I am by no means talking about Byronic/Anne Rice vampires here.. what I am talking about is the Archtype of the Vampire that could be used to point to other psychic/magickal areas of exploration and possibly a method of initiation.
and in this exploration, the defining principles seem to be a compulsion or hunger to move energy from another persons subtle body to the person with said hunger... for whatever reason. By doing so the "vampire" or "leach" hopefully would learn to put that psychic energy to use.
and the Tibetans did have their spiritual Vampires. They called them Heruka (which meant Blood Drinkers) and they were known as Wrathful Dieties, but were enlightened beings in Vajrayana Buddhism.
The opinions and judgements on that in and of itself I find a bit disturbingly close minded coming from Thelemites who believe in the Law of Thelema.
And until you stop using all animal products, your just as much a predator as I am. The fact is, life must consume life to live.
and no where in the conversation did I ever claim to be any sort of Anne Rice or Byronic mythological Vampire. Those intiated into certain Thelemic Sex Magick practices probably practice that type of Vampirism a lot more than I do!
but I suppose we could go back to discussions of Evoking Demons and Angels to visible appearance, traveling out of bodies to other realms and dimensions, various methods of breath control and the repetition of names somebody decided had power to create the ability to have Knowledge and Conversation with a Superior Being that is actually Yourself but not totally You... but upon experiencing it you will move to another stage of human evolution.
You do realize that to the outside observer, such things sound much more insane and ridiculous to the un-initiate than the idea that someone might have the compulsion to move energy into their subtle body using other methods then the act of eating and drinking. (foods and liquids) for whatever reason...
just as you tell that person that "There are other options, such as looking for a way to process the life force directly, rectify the imbalance.. etcetera. Someone who is addicted to a drug can keep taking the drug or take measures to stop its use. " I could very well tell you to stop all the Liber Resh's and Pentagram Rituals your doing and go get some therapy and read a few Tony Robbins books.. (not bashing those practices of course, I do them too.. just making a point)
Your taking an animal (or plants) lifeforce to live... perhaps the young vampire feels he is doing the same yet with energy. Perhaps the trained vampire is simply moving lifeforce without harming anybody to assist in his own personal evolution. Who are we to say, unless we ourselves are of that condition which some call "Vampire" (and perhaps others call Heruka hehe). Haven't met a so called "psychic vampire" yet that has claimed to drain someone's life force to deeply that the person died. I actually question if that would even be possible...
Just adding my opinions here as I am a Thelemite, but I've also studied the subject and have been initiated into Traditions that actually worked with the stuff and when people start saying "oh thats ridiculous!" "how can you take that seriously!" let me remind you of the type of board you are on... seriously its like saying "oh yeah, Mage the roleplaying game is real! you just have to understand you can't really throw fireballs! but Vampires? what a crock..."
(and yes every culture in the world has had vampire myths... I personally believe that like many things in mythology, it points to real truths)
there is a lot of b.s. out there really.. but lets not ridicule other traditions just b/c Crowley never taught it. (well other than that 8th degree thing). I don't think he taught Spare's methods of sigilization either, but I have found it to be quite effective IN EXPERIENCE!