Hovering over LA
I'm going to describe a vision I experienced about 10 years ago and invite some of the more knowledgeable practitioners to chime in regarding the classification of beings I witnessed, just to get an outside opinion.
I was resting on my bed, very relaxed. Saturday. Suddenly I was outside of my body being lifted up into the air. I've had out of body before so this was beyond a lucid dream; everything was crystal clear. I felt hands holding my shoulders and i looked to the left and right and saw that indeed a being was carrying me high into the clouds. We warped from north eastern Washington to near downtown LA. There was a thick brown haze and i felt very vulnerable just floating above the city. I looked and saw what appeared to be a black multi-dimensional triangle. I say multi-dimensional because in my vision it behaved in a manner that defied 3 dimensions eg. a 4 dimensional hypercube
http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091021131904/uncyclopedia/images/7/72/Hypercube.gifIt also looked like a UFO. I said, "What is it?" and a voice whispered in to my ear, "Look a little higher." and Suddenly it came into perfect focus. It was the most magnificent looking demon like being I have ever imagined. It had skin that was black-blue with an amazingly muscular body. It had a head almost like a bull but his face was humanoid. He had dramatic horns also. His body was draped in black tattered cloth that wrapped in tight strands around his forearms and fluttered around his massive body.
He was surveying the city when another one appeared out of nowhere. I asked the angel holding me, "who are they?" and he said, "The princes of this city, listen." I listened and the words they spoke chilled me to the bone and i was afraid because it was so powerful and dramatic. The DailyMail recently had an article on a professor who believes he unlocked the code to speaking in Babylonian; it sounded similar but more powerful and dramatic: goo.gl/KH3R Whenever I would attempt to imitate the sound it would make my brothers hairs stand on end.
I asked the angel, "can they see me?" and he said, "yes, but they are not concerned with you yet." YET. That made me nervous. Then they turned and stared at me. We were all floating about 5000 feet above the city and the beings were about 50 yards from me. Then I sat bolt upright in my room and little time had passed.
This was before i knew anything about the occult really. There may have been some projection on the beings regarding their appearance and even though i was a christian at the time, I didn't want to call them Demons. That seemed denigrating. They did seem princely and powerful and worthy of respect.
I'm curious what class or order these beings would be categorized. It also opened a whole other can of worms regarding the nature of these watchers and how they play a part in the unseen governing of populations. It makes me wonder, are there turf wars? Between who? Whats the competing ideology? etc.
Hard to assess the class of the beings since it was your vision, in your psychological context at the time... but there are a couple of clues.
First, all of your descriptions are consistent with them being attributable to A'ayin. This could simply be a consequence of your intuiting them as "devils" (my paraphrase), or it could be authentic. Secondarily, and under the same thinking, they could have been simply of the nature of Tav, though A'ayin is a more precise.
Secondly, their size and dignity infers that they were Briatic. This may not be so, however. I've certainly known Yetziratic being that appear in that size, but only rarely with anything like the majesty you infer.
They did strike me as Mesopotamian even before you mentioned the language. Again, I don't know how much I'm playing off clues arising from how your subconsciousness handled the encounter vs. authentic nature.
It would be interesting to know exactly when this was (at least what year - narrowing it to month or day would be even better) to compare against other forces impacting LA at that time.
I read a report a few years ago about some practioners (for want of a better term) who have been/ are still performing some rituals/visualizations/meditations in which the result a force that resembles a ufo. In the teachings of the Flower of LIfe, you activate a geometric shape, (ie common usage is a star tetrahedron, but other the other geometries can be used as well). the form has been called MerKaBa, and the effects of these mediations/visulization and the combined mudra, and pranayama has actually been picked up on radar, yet nothing tangilbe is seen on this plane.
This report specifically spoke of LA, and using the form to clear up air pollution, smog.
In the field of Ascension magick it is taught that not only do all life forms have this star tetrahedron force generating around them, but the whole planet as well. Merkaba has been used to clear and clease, as well as activate dna (which is a fascinating idea IMO).
According to the sources I have read and studied, thier are what have been called Ascended Masters who are helping us realize potentials, as well as guiding, and teaching.
In the Bible the vision of Eziekal (SP) is a merkaba, as well as the chariot card in Tarot- from what I have been led to believe......
Alrah: The vision wasn't an internal experience, although I processed it internally, (and don't think there is a big difference between internal and external you know what i mean?) the experience was "outside" of me. I know when I need to get jungian on an experience.
