess."
yeah when the experienced happened i didnt think my HGA at all, though looking back mow dumb could i have been it showed me its name ADONAI. this happened in june, and i think it was about 2-3months ago i was goign back over my diary at the time and saw what i wrote and remembered it and at that time i made the connection.
i dont know if i wrote about it here. what happened was for the past few days i had been of course doing my rituals and mediatation daily but also working on a essay on the star ruby. it was like my 4th day working on, the 3days i worked on it at work, each day i spent more concentration on it rather than my work. by the 4th day, i hardly paid attention to work at all. even after i got home i couldnt stop working on it, i felt so high when i was working on it and in touch with something higher. then all of a sudden it got very very intense, the intensity was scary, and my work on the essay was like i was no longer writing but in a trance and recieving information. i then started seeing like a white light fly in front of me and to my left/east, it kept happening, at 1st i thought there may have been some logical explanation to it, but after like 10 times of it happening i decided to figure out what the light was. as i looked in the direction it went and waited to see it again, then a few seconds later i saw it on my bed. then again on my bed so i went to my bed, and then it was closer to the wall so i followed it there. i followed it till a was on my bed on all 4s with my face like 6-8inchs from the wall and i noticed i was staring at the word ADONAI wrote on my wall. see when i was about 11-12 and 1st looking in to witchcraft and at that time satanism i found a book at the library that said the word ADONAI was a name for satan. so in rebellion i wrote kinda small on my wall with a pen ADONAI. when my parents saw it they made me paint over it, and i never saw it there really again till then. see when your face is 6inchs from the wall you can still see the word through the paint easily. all the while this was happening it kept getting more and more and more intense, i was fearful that the intensity would do something bad to me, but i didnt know what. so i left the room in fear of this, i went and watched tv and ate, to calm it down, which it did do, but it didnt stop it. also that night i couldnt even sleep due to the intensity, i stayed awake till 1pm when i got up from laying awake to goto work. in my about 9years of working with magick and meditation with thelema, nothing has ever been any where close to that amount of intensity. and also when you add in the leading me to ADONAI, looking back on it now i have no doubt that it was the vision of ADONAI, as i said it took me like 4months later to realise this.
what do you think of the situation???
418 -
Bethata418, I have only limited experience with the sephirothic visions, so I may not know what I'm talking about here, but...
The visions should result in obtaining gnostic knowledge related to the particular sephiroth, rather than just produce a cool or freaky experience. Given the writing you had going on that precipitated this, you probably got knowledge out of it as well. Did what came out in your essay while in the trance or vision relate to Malkuth in any way?
yes i felt like what i was writing during that time, i wasnt thinking it, it was given to me and it was happening quicker than i could write. the intensity feeling when i was writing lasted i think for about a hour before i started to see the lights. and also the information i was getting was about the ritual of star ruby, which is a pentagram ritual, but also much more. the pentagram could be seen as of hadit/HGA.
also i was basically told that the star ruby had 5different signs which are the 5NOX signs, which is completely true. but see i learned that ritual through duquettes book, and in his book it speaks of star ruby as having only 4 NOX signs, and this is how i always did it till after this experience. after this i acually asked a friend about it and they kinda laughted at my stupidity, since there are 5 signs! are duquette just completely put down only 4nox signs in his book, which the idea of me fucking up this ritual for years due to his book still upsets me.
but at the time the "vision" happen, what i believe was my HGA showed me there was this pattern of 5 that happened 5 times=25 for liber 25. but the only thing at this time that messed it up was duquette saying to not due mater triumphins, and even before that i knew there were 5 nox signs.AGAPE
The Vision of Adonai:
cf. www.heruraha.net/viewtopic.php?p=1025#1025
With a tip o' the hat to Uri...
I was going over the older posts when I came across JAE's comment from December 23:
<i>I find it interesting that the Malkuth phenomenon is called the Vision of Adonai - because for myself, and for every other case for which I've personally known of and for which I have a clear record and enough details, the phenomenon is predominantly auditory. I'm certain, though, that it doesn't matter - some people are more visual, some more auditory, some more kinesthetic, etc. - I would (theoretically) expect the phenomenon to emerge through whichever sense channel is predominant in the individual, and using cues from the distinctive wiring of their minds and nervous systems - I'm just reporting that, in cases actually known to me, the phenomenon was decisively auditory, with occasional "visual support" and occasional kinesthetic cues.</i>
I am not predominantly visual - I'd even say I was a bit dysfunctional in this area. But my own experiences of the sephirothic visions were all visual. For example, while waiting to go through the TOT's Malkuth degree, I found my attention drawn to a notice on the wall of the room where I'd been seated, advising that occupancy of the building by more than X-number of persons was unlawful. As I sat, it seemed as if the notice and/or the wall around it was a window to an unlimited vista. I didn't hear angelic voices, see violet lighting effects or any more than that. In fact, while my conscious mind presented it as an image, it was, maybe, just as much a conceptualisation: that Adonai is endless.
I had other imagery in the next two degrees, but nothing auditory.
My sense is that these "visions" are images the mind generates to present the conceptual reality of a given sephirah. I also wonder if I got images specifically because I am not visually oriented, and so what I do see is all the more memorable for me as a result.
