Alcohol and Magic/k
In many forms, types, and ranges of ritual, Crowley suggests invoking Nuit with "wine and strange drugs."
I have been drinking predominately wine for the past few years, seeing as how it doesn't "dope me up" the way that other kinds of alcohol do. There seems to be something ancient, righteous, and profoundly magical around the idea of fermented grape juice.
With wine or any other drug, if I over use it in any area, my meditation and magic fails in more than one area.
However when I have everything balanced, the magic flows like the fires and rain of creation, and I am in a higher state in K&C. This includes various herbs mentioned by Crowley himself, but I am focusing on wine and alcohol in this thread.
Would anyone agree that wine has the presence of being a more profound sacrament than other forms of fermented or distilled libation?
It connects me with my previous lives, I can feel through the air and breezes, and the breath of the forest. It loosens the girders of my soul, if consumed just right, so I can connect closer to my higher self.
When over-consumed, the effect seems to be the opposite. I drink all day, but at the end of the day it is no more than 12 ounces of wine, which makes my bottles of Manischewitz last a while, but also seems to unlock a perfect flow of the divine love/water/venom/blood of creation. If I take three sips instead of one from my goblet, the magic begins to fall away, and I feel less like my higher, enlightened self, and more like the hyperintelligent monkey that aspires to the higher self.
What do fellow magicians think of these concepts?
I am not much of a wine drinker, or drinker in general any more these days.
In the past I have abused it, using it as a crutch in social situations.
Though I have all ways had something of a penchant for absinthe.Red wine makes me feel aggressive, white wine sick to my stomach.
Any foreign substance imbibed to invoke changes in consciousness must be handled with care.
There are obvious reasons for things such as opiates and benzos with addictive natures.
Generally speaking, there is the danger of being deluded by "substance" colored glasses.
In addition to loosing awareness of whatever facets of consciousness are obfuscated.
Such is the exchange made when using substances : you become more sensitive in one area at the cost of awareness in another.
Re-arranging as opposed to cultivating ; specialization instead of expansion.With an intent and some working knowledge of a substance it becomes a very useful tool in the course of ones career of conscious study.
I totally agree.
This balance, Crowley went into detail on how to find. He went as far as explaining in the 2nd Equinox issue that he never goes past imbibing a very small amount of hashish for it's aid in meditation, "loosening the girders of the soul".
It comes right down to this, and Crowley explains this in his "Cocaine", I forget which liber:
There are the strong, hungry minded people strong in spirit who wish to better and help themselves, and better and help the universe.
Then there are the weak, who feed off the strong in small or huge ways, (the war on drugs. Thank you.)
They are better off being allowed to do all the drugs they wish, because they are better off dead and exhibiting a "warning to their neighbors."The strong can easily read through the lines of all of Crowley's writings if studied, but this is a blatant fact in "Cocaine". I agree with him one hundred per cent. C, H, Hash/Cannabis, Alcohol, M, "The Cactus", and all the other natural psychedelics, have done nothing but make me stronger, more agile, open-minded, and healthier than I could have ever done just gorging myself on food and drink the way the white man has done for thousands of years.
(Minus the psychedelic groups and rites like Eleusis. They imbibed fermented/slightly rotted rye grass and other grains, producing ergot, which contains Lysergic acid Amides, including Lysergic Acid Hydroxyethylamide, which is basically LSD in itself.)When one finds this balance of Nuit's wine and strange drugs, one realizes how lost they were before, how they never really understood the world or the words that were spoken to them, and how blind the rest of the world is who is not attempting to restore the Tree.
A secret: All these drugs used to be freely available to humans, and they lived for hundreds and hundreds of years. They disobeyed and rebelled against their masters, and were forced to find food/drink/drugs on their own. Their lifespan decreased tenfold, and that's all we have up until now.