@Jim: I looked in my calendar and I overstated how long ago it occurred. It happened sometime between March and April of 2002. Alas I don't have anytime of exact date, only that it was a saturday. Your usage of the term majestic is exactly the aura they projected. Even though I was a xian at the time, this experience made me respect beings I would've typically classify as evil. It's funny because it brought to mind a few verses
" Jude 1:9 "But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses, did not dare pronounce against him a railing judgment, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!"""
This verse reminded me that according to biblical references, these higher beings treated one another with a level of respect."Daniel 10:13
13"But the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for twenty-one days; then behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia."
I was reminded of this verse because these beings were referred to as Princes by my Angel.I agree that they sound of Beri'ah, but I'm self-trained and was looking for outside opinion.
Regarding the subconscious cues, i felt like the beings were showing themselves to me as best I could ascertain them, because as i mentioned, before that they were an incomprehensible multi-dimensional form. Thank You for your input regarding the attributes of Ayin. I will look in to this more.
I am still fascinated by the idea of these beings staking out fiefs and fighting over them. For what? How much influence do they have over the minds of the the population they look down upon? Does Thelema have a place for the archangel michael and his supposed war against the dragon mentioned in Revelation 12?
Funny, I realized they were over "LA"
@Foolster said
"I looked in my calendar and I overstated how long ago it occurred. It happened sometime between March and April of 2002. Alas I don't have anytime of exact date, only that it was a saturday."
I checked both my memory and some online archives, and can't find anything of great significance in LA at that time. The job market was down (I'd been off work about a year and just landed a gig doing IT consulting for some charities in the homeless/hunger lobbying area, spending a lot of time in downtown LA).
But one thing does stand out about that time. It was six months after 9/11, and we were only recently in Afghanistan, and the build-up was continuing. I have to take this into consideration in any Mesopotamian speaking devils appearing on the scene. (I'm not sure how much to take it into consideration, but some.)
LA does have powerful spiritual forces governing it, and they come from many places. The city was both founded and incorporated with a Leo Sun, so solar powers are more than a vacation ad. We have powerful occult concentrations ranging from the Catholic cathedral and its prayer power, through vast Santeria involvement, a very significant Thelemic community, large Wiccan communities (including some rather militant ones); "home ground" of Temple of Thelema, BOTA, FLO, and SRF among others; and a heavy concentration of general metaphysicians. There are enormous and diverse protective powers here.
I'm not accustomed, though, to them looking like what you described or particularly having that Qabalistic theme. That doesn't invalidate your experience, it's just a fact for me to throw into the mix.
"I am still fascinated by the idea of these beings staking out fiefs and fighting over them. For what? How much influence do they have over the minds of the the population they look down upon?"
I must tread delicately here, but you deserve an answer: First, yes, there are positions such as this on the inner planes, or at least somewhat like this. Second, there is something I can't talk about in public writing that doesn't have much or anything to do with supernatural forces, but does have a lot to do with competing interests fighting over control of our destiny - and speaking a language very close to what you heard. I'm just telling you that there is something real and documented that has a lot in common with what you overheard (even down to the way they let you hover nearby and overhear - that's almost the exact modus operandi of the 'interests' I'm thinking about).
"Does Thelema have a place for the archangel michael and his supposed war against the dragon mentioned in Revelation 12?"
Michael is quite present in Qabalah in general, and therefore quite present in things Thelemic. He is archangel of Mercury and Hod, and angel of the Sun, as well as archangel of Fire. Much of his mythology overlaps with that of St. George, and his role especially as Fire archangel relates to the slayer the lower form of fire (dragon or serpent), etc.
The physical description sounds like Yamantaka, but of course that makes no sense in the context at all. I do wonder if someone very well-versed in the Qabala like Jim were to see something like Yamantaka, Heruka, etc. what he would make of it; would it be Braitic, A'yin, Tav expressed through A'yin, etc. or would it come across as something obviously different that doesn't fit, I wonder. I ask because Yamantaka fits the above description, but he is a buddha and the terminator of death.
Here's a video with a lot of different images of Yamantaka (you can disregard the # of arms, since that varies): www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIkXgWoAdR
yeah, experiences similar to this increased.
