Book of Job
While looking for something else, I came across this analysis of the Book of Job that I wrote in the late '90s. I see I haven't posted it here before, and thought some would be interested in this story of an Adeptus Major preparing for the Ordeal of the Abyss.
The story of Job (AYVB) is that of an adept - as can be told from the description of his righteousness - who is being challenged by the Ordeal of the Abyss.
"The things my soul refused to touch are as my sorrowful meat." (Job 6:7) There is the whole of the tale!
(N.B. HShTN = 364 = Olam Briah ["Satan," or "The Adversary" in this tale is qabalistically equivalent to "the World of Briah"].)
The text is extraordinarily clear on so many details.
His name itself enumerates to 19, which is most familiarly the vlaue of ChVH [Eve]. The 19th Path is Teth - again confirming his place on the Tree of Life, and his relationship to the "old Serpent."
There are dozens of 19s in the Torah, and those in Genesis can mostly be seen to show the paradox of this man. But of all the paradoxical elements, I feel he is especially AHVBH, ahuvah, "beloved" (Deut. 21:15).
It is YHVH who is permitting HShTN to act against him; but it is ALHYM that he loves.
Regarding him as an adept, who now feels the loss of his HGA, gives an entirely new meaning to 6:13: "Is not my help in me? and is wisdom driven quite from me?"
Job is often taken as an allegory of suffering, wherein every person's questions and answers of suffering are to be found. But he is NOT every person. He is an adept; and his suffering is of a wholly other kind. The mystery of Job's ordeal, and its seeming alienation from that of "every person" is that it is, in fact, virtually unrelated to theirs. The whole "why" is entirely explained by the fact that his ordeal is the natural, necessary progress of the adept toward the Abyss. Its relevance is then one of superconsciousness, not of reasonableness. (This is demonstrated in the flow of the story.)
In Ch 8 he is rebuked by BLDD, Bildad = 40 = Mem, acceptance. He is rebuked for his failing to surrender to reality.
His "strength" throughout is KCh, not GBVRH. His "wisdom" is not ChKMH. Ch 9 reads like the words of a defeated Adeptus Major. In 9:34-35 he again seems to be one who has been (felt) abandoned.
In 10:10: "Hast thou not poured me out as milk, and curdled me like cheese?" (Shivers of recognition.) ["Milk" = 40, like BLDD above.]
In 12:3 he says he has "understanding." But this is not BYNH. It is LBB, lebehb, that which is of the heart.
I wonder how prominently 40 figures throughout? In 12:9, I find YD-YHVH [hand of the Lord], 26 + 14 = 40. In 12:12, "understanding" is Tebunah, referring to 6=5 [a prominent word in the traditional 6=5 ritual]. In 12:25 is a very familiar phrase.
In 13:13 he openly accepts all phenomena that may occur ("let come on me what will"). 14:14 is the rather remarkable, "If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come."
In Ch 26 begins an intensive description of the cavernous emptiness of his higher life.
Ch 28 has some interesting alchemical allegories of Moon and Sun, Mars and Venus. It is rich with symbolism of many kinds. In 28:12, the "place" of Chokmah and Binah are queried ("where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding?") and, of them, it is said: "Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living." This is the awareness of the Adept, facing the Abyss.
This is echoed in 28:20-21, etc. In 28:23, it is Elohim [Divine Name of Binah & Geburah] that understands the ways thereof.
"As I was in the days of my youth, when the secret of God was upon my tabernacle; when the Almighty was yet with me...." It was his K&C of the HGA. "The secret of God" is SVD ALVH (=112, q.v.). "My tabernacle" is AHLY, ah'halee = 37 (= Yechidah, etc.). "Almighty" is ShDY [whom he refers to and names and invokes quite frequently throughout this work, almost, in places, as if it were his personal god].
His speech among his fellows ends at the end of Ch 31.
