Astral Dwelling: The Mystics 'House of Bread'.
There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
My 1st Initiation document:!/photo.php?fbid=185780811457862&set=a.143930032309607.16817.100000778326441&type=1&theater
I have been at this awhile. I don't mean to be rude but I haven't been setting on my azz picking my nose and dreaming of becoming a Magus;)
I say this because most of the responses are assuming i dont know what the hell I am talking about.
A little hint: Degrees/Grades don't make you spiritual. These are titles of recognition of your reality, not the reality itself.
A fresh perspective of certain realities does not make you wrong. It just means you have a different vision of reality. There are many ways to describe an event or reality. The more ways one is able to see this, the more one can understand the more subtle essence of an idea, symbol, or event.
For instance, my "astral dwelling" has been described over and over again in religous texts just in different ways. As an example, Jesus went into the Temple and flipped the tables. He also mentions the "mansion" of G-D. Moses did it when he manifested the tabernacle......and on and on.
Love is the law, love under will.
But seriously, I would rather live according to a rational delusion then live an irrational life
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@Dar said
@Frater MVKDSh said
"But seriously, I would rather live according to a rational delusion then live an irrational life"
They're interesting sounding words... but what do you actually mean by them? What is a rational delusion for instance? Give examples!
What I mean is before I understood who I was and what my position was in relation to the Universe, my life was irrational.
Now my life is rational and has been since around 1998. So if my view of reality is delusional I will take it any day.
Love is the law, love under will.
The Universe just moved! Oh wow! It's moved again!
The disk spins
"It is what it is." "What is it?" "Not what you imagine."
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
ummmm....not what I meant
I cant really explain because I feel that some things should remain private. But I will say this:
You will find yourself in the grip of a storm if you do not understand yourself. You will have no control over your actions or your environment. You must understand on an intimate level why you act, feel and think before you can claim your destiny.
You dont need magick to know yourself. But magick does make the journey much easier and lessens the pain and consequences of your actions.
This I know to be TRUE with certainty.
Love is the law, love under will.
You know, you're already been warned. Not to be a pain or anything else for that matter.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@Vlad said
"You know, you're already been warned. Not to be a pain or anything else for that matter."
What does that mean? Very odd thing to say.......
Love is the law, love under will.
@Frater MVKDSh said
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@Vlad said
"You know, you're already been warned. Not to be a pain or anything else for that matter."
What does that mean? Very odd thing to say.......
Love is the law, love under will."
I'm suspecting he's referring to this <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7197&p=46069#p46069</a><!-- l -->
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
To answer your question: Fire. If you have no choice but to know yourself, then you will know yourself or ............(I dont want to finish the sentence. sorry).
Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
I just thought of a better way of putting my particular understanding of this. It is like being in a sense deprivation tank. Time and Space cease to exist as laws of physics. Thoughts begin to rise. These thoughts begin to consume you pushing you faster and faster towards insanity. You either go insane or you deal with the thoughts. The only escape is to allow the opposite thought to arise to balance out the mind. Eventually your mind clears and you start chaining your thoughts to their root. Eventually you understand why you act the way you act, why you feel the way you feel, and why your spirit cries in suffering.
Once you understand the why you realize what needs to be done in order to be a joyous, balanced individual.
Love is the law, love under will.
@Frater MVKDSh said
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
I just thought of a better way of putting my particular understanding of this. It is like being in a sense deprivation tank. Time and Space cease to exist as laws of physics. Thoughts begin to rise. These thoughts begin to consume you pushing you faster and faster towards insanity. You either go insane or you deal with the thoughts. The only escape is to allow the opposite thought to arise to balance out the mind. Eventually your mind clears and you start chaining your thoughts to their root. Eventually you understand why you act the way you act, why you feel the way you feel, and why your spirit cries in suffering.
Once you understand the why you realize what needs to be done in order to be a joyous, balanced individual.
Love is the law, love under will.
*****"If I were actually going to make a suggestion, I'd say something like Try writing all that, try speaking all that and anything else you speak without using the word "you." Use the word "I" for now (even though, yes, in exercise with Liber III you may wish to learn to avoid the word "I", I'm asking you to learn to quit project with the word "you"). Identify with this for now.
Let's see what difference in your powers of perception this might generate.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Lets look at this in a rational manner. There are only 3 options in this situation. First, I am crazy. Second, I am lying, or third I am describing a genuine mystical state.
Rebuttal: I am to coherent to be confused about the difference between fantasy and reality. Therefore I am not insane.
That only leaves 2 options. I described a process in extreme detail. Therefore, if I made up my experience those who have experienced this reality will be able to instantly recognize It. However, if I am describing a valid mystical state those who also have experienced this state should be able to recognize what I am talking about.
I dont care what you decide. Just do it in a calm, rational manner;)
Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Stars come into the Temple through Different Gates. Thats the Beauty of it
Lobve is the law, love under will.
@Frater MVKDSh said
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@Vlad said
"You know, you're already been warned. Not to be a pain or anything else for that matter."
What does that mean? Very odd thing to say.......
Love is the law, love under will."
Oh, sorry. I meant you've already been warned. Excuse my english, it's not my tongue. Also, I really am not trying to be rude or anything else for that matter. But what you're saying really doesn't make much sense. -
@Frater MVKDSh said
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Lets look at this in a rational manner. There are only 3 options in this situation. First, I am crazy. Second, I am lying, or third I am describing a genuine mystical state.
*****"The fourth option: You are genuinely in the right forest, but you have gotten yourself lost.
@Takamba said
@Frater MVKDSh said
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.Lets look at this in a rational manner. There are only 3 options in this situation. First, I am crazy. Second, I am lying, or third I am describing a genuine mystical state.
*****"The fourth option: You are genuinely in the right forest, but you have gotten yourself lost."
Yes. I was even going to commend on your description, but the post got lost. You're a sensitive guy, but don't get too sensitive. You may have even gotten into something, I have no clue. But it's really nothing, just go on with the work. It's a bit like when I was twenty and had my first very powerful experience, or let myself have it. I got completely wacko.You are not making sense.
All love
To be modest, you're describing me. And the funny part is that I'm not really like that, thinking anything about myself; it has more to do with my anxiousness. Whenever I get a glimpse of happiness, and this may often be better than any ecstasy of meditative states, that can feel more like drugs, then I don't have to think about myself anymore.