Here's one I had on 9/10/01, before the one above:
heruraha.net/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=1616&start=0&hilit=bnnhkdsh I am the OP on that thread but had to change my name because i forgot my password after years of not posting. It's funny because my brothers name equals 911 in gematria and he was born on 11/11, which lends some interesting symbolisms to the dream. Always wondered why he was with me in that dream. -
I've been researching the notion of planetary/geographic rulers lately, and came across an interesting blurb in the Encyclopedia Judaica (2007), under Angelology:
" Related to the deuteronomic idea that the Lord actually assigned the heavenly bodies and the idols to the Gentiles but chose Israel to worship him (Deut. 4:15–20; 29:25) is the remarkable pas- sage (Deuteronomy 32:8–9): “When the Most High gave na- tions their homes and set the divisions of men, He fixed the borders of peoples according to the numbers of the divine beings (ְּב ֵני ֵאל ; so a Qumran fragment, in agreement with the Septuagint). But the Lord’s own portion is His people, Jacob His own allotment.” The masoretic reading ְּב ֵני ִי ְ ׂש ָר ֵאל “the chil- dren of Israel” for the reading of the Qumran fragment and the Septuagint cited above is a conflation of the latter and of a variant ָׂשֵרי ֵאל , “the ministers of God.” This variant is not attested directly, but its existence may be deduced from the fact that it would account both for the masoretic reading in Deuteronomy 32:8 and for the use of ׂשר ַ , “minister” in Daniel 10:20 twice, 21; 12:1. For these passages are obviously nothing but a bold development of Deuteronomy 32:8–9. Their doc- trine is that the fates of nations are determined by combats among the celestial “ministers” to whom they have been as- signed and that (despite Deut. 32:9) Israel also has a “minister,” Michael, who is assisted by another angel, Gabriel. In Job, the divine beings appear before God as a body, perhaps to report on the performance of their tasks and to obtain fresh orders; one of them is the Satan, who carries out his functions under God’s directions (Job 1:6ff.; 2:1ff.). The angels seen by Jacob ascending and descending the ladder (Gen. 28:12) seem to be messengers going forth on their several errands and coming back to heaven to report."
@Foolster said
"I've been researching the notion of planetary/geographic rulers lately, and came across an interesting blurb in the Encyclopedia Judaica (2007), under Angelology:
" Related to the deuteronomic idea that the Lord actually assigned the heavenly bodies and the idols to the Gentiles but chose Israel to worship him (Deut. 4:15–20; 29:25) is the remarkable pas- sage (Deuteronomy 32:8–9): “When the Most High gave na- tions their homes and set the divisions of men, He fixed the borders of peoples according to the numbers of the divine beings (ְּב ֵני ֵאל ; so a Qumran fragment, in agreement with the Septuagint). But the Lord’s own portion is His people, Jacob His own allotment.” The masoretic reading ְּב ֵני ִי ְ ׂש ָר ֵאל “the chil- dren of Israel” for the reading of the Qumran fragment and the Septuagint cited above is a conflation of the latter and of a variant ָׂשֵרי ֵאל , “the ministers of God.” This variant is not attested directly, but its existence may be deduced from the fact that it would account both for the masoretic reading in Deuteronomy 32:8 and for the use of ׂשר ַ , “minister” in Daniel 10:20 twice, 21; 12:1. For these passages are obviously nothing but a bold development of Deuteronomy 32:8–9. Their doc- trine is that the fates of nations are determined by combats among the celestial “ministers” to whom they have been as- signed and that (despite Deut. 32:9) Israel also has a “minister,” Michael, who is assisted by another angel, Gabriel. In Job, the divine beings appear before God as a body, perhaps to report on the performance of their tasks and to obtain fresh orders; one of them is the Satan, who carries out his functions under God’s directions (Job 1:6ff.; 2:1ff.). The angels seen by Jacob ascending and descending the ladder (Gen. 28:12) seem to be messengers going forth on their several errands and coming back to heaven to report."
"There is a lot that doesn't make sense about this notion. First, I have to wonder why a self-admitted jealous God who is determined that people should only worship Him would "assign the heavenly bodies and the idols to the Gentiles" only to wipe them off the face of the Earth for their false idol worship. Secondly, how would you reconcile this idea, which places Yahweh at the center of the Universe, with the idea of the Aeon of Isis and now the Aeon of Horus? A God who apparently only revealed himself some 3000 years ago to a guy named Moses has been ruling things all along like a wizard behind a curtain and now that His Aeon is up, he is still in charge, too? Anyway, if you believe that spirits in heaven control your fate to the extent suggested in the above quotation, then you don't have much free will, which runs pretty contradictory to the ideas expressed in the Bible.
