Oh my, yes. Counting doses is the only way to fully arm yourself when you are dependent on it and trying to control the use of it.
Food is number one on this. Food is the main reason people do not live to be 130 today. If a toddler was given proper medicine, and ate only natural foods, (I will leave out my opinion on meats and fish,) from the time he was born, with no synthetics and no preservatives, I believe this would be an easy estimate to achieve for the human race.
However, they are putting the same synthetic, harmful preservatives into food that have much more use in industrial chemistry and the like, then to turn someone's insides into a jar of formaldehyde.
Really though, the stuff is great when things are dead. (No, I don't have a special fridge in the back or anything 😄 ) But when you start drinking it you won't live for long.
Strange story: My dad served in vietnam and was stationed in Thailand. There was a wine there called "running deer", containing formaldehyde, that a few GIs drank. The formaldehyde, weather smoked or drank, produces a stupor without positive effects as alcohol has. It is more of a lack-of-oxygen thing from what I understand.
One young GI was in the hospital next to my Dad, and he was 18 but looked 40ish or 50ish. His girlfriend brought him running deer in the hospital, a thai girl he had probably met and was fooling around with. Not my Dad, the young man.
For sure if he was not sent home right away, he would have died from the ingestion of formaldehyde.
Counting doses of McDonald's is a Universe apart from counting doses of a little C or H or M, or even cigarettes.
I followed Crowley's advice in DOADF, and after a few months of counting doses of opiates, I was not in need of them anymore. I started counting doses of everything that I did, and ended up not smoking, not drinking too much, and not eating too much.
"Take suck thereof, oh my Chosen, take suck? That little creature shall fill you with the juice of vacuity. Thou, even thou, art that Creature."
A little advice from our Prince.