I also think, looking back on the Yesod degree, that I had several 'visions' of the Machinery of the Universe. One or two were specific images, one or two were intellectual realisations or recognitions, so that collectively, I got the Machinery's 'blueprint'. But they all had some visual components, and no auditory ones.
93 93/93,
Y'know, I'm really glad I was clear that I was speculating in the phrase phrase "I would (theoretically) expect the phenomenon to emerge through whichever sense channel is predominant in the individual." I think you're right that - at least sometimes - it might be exactly the opposite. Usinga less-relied-upon sensory resources is a common tatcit of the mind when it's normal (more habitual) resources fail it in the moment. (Cf. Jung's "inferior function.")
I don't really know if there is a neurological or psychological rule to the matter, except that I'd stick pretty solidly with "using cues from the distinctive wiring of their minds and nervous systems."
Thanks everyone for your contribution... it cleared a lot of things for me
I underwent an experience during my hiatus from college that I, after reading Jim's book 'The Mystical & Magical System of AA', began to associate with the Vision of Adonai Ha-Aretz. Mine, though, was intensely visual as it occured in a dream.
After a psilocybin experience, during my first attempt at college, in which I was sort of instructed in asana & pranayama(my body did the practices autonomically[I posted this experience in the "Oddest dream in a long time..." thread in 'General Discussion']) I decided I should put some study & practice into Yoga. Well, all I found in my local bookstore was a book called Chakra Therapy. I bought the book. It just sat around for a few months but I soon picked it up & began working with simple asana & pranayama.
A week or so after I began the practices my 'Vision' occured.
As I said, it was in a dream. I was faced with 3 'gods' with names that, at the time, I had never heard. They were positioned in a triangle formation. Their names were written in red arches over their heads. They read Hore(this is how it was spelled), Horus, & Heresy.
If the triangle is imagined as the Supernal Triad then Hore would be at Binah, Horus at Kether & Heresy at Chokmah(in the dream they were all identified as 3 parts of the same 'God' - but in a later meditation, Hore was identified as Babalon & Heresy as Hadit - though this may be an imposition of Ruach. As you can see, I still do not fully understand the attributions)
The dream, I remember, felt as real as waking consciousness, but I was not fearful.
I was made to pass between Hore & Heresy. This act, as I executed it, seemed to have the most profound significance(I didn't know to then, but I now approximate this with the Pillars of Jachim & Boaz). As I approached Horus I was stopped in the center of the triangle & I awoke.
For the next 3 days or so I had absolutely no asthma symptoms - usually something of a daily plague for me. My face shone with light. I was ecstatic!
After the third day I returned to the bookstore, & to my surprise, there was a book that seemed to almost vibrate with energy. I picked it up & saw that it was a book on the Templars - another term I was unfamiliar with at the time.
Within the book's pages I found a reference to Horus - I nearly jumped out of my skin! Well, this book was mentioning Horus in relation to Crowley, so I went out & purchased a copy of Liber L & read it while walking the streets of Memphis...the rest is history.93 93/93
@KRVB MMShCh said
I underwent an experience during my hiatus from college that I, after reading Jim's book 'The Mystical & Magical System of AA', began to associate with the Vision of Adonai Ha-Aretz. Mine, though, was intensely visual as it occured in a dream.
After a psilocybin experience, during my first attempt at college, in which I was sort of instructed in asana & pranayama(my body did the practices autonomically[I posted this experience in the "Oddest dream in a long time..." thread in 'General Discussion']) I decided I should put some study & practice into Yoga. Well, all I found in my local bookstore was a book called Chakra Therapy. I bought the book. It just sat around for a few months but I soon picked it up & began working with simple asana & pranayama.
A week or so after I began the practices my 'Vision' occured.
As I said, it was in a dream. I was faced with 3 'gods' with names that, at the time, I had never heard. They were positioned in a triangle formation. Their names were written in red arches over their heads. They read Hore(this is how it was spelled), Horus, & Heresy.
If the triangle is imagined as the Supernal Triad then Hore would be at Binah, Horus at Kether & Heresy at Chokmah(in the dream they were all identified as 3 parts of the same 'God' - but in a later meditation, Hore was identified as Babalon & Heresy as Hadit - though this may be an imposition of Ruach. As you can see, I still do not fully understand the attributions)
The dream, I remember, felt as real as waking consciousness, but I was not fearful.
I was made to pass between Hore & Heresy. This act, as I executed it, seemed to have the most profound significance(I didn't know to then, but I now approximate this with the Pillars of Jachim & Boaz). As I approached Horus I was stopped in the center of the triangle & I awoke.
For the next 3 days or so I had absolutely no asthma symptoms - usually something of a daily plague for me. My face shone with light. I was ecstatic!
After the third day I returned to the bookstore, & to my surprise, there was a book that seemed to almost vibrate with energy. I picked it up & saw that it was a book on the Templars - another term I was unfamiliar with at the time.
Within the book's pages I found a reference to Horus - I nearly jumped out of my skin! Well, this book was mentioning Horus in relation to Crowley, so I went out & purchased a copy of Liber L & read it while walking the streets of Memphis...the rest is history.93 93/93
93 KRVB!
I read & commented on your post about the Serpent People...it is interesting how following their(the Serpent People) cue led you to an experience of this magnitude...are you aware of all of the similarities between this & certain initiation rituals? By oath I am not permitted to disclose the specifics but - wow!
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