@Redd Fezz said
"There is a lot that doesn't make sense about this notion. First, I have to wonder why a self-admitted jealous God who is determined that people should only worship Him would "assign the heavenly bodies and the idols to the Gentiles" only to wipe them off the face of the Earth for their false idol worship. Secondly, how would you reconcile this idea, which places Yahweh at the center of the Universe, with the idea of the Aeon of Isis and now the Aeon of Horus? A God who apparently only revealed himself some 3000 years ago to a guy named Moses has been ruling things all along like a wizard behind a curtain and now that His Aeon is up, he is still in charge, too? Anyway, if you believe that spirits in heaven control your fate to the extent suggested in the above quotation, then you don't have much free will, which runs pretty contradictory to the ideas expressed in the Bible."
I think the story of Ialdaboath completes the picture to the idea of a "jealous" God. The Lion Serpent born of Sophia who created the material universe to show his greatness. It fits the qabalistic scheme quiet nicely too if you attribute the Demiurge to the path of Teth (see the thoth deck its right there really). Making the goal of the magician to lift up his/her's consciousness above the material reality. Perhaps that would also make a nice analogy for the Black Brother concept: the magician sees him/herself as the total reality seated in the clouds on a false throne stealing power from mother wisdom.
@TheSilent1 said
@Redd Fezz said
"There is a lot that doesn't make sense about this notion. First, I have to wonder why a self-admitted jealous God who is determined that people should only worship Him would "assign the heavenly bodies and the idols to the Gentiles" only to wipe them off the face of the Earth for their false idol worship. Secondly, how would you reconcile this idea, which places Yahweh at the center of the Universe, with the idea of the Aeon of Isis and now the Aeon of Horus? A God who apparently only revealed himself some 3000 years ago to a guy named Moses has been ruling things all along like a wizard behind a curtain and now that His Aeon is up, he is still in charge, too? Anyway, if you believe that spirits in heaven control your fate to the extent suggested in the above quotation, then you don't have much free will, which runs pretty contradictory to the ideas expressed in the Bible."I think the story of Ialdaboath completes the picture to the idea of a "jealous" God. The Lion Serpent born of Sophia who created the material universe to show his greatness. It fits the qabalistic scheme quiet nicely too if you attribute the Demiurge to the path of Teth (see the thoth deck its right there really). Making the goal of the magician to lift up his/her's consciousness above the material reality. Perhaps that would also make a nice analogy for the Black Brother concept: the magician sees him/herself as the total reality seated in the clouds on a false throne stealing power from mother wisdom."
That's interesting and somehwat sensible from a mythic sort of perspective, except that it still doesn't explain (to me) why Yahweh would "assign the heavenly bodies and the idols to the Gentiles" only to wipe them out due to their false idol worship...
But, anyway, if we do accept this mythology, it seems to be a literal interpretation to suggest that the original quote is actually how things really are. If I am interpreting correctly, your explanation equates Yahweh with the Lion Serpent / Demiurge who is actually responsible for our creation and who has placed this ruling hierarchy in the clouds whose battles are reflected here on earth in our world?
This idea of a deluded God figure has a parallel in eastern mythology when Maha-Brahma told Buddha, "I am Brahma, the Great Brahma, the Supreme One, the Mighty, the All-seeing, the Ruler, the Lord of all, the Maker, the Creator, the Chief of all appointing to each his place, the ANCIENT OF DAYS, the Father of all that is and will be." Buddha told him straight to his face that nope, he was just another unenlightened, deluded deva.
The difference is that while Maha-Brahma claimed to be the Creator, he wasn't really the Creator. What you have explained seems to suggest that Yahweh is deluded, but he really did create us all.
This reminds me of a theory I have, which is not only my own, as I'm sure I've read similar things elsewhere, but it seems that if you open yourself up to a belief system then you literally open yourself to it and everything associated with it. People looking for demons find them, people looking for angels find them, people looking for UFOs find them, people looking for Buddhas find them. An interesting fact I've discovered is that Jehovah's Witnesses have 3x higher incidence of mental illness than average with a large occurrence of schizophrenia. They are always talking about being attacked by demons and they mean LITERALLY. Flaming heads, furniture moving around, books flying off shelves, being pulled out of bed by their hair, etc.
@Redd Fezz said
This reminds me of a theory I have, which is not only my own, as I'm sure I've read similar things elsewhere, but it seems that if you open yourself up to a belief system then you literally open yourself to it and everything associated with it. People looking for demons find them, people looking for angels find them, people looking for UFOs find them, people looking for Buddhas find them. An interesting fact I've discovered is that Jehovah's Witnesses have 3x higher incidence of mental illness than average with a large occurrence of schizophrenia. They are always talking about being attacked by demons and they mean LITERALLY. Flaming heads, furniture moving around, books flying off shelves, being pulled out of bed by their hair, etc."I hold a similar idea about BS (belief systems). Universe mathematically speaking has no form, color, sound etc. Our minds produce the entire experience, therefore, the mind will experience reality according to the parameters it has been "set " to.
