@gmugmble said
@Jim Eshelman said
"Treated as Hebrew, they enumerate to 406, the same as the word Tav,"
Also, the word "Attah". So does that mean when performing the Qabalistic Cross, one begins in effect by opening the gates of "Hell"?"
No - not all words with the same enumeration frame the main characteristics of that number, but the really important ones establish its basic nature.
By expressing Tav, one thing both the Qabalistic Cross and the phrase under discussion have in common is that they both articulate a cross, a four-fold extension from a center idea - and "cross" is the simple meaning of Tav.
This could digress into a separate discussion - perhaps started elsewhere? - of what we might examine to get the root idea of a given number. IMO the main points are: (1) The prime factors of the number. (2) Other key mathematical roots and relationships such as summations. (3) How the numeral is written in Hebrew, with the meanings distinctive of its letters. (4) The few most important words with the same numeration.
In the case of 406, ThV (Tav) is the way the numeral is written in Hebrew, and it can be more deeply understood by placing The Univers and The Hierophant side by side and meditating on them. It's prime factors are 2 x 7 x 29, so we can see ideas of Chokmah, Netzach, and Qoph (an interesting lineup on the Tree!) flowing into the single idea. Also, Tav is intimately related to 7 in another way, since the sum of the first 7 positive integers is 28, and the sum of 1 through 28 is 406. Related to the latter, we have to note that it is the Mystic Number of the Path of Tzaddi. Of its most important numerative correspondences, probably the most important are ThV and AThH already mentioned, with secondary words that support some of the themes above such as ADVN KL-HARTz, "Lord of all the earth," and ShVQ which, among other things, means "to desire." (Ther eare others.) Without synthesizing all of this, I submit that these are the core ideas from which a basic understanding of 406 would be based.