There is a reason why people who eat psychedelic drugs and consume a little C and Opiates with this balance do not age. I get carded for buying tobacco, and I am thirty three, and I always ask why and they cannot tell I am over eighteen.
This thread however, is about alcohol itself in its aid in ritual.
Another useful tool, if used correctly like the South American shamans, is tobacco. In very small amounts, before ritual, it seems to open pathways that the others just don't open like tobacco does. Down south, it is a sacrament and not abused, (pre-rolled and loaded with pesticides/dogacides/catecides/humanicides, along with extra addictives including synthetic nicotine itself.)
I smoke a ceremonial glass pipe stuffed with just a small pinch of tobacco, a few times a day, before meditation, and before ritual. See oh so very well I do, why the American Indians considered it sacred. I am 1/8th Cherokee, however Indian genes are dominant and I have no hair on my chest, my body parts are long, , and the hair on my face only needs to be shaved once every week and a half if I am shaving at the time. Strong feelings of ancient connectedness I feel, when imbibing these sacraments with respect, care, reverence, worship, and for no other reason than to stimulate Knowledge and Conversation.
To me, red wine is one of the ultimate sacraments, along with the others I've mentioned.
[There is a reason I post such literate, intelligible aspects of these sacraments. Everyone is secretly interested in them and they all google them. If we can round up a lot of folks who are tired of their way of living, and get them to end this tragedy of a civil-war in my country, (USA,) we will be a thousand steps closer to climbing to Yesod on our Tree. Folks will truly be living.]
ThelemicMage, tnx for sharing your experiences.
Me, I drink mostly wine and in a ritual setting only, as an offering to Her. It is quite different from partying with
friends, gals and wine/beer, obviously.It opens my awareness up, and deeper and faster "results" manifest.
It's almost as if it's a completely different substance after sanctified as IA Apophrasz, the Love, Venom, Blood, and sacred Wine of creation.
It's more of an opener instead of a closer/stress-reliever when used as we both do, INRI.
Thank you for your contribution.
I always thought that the most profound sacrement, To Nuit, would be Mead.
I am asthmatic, and most all wines provoke an attack, due to the sulfates. i am sure, in a ritual setting, that sensation, would, could enhance an expierence due to the fact that the oxygen level in my body is rapidly dropping....
In my much earily years I sometimes would use a shot of Jack Daniels. To me because the water in JD came from ancient cave water, and the blessed corn, I thought it was the perfect drink for a sacrement.
Also because of the nature of carbohydrates converting to suger....wines, beers, and other mixed cocktails.....really do havoc on my blood sugar levels, and completely detract my whole body from doing anything useful, like a ritual.
But one shot of JD, or at special occassions to honor my Irish ancestors Vodka, could be a nice touch to a well planned out ritual.
i personally have never used mead in my own rite, but have enjoyed it at the Druid rituals....but since it is made from honey, bees, and flowers it seems like it. Would be the ultimate.
As an aside, you smokers may be interested in reading Animism and the Divine King.....I am familiar with the sacred pipe, as my mother is Wolf Clan, Ut reading that book made me consciously aware about oral fixations, stages of humanities development, the use of rituals, and why many of us go about the day putting things in our mouths.
Now that you mention it, mead does sound like the ultimate sacramental libation.
Bees are oh so sacred. The humming one hears on many of Nuit's sacraments, (Tryptamines like Ayahuasca, Mushrooms, and the like,) is because of something so secret and related to bees I cannot post the entire idea here. I would feel guilty blatantly recording the powerful things I've seen out there, but the tryptamine "buzz" is the "Aum" or even "Aumgn" of our Universe and Creation as a whole.
There is a reason honey is so expensive, and it's not because bees are small and produce a certain amount of honey. The underlying reason is mind-blowing.
Well, I'll just go ahead with this then:
Elf-hives, when viewed on tryptamines, look just like honeycombs of honey bees. The tryptamine hum is constant and they try to get you to "inhale" or imbibe it, and "exhale" it to produce a "demotic-greek" glossolalia that is actually your higher self speaking the language of higher dimension. Everything you sing in that realm after learning to do this, turns to vision and sound instead of just sound.
