More like attempt to conspire with a person or persons not legally recognized to exist, for purpose of political assassination.
Rather the same as if I were to send out post cards asking the Illuminati to Kill some one for me. This would probably be illegal on some grounds, as a hate speech or an enticement to have some one Kill and claim to be working for the Illuminati.
When the Abortion Doctor was killed, I bet the man who killed him claimed to be doing Gods work, the minister admits to having asked God to kill the man. Thus by both admissions, they conspired with a third party to commit a murder. (How do we know the killer did not hear the ministers prayers and took in fulfill them himself), Charlie Manson was convicted for making passing remarks, that his over eager followers decided to surprise him by making his murder wishes come true.
Those who pray for the death of others it would seem are more likely to lead to violent behavior in others, than say the violent films that the same Christians want to censor. Maybe we should put a parental warning and a rating system on Prayers.