Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
I've been doing thought control practice for about a week (not-thinking in particular) and have gotten what I assume are outstanding results. Many resources tell me that it should be very difficult (The Equinox, Liber MMM, and many other works that speak of thought control), but I seem to have no problem "zoneing out" into these trances. And I've noticed recently that whenever I hear or speak the name of a god or archetype I feel a very odd chill crawl up my body (when vibrated, I can almost feel a presence). Is this normal at my stage of practice?
I've always felt a strange --eh, how should I say?-- power, I guess, within me (desperatly trying to humble myself here, sorry if it doesn't sound right); it is infact the very reason I started to look into the occult years ago. And these practices are definately bringing me closer to that feeling. I suppose what I'm asking is if one can be natually "gifted" in magick.
Have any of you felt that you advance at a quicker rate than you should "normally"?