In Ch 32, Elihu's wrath is enkindled at the course of events. He is ALYHVA = 53, the sun [ChMH], the Stone [ABN], etc. In Ch 33 he says he was made and vivified by the Ruach of El and the Neshamah of Shaddai.
"What man," he asks, "is like Job, who drinketh up scorning like water." (34:7)
I believe what we are seeing here is that the powers of reason of his three companions rolled off him, and only the power of the sun or Stone [Elihu] could fixate his attention and capture his ear. Elihu was much younger than the rest; he was a younger faculty within Job. Beginning in 34:31 he delivers unto Job the crux of the wisdom for which our persevering hero is best known. In Ch 37 his eloquent, invocatory revelation climaxes.
And in 38:1, "YHVH answered Job out of the whirlwind." Elihu, the Sun or Stone, has taken Job up to the very edge of the tumultuous storm, and it is YHVH who then speaks profound Wisdom. 38:9 is the passage excerpted in key Qabalistic works [The 32 Paths of Wisdom], which speaks of the darkness of Binah as "swaddling."
In Ch 40, Job is given again the chance to speak. By his recognition of the infinitely greater Wisdom before him, he is told to deck himself with GAVN (exaltation, majesty, etc.) and GBH (exaltation, excellency, height), with HVD, Hod (glory, honor, majesty, beauty) and HDR (glory, beauty, majesty, honor). (These total 80+10 and 15+209 = 90 + 224 = 314 = ShDI!!!) He is uplifted as to abash the proud and haughty everywhere.
Beginning in 40:15 there is an instruction in kundalini. Behemoth (BHMVTh = 453 = NPSh ChIH, Nephesh Chiah, "breath of life"), the kundalini, is established strongly in the loins; its force is raised to the navel region (the second chakra). I think v. 17 refers to a reflexive response of the genitals. His "columns" (the lateral channels) are of alchemical Venus (brass) and Mars (iron). All the rest of this paragraph describes the kundalini phenomena in minute detail if one will but look!
To confirm this, Job is then asked if he can draw forth Leviathan (lit., "coiled serpent") "with an hook" (ChKH, not TzDY). (N.B. Here it is harder to follow the Hebrew. KJV Job 41:1 is Hebrew Job 40:25.) "None is so fierce that dare stir him up: who then is able to stand before me?" (Job 41:9, KJV)
With Ch. 42, Job answers YHVH. He admits the nature of God, and that he, of himself, "understood not" - for Understanding was beyond him yet, and "too wonderful." He repents by his full seeing recognition of YHVH [Reality] for what He is.
The friends who represented the ineffective lower reasoning are rejected and chastised by the Supernal presence. Job, however, who had abdicated everything, was now blessed with double what he had taken from him ("twice as much" in 42:10 is MShNH = 395 = NShMH, Neshamah! and HShMYM, "the heavens").
His new daughters were named Jemima ("day by day"), Kezia ("cassia"), and Kerenhappuch ("horn of antimony" - the alchemical references aren't over yet). He died at age 140 (= [among other things] ChKMH + BYNH).
This is really great.
Thank you.
Great stuff."and thought some would be interested in this story of an Adeptus Major preparing for the Ordeal of the Abyss."
Did you mean Adeptus Major, or Adeptus Exemptus? I assume the latter, but maybe you see something special here that refers to the former.
93 93/93,
I mean Major.
The real start of the process of confronting the Abyss begins at least by 6=5. A lot of the "severity" of the grade is the direct impact of Binah on it, and Job's experiences are highly reminiscent of the 6=5 stage.
I remember as a little kid being fascinated by the description of behemoth and leviathan... and having been told by my ultra-literalist teachers that behemoth was the giant hippo, I went drawing hippos on everything...
There’s lots and lots of other obvious symbolism in Job. It’s interesting that you point out that he is “beloved”, and paradoxically so, since according to Strong’s “Job” means “hated”.
There’s obvious symbolism in his possessions. He has 7 sons and 3 daughters; 7,000 sheep and 3,000 camels; 500 oxen and 500 female servants.
