Lykathea ,
I think there is a personal equation at work for each of us, and it involves the collision of soul and life situation. The later includes all the forces of inherited culture and the so-called accidents of ones life, or Karma. The soul on the other hand brings its own tendencies with it.
A person who is predisposed to take his responsibilities lightly, for all or any of the above reasons, will not need Thelema or the injunction to "do what thou wilt" to help them abandon any and all traditional responsibilities. And despite all expectations of ones environment, it's possible for the tendencies of the incarnated soul, alone, to override any consideration. This person may then be viewed as a pariah in more traditional cultures, but that will change nothing—they will do what they will do.
For someone else, the equation will imply another course of action. I don't think there can be any thing right or wrong about any of the possible ways to negotiate these things. The world is changing, but it hasn't totally changed to something other just yet, so I am going to assume some people will be better off fulfilling their cultural responsibilities, and others not. There is no hard and fast rule.
Love and Will