Dear Alrah,
thank you, I'm looking into it...
Dear everyone else...
I fully understand where everyone is coming from. Don't mistake my passion for anger i carry no ill feelings. Edward Mason has made many great points (so have others) and i enjoy the discussion. What i speak of will not happen overnight it is a slow rebuilding process. (well first decelerating the destruction then rebuilding)
I have noticed a lot of focus on wild livestock and game. I am in no delusion that there is not enough animals left for the present demand for it. But where there are obstacles there are solutions. There are people and organizations who have collected millions of different seeds preparing for the tough times now and in the future. (world seed bank for one)
Please don't think this is off-topic but if we changed our crops to cannabis which is the most versatile growing plant in the world (the only thing that can grow anywhere in the world.) The seeds happen to be the most nutritional food source on the planet containing every essential amino acid and essential fatty acid and a perfect balance of protein carbohydrates and fat. It was historically farmed in times of great famine. It truly could feed the world and is very easy to farm. And there happens to be a large market for seeds.
and again I'm really passionate that this can become a reality. Will it? at this time i say no or at least not right away. I do believe that it is possible not quite practical or even logical (for some people at least) anyways i'm done on the subject..