A very interesting verse is in the beginning of Elihu’s speech (Job 32:7, 8 ) where he starts by talking about being the young man in the group:
“I thought, ‘days speak, and increased years teach wisdom (chakemah חָכְמָֽה from chokmah)’ but it’s a man’s spirit (ruach רֽוּחַ) and the breath (nishmat נִשְׁמַ֖ת from neshamah) of the almighty (shaddai שַׁדַּ֣י) that that gives understanding (tabinem תְּבִינֵֽם same root as binah בוּנָ֑ה)”
@AvshalomBinyamin said
"There’s lots and lots of other obvious symbolism in Job. It’s interesting that you point out that he is “beloved”, and paradoxically so, since according to Strong’s “Job” means “hated”."
I've generally found Strong unsatisfying in controversial cases. I don't trust him for other than simplistic rendering.
In comparison, Gesenius and Jastrow both refuse to translate it, finding the meaning unknown. (The same is true of most others.) I scarcely think that I can do better than they, though I have a hard time shaking the similarity of the correct pronunciation of his name, Iyyov, from Jove. The name is barely different from the very meaningful root AVB (!) which means either a water-carrier or a magician/wizard, etc. But, with these pure speculations, I wander down trails where minds have failed that have given their entire lives to such studies, so I doubt I'm doing more than doodling.
@32:7, 8 said
"“I thought, ‘days speak, and increased years teach wisdom (chakemah חָכְמָֽה from chokmah)’ but it’s a man’s spirit (ruach רֽוּחַ) and the breath (nishmat נִשְׁמַ֖ת from neshamah) of the almighty (shaddai שַׁדַּ֣י) that that gives understanding (tabinem תְּבִינֵֽם same root as binah בוּנָ֑ה)”"
I tend to think that Shaddai was the Name of Job's HGA.
Sometimes I wish I had been brought up knowing the bible stories.
I have tried to read the Books, but well, it honestly doenst do anything good for me......I enjoyed reading this and trying to figure out what you are talking about. (VBG).
Thank you very much for sharing it. I admit I have no clue about these abbrviations and numbers (which I infer are Tree of Life correspondences, grades and paths?). I even went and read several books of Job. Esp. ch. 28 which you had mentioned the Elohim. As I understood from my previous gleenings Job was tested by Satan. As a youth I had a great love affair with Satan, I saw Him as a misunderstood Angel, an entity doing his job (his True Will), and most agast to my father an entity that was still dearly loved by the Gods. For a preteen I was pretty unsettling.The man who introduced me to "93/93" also tried to get me into LaVey. Crowley resonated with me for his brilliance, LaVey seemed like a used car salesman, not to be trusted.I have been thinking alot about Satan again lately, whom I know is not Lucifer but is often mistaken for. I have been reading some material lately that is touching upon something called The Lucifer Experiment. I have a very limited knowledge of Crowleys writtings but wondered if he ever touched/talked about Lucifer, the Elohim and the Expierement? I tried reading his book about Atlantis, which I think may have gotten into it. In working with Sacred geometery I have seen how math is the underlaying principle of creation, yet since nature cannot manifest the Golden Mean (perfect-godlike) , and has to create using the Fibononcci sequence the pattern created is misaligned and off. Very ineresting stuff, espically when you think about the fact that the most beloved, the most godlike angel-Lucifer is creating!
BTW have you read Carl Jungs classic of the Book of Job? Supposed to be great stuff, so my mentor says. He really dispells the nature of evil and initiations.
Jim may I ask, what sources you use to translate the Book of Job? An interlinear bible with Strong’s, The Torah or something else?
"Quote JAE: In 13:13 he openly accepts all phenomena that may occur ("let come on me what will"). 14:14 is rather remarkable."
Is this the verse?
"KJV Job 14:14 If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. "
@Ankh said
"Jim may I ask, what sources you use to translate the Book of Job? An interlinear bible with Strong’s, The Torah or something else?"
