Abremalin AND employment
@Sardonyx said
"Has anyone developed a workable method to achieve K&C that doesn't involve a month of secluded free time?"
I went through this during a time I was running my own law practice. I had a great deal of freedom, but was hardly exempt from having a great deal of work to do (although it was a time when I made the most money for the fewest hours spent, and that was advantageous). The operation was successful.
The available time isn't the biggest issue - it's just a logistics matter to address. The real issue is the impact of the accumulating energies on your nervous system AND what that means when you are interacting with the rest of th world (especially in stressful conditions). During the operation, there are also bursts of time when you need to be totally owner of your time and thoughts will little regard for other people or circumstances.
I'm not saying not to do it:I am saying that there are distinct challenges, many of which you won't be able to anticipate ahead of time.
BTW, my own view is that until one has reached Dominus Liminis in A.'.A.'. (or an equivalent by another path), this is premature. Let's characterize that as a personal opinion, though
And, more broadly: There are many other kinds of operations or efforts one can undertake without doing THIS one. One can much more eaasily have a "working retreat" in which, say, one goes one with one's ordinary life except for setting aside a couple of hours every night for deep devotional and/or ritual work in a reserved and prepared sacred space, and uses the normal course of the day (with a reorientation of attitude) to witness oneself and the environment differently. - I recommend MASSIVE amounts of journaling with this approach.
"There are many other kinds of operations or efforts one can undertake without doing THIS one. One can much more eaasily have a "working retreat" in which, say, one goes one with one's ordinary life except for setting aside a couple of hours every night for deep devotional and/or ritual work in a reserved and prepared sacred space, and uses the normal course of the day (with a reorientation of attitude) to witness oneself and the environment differently. - I recommend MASSIVE amounts of journaling with this approach."
I'm unclear about the specifics of "other kinds of operations or efforts." The nighttime thing is probably going to have to be the thing for me. I think I can swing that. Any particular suggested ritual/s to go with that?
@Sardonyx said
"I'm unclear about the specifics of "other kinds of operations or efforts." The nighttime thing is probably going to have to be the thing for me. I think I can swing that. Any particular suggested ritual/s to go with that?"
Of all operations, this is one I'd go out of my way to leave to you.
You could even model it after some portion of Liber VIII without committing to the full A-M operation.
I can't predict whether it's a good or bad thing. It could go either way. If anything, it tends to "good" because it's likely to enhance the burdens and the ordeal-strain on your soul and, of all operations you could conceive, this is one where that kind of karmic purgation and stark self-stripping (in the sense of paint stripper) is valuable.
Didn't A.C. accomplish the K&C while taking his family across China, after all? This is surely adaptable.
I have another question about the K&C, but I'll start a different thread as it pertains to the effects rather than the operation to get there.
@sk4p said
"Didn't A.C. accomplish the K&C while taking his family across China, after all? This is surely adaptable."
Yes. (Except that, half way along the trip, he sent them ahead back to England.)
But, as Phyllis would often tell students: Don't compare yourself to Crowley. His skill and discipline levels were far beyond most people's.
FWIW I recommend checking out this book. I believe it would give you an idea of what one could possibly expect when doing the Abremelin Operation while having a job.
I got it last weekend and have been glued to it.
I hope this helps
I just acquired that last week but haven't dug into it properly yet, but I could have sworn he said he was laid off or something, but his family had enough financial security to get by for the duration, so he said "no time like the present". I got the impression from the few pages I've read so far that he did feel like employment would have been a liability.
Wait, it's on my phone in Kindle form, let's see!
"I commenced this Operation in an apartment to which we had moved and had found ourselves stuck when I was made redundant."
"It was fully my intent to take advantage of an "accidental exile" in which my family was situated at the start of this Operation [...] it seemed the only opportunity I had received in thirty years to perform the Abramelin under such ideal circumstances."
He ended up getting a really crappy job.
"Ahh, fair enough. Like I said, I hadn't dug far enough in yet, but at least at the outset I thought he was actually doing the "full-time Adept" gig we would all dream of. "
Ha nah. Close though. You're gonna love it. I can't put it down.
@Al-Shariyf said
"FWIW I recommend checking out this book. I believe it would give you an idea of what one could possibly expect when doing the Abremelin Operation while having a job.
I got it last weekend and have been glued to it.
I hope this helps
Downloading it to my Kindle now.
Thank you for the link.
You're welcome.
I feel compelled to pray we each take on this operation, in this lifetime, with strength and success, Lord willing. Enjoy.
@Frater INRI said
@Al-Shariyf said
"FWIW I recommend checking out this book. I believe it would give you an idea of what one could possibly expect when doing the Abremelin Operation while having a job.I got it last weekend and have been glued to it.
I hope this helps
Downloading it to my Kindle now.
Thank you for the link."
Me too. I can't wait to read.
Though not of book length, you might want to see the the excerpts from The Magical Record of BROTHER PROSERPINUS during his Season of the Performance of The SACRED MAGICK of ABRAMELIN the MAGE in Black Pearl No. 6.
I feel I should point out that there's a common misconception that the original Book of Abra-melin suggests you MUST go on some kind of hermitage and completely disconnect from all your affairs to do this ritual.
That's not true. If you read the text, it states that while that would probably be the EASIEST way to do it, you can do it in almost any circumstance, even if you're a servant or laborer, and it describes ways one should try to compensate.I held down a job all through my period of doing the K&C of the HGA.