This still interests me very much to this day, and I do it several times a week.
I've only had mead maybe once or twice, but I will have to go get honey while it's on sale and ferment some. I'm guessing I could just add hot water and yeast, screw on a proper air vent, and wait a few weeks.
Thank you, Lady Veronica, for this wonderful idea. Enjoy this I shall.
Since we are discussing libation and tobacco was mentioned, I would like to state the fact that both tobacco and cocaine have been found in thousands-of-year-old mummies in Egypt.
This means simply:
Whatever power that was helping group humans for evolution, allowed both coca and tobacco to grow somewhere in Egypt thousands of years ago. Hashish was found in them as well, the source plant originating in the Hindu Kush, a little ways from Egypt, not as far as South America by far.
I do not have all the information on hand as I used to, however you can google it for sure. Here, I'll do it:
"Mystery of the Cocaine Mummies":"Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact hypotheses": mummies. Wait. I move around without being dead wrapped in paper, enjoying these forces of nature, so I must be lucky as well.
See, when I read your first paragraph, I thought it simply meant that the powers that enslaved generations ( drug trafficers) had thier [censored] hands on some really old dudes, milking them for every drop.
But, I may be baised, I spent the day downtown.
And isn't it sick, Veronica, how "they" still have the weak dependent on alcohol, and then "they" ruin, bastardize, impuritize, and push the sacraments of Nuit upon the weak from other parts of the world. The only kind of sacrament they cannot muck up is cannabis. Thank RHK.
We must remember, that "they" never were in "control" in the first place. There's no actual connection between "them" "giving" prototype humans these sacraments and the humans actually taking them and evolving because of them. See, that's the trick, the universal cloak-and-joke.
Our HGAs and the combined version of them in perfect samadhi, (God Her/Himself,) created all this for us and put these plants and fungus here for our development, strength, and survival.
If coca alone had not been available to slave prototype humans, we would not have reasoning ability that we do now, and for sure our brains would be slightly smaller because of it.
If "the cactus", fungus, and harmala/tryptamine-containing plants had not been available, our language centers would not have developed, in fact we would even now be left to grunts, moaning, and yelling. We haven't been here that long.
And you know, if you look at the difference between the fifties and the seventies, (the decade when the ultimate of Nuit's sacraments was discovered and made available to the world and the younger generation almost as a whole,) it seems that LSD caused thousands of years of social evolution, from music, to clothing, down to textiles and automobiles, in a span of ten years.
One can see the collective human consciousness picking up on what was about to happen during the forties and fifties. Fins, (almost wings,) on cars out of nowhere. Music taking a very strange turn, but not as fast as when LSD was made available. This particular sacrament is so strong that humans actually were aware of the change it would have almost twenty years in advance. One can clearly see the evolutionary difference once the general population of doctors and youth began experimenting.
Peace and Power
93/93 -
Do What Thou Wilt Brother,
I learned along time ago, when sitting through long lectures on history, consciousness and social responsibilty to try not to use the words, THEY! THEM! Or even TPTB. I try to use empowering words, and words that claim resonsiblitiy, like US! WE! maybe it is just a cheep mindfudge for me, IDK.
I fortunately have a strong mind so, no it doesnt make me sick.
I fortunately have a soft heart, so it does make me sad....I disagree with you whole heartedly that the use of drugs has helped humanity. I agree that the use of drugs may have helped some people, but as a whole it has been a terrible flop.
I will not derail this topic debating my opinion on this, and presenting my evidence which I believe completely proves it.
But I will state, to keep this on topic, that the use of substances as a Holy Sacrement, and as an aid to ritual ( which is an aid to LIFE) WAS NEVER intended for Joe schmoe, and everyday recreation, and that to partake of the Holy Union, and to invite its blessings upon a practioner, was only to be done after years, of monastic life, after years of preperation, and after years of becomeing a worthy vessel.