I have access to all of those, and (when I originally wrote it) either used an interlinear or side-by-side copies in Hebrew and KJV. - I only rely on Strong for quick reference on simple things. For Hebrew literature of that era (especially scriptural Hebrew), I usually rely on (and, in this case, surely relied on) Gesenius as my standard. (Getting very deep into the First Millennium of the Christian Era, I rely on Jastrow substantially.)
But there wasn't much translation here. Most of this, notice, was just identifying which Divine Name was used in a given situation. "And a bunch of gematria.
"Quote JAE: In 13:13 he openly accepts all phenomena that may occur ("let come on me what will"). 14:14 is rather remarkable."Is this the verse?
"KJV Job 14:14 If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. "
"Yes, that was the line. Read it in context. It's a threshold shift. "...till my change come." It's followed by the only answer an Adept can bring to the HGA: "Thou shalt call, and I will answer thee: thou wilt have a desire to the work of thine hands."
JAE, 93,
"The real start of the process of confronting the Abyss begins at least by 6=5. A lot of the "severity" of the grade is the direct impact of Binah on it, and Job's experiences are highly reminiscent of the 6=5 stage."
Okay, that set my mind buzzing. So the severity is not intrinsic to the energy of Mars, or not entirely so? Related to this, I've always thought Adjustment/Lamed, which is attributed to Libra, reflects Saturn's being exalted in Libra, rather than the Venus-as-Ruler side of Libra. It represents the structuring aspect of the power of Saturn.
Also, are you implying that the Exempt Adept is more under the sway of Chokmah, immediately above Chesed, or is such an Adept experiencing more the Bright Fertile Mother aspect of Binah? That is, in the sense of, First you get the "nasty" side in Geburah, then you get the "nice" side of Binah in Chesed?
There's a related issue, it occurs to me, with the paths that cross the Abyss. I realize the Tree is always something of a theoretical construct; but if the Abyss is empty, how does it have something as structured as five distinct paths running through it?
93 93/93,
@Edward Mason said
"So the severity is not intrinsic to the energy of Mars, or not entirely so?"
I don't think any part of the Tree exists only in itself. A key perspective on the Tree (and one which I think Fortune developed better than anyone, at least for the Sephiroth) is that each thing exists in itself by its relationship to other aspects. So yeah, it all fits together.
Someplace (I'd have to dig to find it), Crowley wrote of the "Three Portals to the Abyss" in a way that made clear that he was speaking of Tiphereth, Geburah, and Chesed (or, rather, of the 5=6, 6=5, and 7=4 grades). So the 6=5 Grade can be conceived in this sense as the Second Gate to the Abyss.
"Related to this, I've always thought Adjustment/Lamed, which is attributed to Libra, reflects Saturn's being exalted in Libra, rather than the Venus-as-Ruler side of Libra. It represents the structuring aspect of the power of Saturn."
Yes, the Lamed ideas merge into Geburah well in the approach. (Which means they're also a significant part of the 5=6 experience.) But the Venus part is there. Saturn "holds one to the law" but there is no acrimony or punishment element therein. Lamed is also a path of love - the whole assumption of conscious responsibility for karma is a gift of love - and Lamed, of course, is the female mate to Aleph in the key formula of Liber Legis.
"Also, are you implying that the Exempt Adept is more under the sway of Chokmah, immediately above Chesed, or is such an Adept experiencing more the Bright Fertile Mother aspect of Binah? That is, in the sense of, First you get the "nasty" side in Geburah, then you get the "nice" side of Binah in Chesed?"
The G.D. level Chesed grade is definitely a reflection of and response to Chokmah especially. In the A.'.A.'. level, the Exempt Adept is "beneath the Supernals, in service to them" in a broader sense and, of course, is preparing for the significant initiation to Binah that is ahead. But much of the nature of 7=4 is explained (or, let's say, easy to understand) by understanding the Path of Vav and the way that the Exempt Adept is the repository of Wisdom (being as much Water to Chokmah's Fire as is Binah).