BTW yes I do equate old Jehovah to the Demiurge. What I left out is that Sophia told the Demiurge that the primordial soul of man preceded him. Old Ialdabaoth didn't like that one bit so he created the universe to enslave the primordial consciousness of humanity. All the demigods, angels, and demons therefore would exists to maintain the illusion. Don't forget that the Demiurge is INSANE, imagine an idiot spending all day to build a sand castle and when the sand people in the castle don't fall onto their sand knees to worship he destroys them.
Fess. My reference was made out of interest. I'm a theologian/religion major so I study ancient texts for parallels
with modern models. The story itself finds it's origin in a Ugarit myth regarding El Elyon
and his 70 sons. The sons are assigned to govern various city states, (similar to the list of 70 nations in Genesis).I don't believe in Sophia or Iaoldoboth, the demiurgos or that ish. I just make records of my experiences and look for similarities in pre-existing belief systems, which are beyond my immediate awareness and confirm a sort of archetypal reality or trend. I try to read between the lines. From my experiences with entities I would hesitantly classify as "good and evil", I cant help but be reminded of the evolutionary game theory model, Hawk-Dove. We see this system of game theory in nature, where it is in the best interest of both parties to have opposing strategies for many reasons. Likewise I believe humanity has evolved in symbiosis w/ the presence of higher intelligences which have opposing visions of what humanities destiny ought to be. These entities are theophanies of an even higher intelligence which projects both, and humanity itself is but the material vehicle for this cascade of self-evolving and seemingly self-opposing awareness. The push and pull of both sides are the swings on the pendulum which bring us to higher equilibriums.
This is a game we must all partake in, "for if you are lukewarm I will spit you out."
The name of the game is The Great Work and after having snatched the fire(read elevated consciousness) from the gods, we must descend the mount again and deliver the fire like Prometheus, so it may serve as a boon to humankind, so that we may spiritualize the material with an influx of the captured fire.I sought to bring awareness to the governing forces, that is all. Earth is a battlefield and your consciousness is a vehicle in that war.
@Foolster said
"Fess. My reference was made out of interest. I'm a theologian/religion major so I study ancient texts for parallels
with modern models. The story itself finds it's origin in a Ugarit myth regarding El Elyon
and his 70 sons. The sons are assigned to govern various city states, (similar to the list of 70 nations in Genesis).I don't believe in Sophia or Iaoldoboth, the demiurgos or that ish. I just make records of my experiences and look for similarities in pre-existing belief systems, which are beyond my immediate awareness and confirm a sort of archetypal reality or trend. I try to read between the lines. From my experiences with entities I would hesitantly classify as "good and evil", I cant help but be reminded of the evolutionary game theory model, Hawk-Dove. We see this system of game theory in nature, where it is in the best interest of both parties to have opposing strategies for many reasons. Likewise I believe humanity has evolved in symbiosis w/ the presence of higher intelligences which have opposing visions of what humanities destiny ought to be. These entities are theophanies of an even higher intelligence which projects both, and humanity itself is but the material vehicle for this cascade of self-evolving and seemingly self-opposing awareness. The push and pull of both sides are the swings on the pendulum which bring us to higher equilibriums.
This is a game we must all partake in, "for if you are lukewarm I will spit you out."
The name of the game is The Great Work and after having snatched the fire(read elevated consciousness) from the gods, we must descend the mount again and deliver the fire like Prometheus, so it may serve as a boon to humankind, so that we may spiritualize the material with an influx of the captured fire.I sought to bring awareness to the governing forces, that is all. Earth is a battlefield and your consciousness is a vehicle in that war."
OK well by your own explanation: you are yet to experience that level of conscious awareness. You should try to see that we are speaking about a "trend" that some may have experienced not the reality of a being named Ialdaboath, BTW as a religion major you should know that Sophia=Wisdom=Chokmah.
@Foolster said
"I sought to bring awareness to the governing forces, that is all. Earth is a battlefield and your consciousness is a vehicle in that war."
That is why it matters to me what these beings supposedly are and what they're supposedly doing. I try to avoid those forces which would like to crush me like a bug and instead prefer to link up with the more powerful, benign forces who show superior intelligence and only the best of intentions, not to mention the ability to defeat all enemies and willingly act as guardians.
Silent1: of course I have. I was speaking in general when I refuted a concretized demiurgos, not to you. For the record, I've met thelemites who take the symbols as literal. You'd do well to be more polite in correspondence.
Fezz: I'm with you.