These rites are intended to do a specific thing, to serve a specific function, and to expect anyone off the street to be able to handle this force, this energy current, this shift in molecular being, is to invite havok upon them, to invite demons into them, to rip then asunder and cast them naked upon the shore.
I took LSD once, as a teen, as part of a rite that was given to me, for me. It did what it was supposed to do. But I had prepared long and hard for that rite.
I use Nuit's wine and strange drugs as recommended and recorded by Crowley, not much more than that.
All in ritual, and always unto our lady Nuit.
Veronica, let us not forget the normally unforeseeable long-haul that is normally the reason for everything, to progress humanity through time. Psychedelics and cocaine alone have been proven to open and evolve the language centers in the brain, and to vastly improve intuition and long-term memory, (basically the same thing -- short-term memory are training wheels for pure intuition.)
Let us not also forget than man h as done all this to himself -- thus your explanation of not wanting to use specific terms to identify something that doesn't really exist anyways, in terms of influencing humanity. I believe humans intuitively know what's right for them ---
but when they start making mind-control devices like televisions and then watch them to learn how to live, they've crossed that fine line between evolution and madness.
I stopped watching TV years ago, but still use W&SD every day. Easily I see, how Television has the effect upon "sober" people, in the way that they would think drugs would have effect upon me. Everything I do is unto our Lady Nuit, so the power flows with these allies with me.
Thank you for your input, fair Sister.
@ThelemicMage said
"I stopped watching TV years ago, but still use W&SD every day."
They are not strange if you use them every day
My interpretation of the line is as a call to open up and embrace new experiences.
While, in some ways I agree with Veronica, that certain substances may be harmful to your 'average Joe.'
In the right context they can be a tool to open up 'Joe' to aspects of consciousness we as Mystics & Magicians take for granted. -
Verse of the unification, you are right-on.
There is always time and room for a journey, to learn. Well, already on a journey we all are, together, so we must be vigilant in all we do to not miss anything important.
I am not judging what you do, with yourself at all. I have no beef with your choices at all and I am sorry if I didnt come across that way. i love diversity, and free will, and by all means if anyone wants to indulge go right ahead, I wont narc you out.
And I will say too that it is rare indeed to find men willing to devote and dedicate Everything to Nuit, very rare indeed. i think the world needs more peop,e consciously devoting every aspect of thier lives to Her.
you are so in touch with your femine side, you understand time differently then most men, who are not only Not in touch with that side of them selves, but actively Against that side of themselves. Rest assurd you do not need to remind me of anything, I am 100 girl. and the scary thing for me is that while I know I am a pretty darn clever girl, their are people out there who are a hundred times smarter, more devious, and probably better looking then me too. The smart ones, who only use ( not abuse) those are people who have been milking the masses, sure by thier own consent..but still.....milking them none the less for a very long time.Where is VanHelsing when needed?? we traded our Priests for Vampires, The Great White Brotherhood for the Black Brother, go figure.
My initial comment was really just an attempt to muse of the fact that what you saw simply as a sign of great liberation and empowerment, could also be seen as a sign of great slavery and injustice....depending on where one stands. Had spent he day downtown, with lawyers, judges, criminals, victims, and the extended family that goes with it, and so I could very easily see "their" side, as drug are bad and have been bad for a very long time. i thought my comment about really old dudes was just ridiculous and made me giggle.
Oh well.
I picked up on your vibes, lady Veronica.
Figured I did, to just throw in some information that I didn't know if I had posted yet.
A secret to you: the drugs and libations that the TPTB use, are physically less than the drugs that their "slaves" imbibe.
Meaning, there is less of the actual chemical in the drugs than the "less pure" versions of them on the street. This simple means that the true powers that rule the universe are using these Black Brothers as patsies and puppets, keeping them in some kind of false bliss.