"There's a related issue, it occurs to me, with the paths that cross the Abyss. I realize the Tree is always something of a theoretical construct; but if the Abyss is empty, how does it have something as structured as five distinct paths running through it?"
Paths are not, themselves, "something." They aren't objective, that is. They are relationships. They are of the nature of Going and, therefore, leave no secure place to stand still.
BTW I've often been intrigued that the three vertical Paths crossing the Abyss are the only three lunar paths on the Tree: Gimel, Cheth, and Vav (Moon, Cancer, Taurus). This does seem to say a lot about what is required in the process. That is, it is one of surrender and momentum, not of will and direction. (Etc.)
JAE 93,
Thanks. Much to munch on there.
93 93/93,
"Quote JAE: I have access to all of those, and (when I originally wrote it) either used an interlinear or side-by-side copies in Hebrew and KJV. - I only rely on Strong for quick reference on simple things. For Hebrew literature of that era (especially scriptural Hebrew), I usually rely on (and, in this case, surely relied on) Gesenius as my standard. (Getting very deep into the First Millennium of the Christian Era, I rely on Jastrow substantially.)"
Thank you for the generous answer Jim. Also, I would be very grateful if you or someone else could shed some light on which books in the Christian bible are also Qabalistic works such as Job?
"Quote JAE: But there wasn't much translation here. Most of this, notice, was just identifying which Divine Name was used in a given situation. "And a bunch of gematria."
I see, that is suggestive."Quote JAE: Yes, that was the line. Read it in context. It's a threshold shift. "...till my change come." It's followed by the only answer an Adept can bring to the HGA: "Thou shalt call, and I will answer thee: thou wilt have a desire to the work of thine hands.""
Also, is this a threshold shift to Briah? -
@Ankh said
"Also, I would be very grateful if you or someone else could shed some light on which books in the Christian bible are also Qabalistic works such as Job?"
Pretty much all of them. The first five, for sure. But even the histories (e.g., Kings) are strongly Kabbalistic.
"Quote JAE: Yes, that was the line. Read it in context. It's a threshold shift. "...till my change come." It's followed by the only answer an Adept can bring to the HGA: "Thou shalt call, and I will answer thee: thou wilt have a desire to the work of thine hands.""Also, is this a threshold shift to Briah?"
Not per se. It might by a symptom of one, and is particularly marked in an Adept, but can be a "right state" realized even earlier. But yes, you are correctly discerning a Briatic aspect to the relationship implied in that phrase.
(Some people wanted to find this more easily.)
Enjoyed re-reading it. There's something singular about the book, in relation to the rest of the OT.
"Beginning in 40:15 there is an instruction in kundalini. Behemoth (BHMVTh = 453 = NPSh ChIH, Nephesh Chiah, "breath of life"), the kundalini, is established strongly in the loins; its force is raised to the navel region (the second chakra). I think v. 17 refers to a reflexive response of the genitals. His "columns" (the lateral channels) are of alchemical Venus (brass) and Mars (iron). All the rest of this paragraph describes the kundalini phenomena in minute detail if one will but look!"
I dunno, when I read it just now, it seemed to do a little more than just 'describe' the phenomena.
Really interesting analysis of The Book of Job, specially contrasting this with what Jung write about Job and the evolution of God conception in his essay “Answer to Job”. It´s the one in which Jung talk about how Job´s behaviour to the absolute irrationality of God (who, being omnipotent and omniscient, do that to Job, knowing already what will happen) mark a decisive point for the posterior development of the conception of God (or auto development of God itself, knowing it already what will happen with Job´s case) in the New Testament and Christianity beginnings.
By the way, here goes a little Job´s sketch I did for a future more accurate painting for my (yes, influenced by Crowley´s Book of Lies) project Universal Joke. Just sharing it, but sorry for the spam anyway:
No, you're not.
U'd do it again, right?
Seems like where cursed by such a lack of undestanding between you and I, but I love you anyway, Jim.