Apologies 2 All...
Apparently, Mercury is retrograde.
This leads to issues in communication.
I am very glad to see everyone making peace with everyone else though.
It does help that I am drunk.
Sorry again guys but I am definitely love U all 4 teaching me what I thought I knew. Yes Mercury is very much having effect here. Of course the Lunar eclipse we will all experience tomorrow night (i.e., Gallatically centered and Tue. if technical?) shall affect/effect the all toooooo... I have been in a constant state of upheaval w/me partner for the past couple of days.. And wouldn't wish to b rid of;;;;; well, I'll not go quite there' however, I am so thankful 2 be really learning from U all..Whether it is naturally invoked force or induced; I wish Us all a happy space 4 our selves...Merry X-mas and or how U wish!!! This site has been a blast 2 me... Thanks Jim 4 allowing me 2 stay and learn about me!!!
L.V.X. x Love x Will = Magnitude.93 93/93
This is great it's my turn now!
I apologize for my generally confrontational tone on these boards. I have arudra nashaktra and am ruled by Rudra the storm god. So I tend to have an abusive tone but it's truly insincere, and I have come to enjoy just about everyone here. I hope I have made a total ass out of myself
. I'll try to be a bit more sensitive in the future.
The only thing I hope is that no one notices my posts heehee
@Vlad said
"The only thing I hope is that no one notices my posts heehee"
Duly noted; and noticed.
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@TheSilent1 said
"This is great it's my turn now!
I apologize for my generally confrontational tone on these boards. I have arudra nashaktra and am ruled by Rudra the storm god. So I tend to have an abusive tone but it's truly insincere, and I have come to enjoy just about everyone here. I hope I have made a total {***} out of myself
. I'll try to be a bit more sensitive in the future."
Yeah know how you feel. I was feeling quite hessitant about being this open and candid while wrighting this post; but I needed to. And am quite thankful I did. Anyone feeling the affects/effects of this quite bright Moon and the to happen Eclipse tonight yet?
L.V.X. x Love x Will = Magnitude.
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Man, this eclipse is taking no prisoners.
@pharos said
"Man, this eclipse is taking no prisoners.
L.V.X. x Love x Will = Magnitude.
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@Alrah said
@pharos said
"Man, this eclipse is taking no prisoners."
Last night was horrible. (I was in considerable pain). It was all very melodramatic imo. Feels Ok this morning though. Quite nice. Very still.
I almost forgot (but not quite) I had a brief vision of a Hawk while I was in bed feeling lousy."
Sorry to hear you'r misfortune. I have watched this total eclipse so far and it has been amazing emotionaly and visualy. I totaly agree.L.V.X. x Love x Will = Magnitude.
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@Alrah said
@AbUldIZ418 said
"I have watched this total eclipse so far and it has been amazing emotionaly and visualy. I totaly agree."The Suns up here, so I didn't see it. I'm looking forward to the pictures though.
Yeah me 2!!!Anyhow this has been quite a night esp. 4 a Cancer w/Ascendent @ 05' (i.e., degrees) and Sun @ 28' ('' '').
L.V.X. x Love x Will = Magnitude.
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@pharos said
"Man, this eclipse is taking no prisoners.
Totally agree. It's 3:30 in the morning, the eclipse has wound down to the the very dramatic "Space Odyssey" visual and I'm stll hgh as a kte.
Not sure why this one is geting me so much: 29 degrees of Gemini/Sag does quincunx my Moon, but I've had more direct hits... Is it the solstice and Galatic Center comig into play?
Whatever it is.. this one has sunk my battleship1
If I had to apologies for every action or word that left someone feeling uncertain of themselves or for every unintended mistake I made, I'd never have time to accomplish my Will. If will stops and cries "which planet is in retrograde this week?," then will stops and does nothing.
@Takamba said
"If I had to apologies for every action or word that left someone feeling uncertain of themselves or for every unintended mistake I made, I'd never have time to accomplish my Will. If will stops and cries "which planet is in retrograde this week?," then will stops and does nothing."
Well, surely, if momentary introspection, personal examination, and reclamation of the consequences of Will be a nuisance, than avoid it, certainly.
If given a momentary mirror of this magnitude? I'm taking advantage. Personally, I need the perspective.
@mrkiii said
@Takamba said
"If I had to apologies for every action or word that left someone feeling uncertain of themselves or for every unintended mistake I made, I'd never have time to accomplish my Will. If will stops and cries "which planet is in retrograde this week?," then will stops and does nothing."Well, surely, if momentary introspection, personal examination, and reclamation of the consequences of Will be a nuisance, than avoid it, certainly.
If given a momentary mirror of this magnitude? I'm taking advantage. Personally, I need the perspective."
I tottally agree and felt that apolgie for something done is on your conscious it should be brought forth. When applied to symbols sets of this magnitude as an Eclipse @ the winter solstice not to mention Orion and the fact of this happening @ Galactic center. Tottaly amasing to me anyway.L.V.X. x Love x Will = Magnitude.
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