This doesn't even touch the fact that they are all annunaki. To oblivion to the truly weak who try to yoke us.
Thank you for your opinions and useful information, sister.
I will drink wine very rarely. Something in it gives me a headache. I personally like drinking beer and I like just about all beer from Pabst Blue Ribbon to Guinness. I find that when buzzed on alcohol and pot I am better at doing my art work because I am more relaxed. I drink beer mainly as a beverage and do not abuse it. I find that when I smoke pot I am more creative but I tend to become lazy about doing my more mundane activities such as doing laundry and keeping my house clean.
I haven't done psychedelics in 20 years or cocaine either. I am giving up pot because when I drink alone I wake up the next day refreshed but when I smoke pot and drink I have trouble getting up in the morning. I do almost all of my magickal workings and meditations sober because I do my magick during the day while my kids are in High School. I do magick to strengthen my will and to make my will be done. I am weak willed when it comes to cigarettes and I have to admit I enjoy them immensely and am totally addicted to them. -
Brother, I would give the whole ditching cannabis thing a second round of thoughts:
What happens to people who eat twice as much as they are supposed to during the time they are awake? They weigh almost twice as much as they should, depending on their activities and metabolism.
Crowley goes into detail on how he only uses only a slight, slight bit of hashish to aid in meditation. Went through exactly what you are going through I did, around ten years ago.
Giving it up was horrible, it was like losing a wife or something. Going back to it, in very, very small amounts, the effect is more to stimulate, (with all the added creativity,) and after the most powerful effects are experienced, tired was I not, on "coming down". It was a completely different substance to me after learning to use it in correct moderation, as you seem to have learned to imbibe your hops and barley libation.
Tell you what, I'll make a bet, that if you get a small bag of your regular cannabis, and smoke the amount of half a pencil eraser or smaller, (take one very small hit after just barely touching the bowl with fire, not at all enough to make thee cough,) that ye would enjoy the experience, and look at this most miraculous plant ally in a different light.
Force and Fire
Strength and Sight
These are for the servants of the Star
And of the Snake93
@jefffaus said
"I will drink wine very rarely. Something in it gives me a headache. I personally like drinking beer and I like just about all beer from Pabst Blue Ribbon to Guinness. I find that when buzzed on alcohol and pot I am better at doing my art work because I am more relaxed. I drink beer mainly as a beverage and do not abuse it. I find that when I smoke pot I am more creative but I tend to become lazy about doing my more mundane activities such as doing laundry and keeping my house clean.
I haven't done psychedelics in 20 years or cocaine either. I am giving up pot because when I drink alone I wake up the next day refreshed but when I smoke pot and drink I have trouble getting up in the morning. I do almost all of my magical workings and meditations sober because I do my magick during the day while my kids are in High School. I do magick to strengthen my will and to make my will be done. I am weak willed when it comes to cigarettes and I have to admit I enjoy them immensely and am totally addicted to them."Lol then you have never had genesee cream ale.
If you saw where in the river they drew the water from.....down the street from numerous chemical would know why us locals wont even give it to our enemies...Most street pot now adays is heavily laced with opiates and other [censored], it isnt harmless and is very addicting, and I got this info from narcotic investigators, medical doctors, dealers themselves, and my personal expierence after my mom, who only smokes pot, went into severe opiates withdrawl when she was in the hospital for three days.
I haven't smoked pot in over a week now and giving it up was easy. I only smoked pot with a friend of mine a couple times a week for free. He smokes it dailly and is very lazy. Despite being very handy he had to move from his house because he let it fall completely apart on him and never took the time to repair it.
I got sick of listening to my friend brag about things I know weren't true. He was a legend in his own mind. That was my first reason for giving it up. My nose was running at his house and I asked for a tissue and he bitched about me bumming expensive tissue from him just after he got done bragging he made $7000 in two weeks at his business.